European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 1 EU Activities on Hydrogen l Energy consumption and CO 2 emission l Alternative fuels development l Hydrogen perspectives l EU support to hydrogen development
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 2 Trends in Energy Consumption Oil remains main energy source Natural gas increases its share considerably Renewable energy sources remain at low level EU-25 Baseline trends
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 3 Trends in CO 2 Emissions CO 2 emissions increase after 2010 Electricity production and transport remain main emitters EU-25 Baseline trends
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 4 EU Activities on Alternative Fuels EU activities on alternative fuels are part of a policy aiming at: Security of energy supply (Energy Green Paper 11/2000) Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions(Transport White Paper 9/2001) Energy efficiency and alternative fuels are complementary Communication on alternative fuels (11/2001): Biofuels, Natural gas, Hydrogen Contact Group Alternative Fuels (Report 12/2003): Expert assessment of market development perspectives of the main alternative fuels High Level Group Hydrogen (Report 5/2003): Vision of a hydrogen economy European Technology Platform on hydrogen and fuel cells (1/2004): Facilitator to research, development and deployment Research Framework Programmes with increasing efforts on hydrogen, fuel cells Research & development & demonstration projects (e.g. CUTE hydrogen bus project)
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 5 Alternative Fuels Market Development Scenario
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 6 Contribution of Alternative Fuels 20% market share of alternative fuels provide Security of energy supply Substitution of 70 Megatonnes oil per year, Amount of total North Sea production in 2020 Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions Saving of 80 Megatonnes CO 2 per year, Amount of about 10% of total transport emissions
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 7 Main Alternative Fuels - Perspectives and Issues - Bio Fuels: Domestic resource base; mature for the broad market. economic incentives Broadening of resource base with synthetic biofuels. feedstock, logistics, pilot plants Natural gas:Diversification of resource base; potential for significant market share in the medium term. supply infrastructure, vehicle choice, economic incentives Hydrogen:Potential for main energy carrier in the long term. broad research + focused technical development; integrated (“lighthouse”) demonstration projects
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 8 Alternative Fuels Contact Group Objective Technical and economic assessment of alternative motor fuels; Priority on natural gas and hydrogen; Biomass derived synthetic fuels and LPG included. Members of expert group Fuel suppliers, car manufacturers, consumers, research institutions, civil society
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 9 Energy Consumption and CO 2 Emission - Hydrogen and conventional Vehicles - * * WTT: Well-To-Tank TTW: Tank-To-Wheels WTW: Well-To-Wheels H2H2 H2H2
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 10 Hydrogen Economics l Hydrogen fuel supply cost With most economic supply of hydrogen from natural gas steam reforming: Twice the cost of petrol (€/J). Economic with high efficiency fuel cell engine l Hydrogen infrastructure cost With economic customer base for re-filling stations: cost in the range of a few percent of the vehicle cost. Economic with staged build-up from clusters l Hydrogen vehicle cost Presently very high costs of fuel cells and tanks Large reduction required
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 11 Investment Cost for H 2 Infrastructure (10,000 filling stations) 5 million vehicles 9 million vehicles reasonable utilized filling stationlow utilized filling station
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 12 Fuel supply cost per liter gasoline equivalent LH 2 El-4: 4 cents/kWh el LH 2 El-7: 7 cents/kWh el LH 2 El-10: 10 cents/kWh el 4 cents/kWh (HV)7 cents/kWh (HV)10 cents/kWh (HV) CGH 2 Electrolysis (onsite) incl. 0.4 kV distribution: +3 cents/kWh e incl. 10 kV distribution: +1 cents/kWh e gasoline
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 13 Co-Production of Hydrogen and Synthetic Fuels from Biomass Thermal Gasification Biomass H 2 CO Gas-To-Liquid (GTL) Synthesis Biomass-To- Liquid (BTL) Fuels Hydrogen Fuel Production plants for synthetic fuels from biomasse could allow co-production of: Hydrogen / liquid Biomass-To-Liquid (BTL) fuels Synthesis gas
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 14 EU Funding for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research and Development (M€) Support in Framework Programmes FP2-FP6 ( )
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 15 Fifth Framework Programme ( ):145 M€ (About 70 projects) Sixth Framework Programme contracts in 2004:100 M€ (16 new projects) New calls with Community funding in 2005: ~ 150 M€ (Evaluation in February 2005) Growth Initiative Quick Start Projects :2.8 b€ (European Council 12 December 2003) EU Funding for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research and Development
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 16 Contracts awarded : Hydrogen production: 5 projects Hydrogen storage: 1 projects Safety, regulations, codes, standards: 2 projects Hydrogen pathways: 7 projects Hydrogen end-use: 3 projects EU funded Hydrogen Projects in Sixth Framework Programme
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 17 Hydrogen Demonstration Project CUTE - Clean Urban Transport for Europe n 27 hydrogen powered buses n Demonstration in 9 European cities (Porto, Madrid, Barcelona, London, Luxembourg, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Amsterdam and Stockholm) n Production, distribution and refueling n Exploring the potential of renewables as primary energy source n Co-operation with Iceland (ECTOS) and Australia (STEP)
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 18 European Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technology Platform Commission H/FC Project Team (Inter-service Group) Advisory Council (incl. Executive Group) Deployment Strategy (incl. policy framework) Strategic Research Agenda Public awareness Safety, codes & standards Financing & Business development Education & training Member States’ Mirror Group TP Secretariat Information Office IT Support Service Steering Panels : (possible) Initiative Groups : PLATFORM OPERATIONS New and on-going projects and initiatives (EC + MS national, regional and local) HLG Vision GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Bi-) annual Technology Platform Forum H2/ FC Roadmap
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 19 European Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technology Platform Expected deliverables: n Strategic Research Agenda (March 2005) n Deployment Strategy (March 2005) n European Roadmap for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells n Proposals for Public-Private Partnerships n Framework for Platform / policy making interaction n Strategy for international cooperation
European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 20 Future European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research and Development Programme Seventh RTD Framework Programme l Period: l Budget proposal: Doubling of Sixth Framework funds l Strategic Orientientation: COM(2004)353 of 16 June 2004 l Time schedule: l Framework programme proposal:Spring 2005 l Work programme proposal:Autumn 2005 l Adoption of both programmes:Summer 2006 l First calls for project proposals:End 2006 l New Element: Joint Technology Initiative: Large-scale public-private partnerships involving high investments, New integrated approach to RTD, Legal, technical, managerial frameworks required.