European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 1 EU Activities on Hydrogen l Energy consumption and CO 2 emission l Alternative.


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Presentation transcript:

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 1 EU Activities on Hydrogen l Energy consumption and CO 2 emission l Alternative fuels development l Hydrogen perspectives l EU support to hydrogen development

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 2 Trends in Energy Consumption Oil remains main energy source Natural gas increases its share considerably Renewable energy sources remain at low level EU-25 Baseline trends

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 3 Trends in CO 2 Emissions CO 2 emissions increase after 2010 Electricity production and transport remain main emitters EU-25 Baseline trends

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 4 EU Activities on Alternative Fuels EU activities on alternative fuels are part of a policy aiming at:  Security of energy supply (Energy Green Paper 11/2000)  Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions(Transport White Paper 9/2001) Energy efficiency and alternative fuels are complementary  Communication on alternative fuels (11/2001): Biofuels, Natural gas, Hydrogen  Contact Group Alternative Fuels (Report 12/2003): Expert assessment of market development perspectives of the main alternative fuels  High Level Group Hydrogen (Report 5/2003): Vision of a hydrogen economy  European Technology Platform on hydrogen and fuel cells (1/2004): Facilitator to research, development and deployment  Research Framework Programmes with increasing efforts on hydrogen, fuel cells Research & development & demonstration projects (e.g. CUTE hydrogen bus project)

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 5 Alternative Fuels Market Development Scenario

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 6 Contribution of Alternative Fuels 20% market share of alternative fuels provide Security of energy supply Substitution of 70 Megatonnes oil per year,  Amount of total North Sea production in 2020 Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions Saving of 80 Megatonnes CO 2 per year,  Amount of about 10% of total transport emissions

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 7 Main Alternative Fuels - Perspectives and Issues - Bio Fuels: Domestic resource base; mature for the broad market.  economic incentives Broadening of resource base with synthetic biofuels.  feedstock, logistics, pilot plants Natural gas:Diversification of resource base; potential for significant market share in the medium term.  supply infrastructure, vehicle choice, economic incentives Hydrogen:Potential for main energy carrier in the long term.  broad research + focused technical development; integrated (“lighthouse”) demonstration projects

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 8 Alternative Fuels Contact Group  Objective Technical and economic assessment of alternative motor fuels; Priority on natural gas and hydrogen; Biomass derived synthetic fuels and LPG included.  Members of expert group Fuel suppliers, car manufacturers, consumers, research institutions, civil society

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 9 Energy Consumption and CO 2 Emission - Hydrogen and conventional Vehicles - * * WTT: Well-To-Tank TTW: Tank-To-Wheels WTW: Well-To-Wheels H2H2 H2H2

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 10 Hydrogen Economics l Hydrogen fuel supply cost With most economic supply of hydrogen from natural gas steam reforming: Twice the cost of petrol (€/J).  Economic with high efficiency fuel cell engine l Hydrogen infrastructure cost With economic customer base for re-filling stations: cost in the range of a few percent of the vehicle cost.  Economic with staged build-up from clusters l Hydrogen vehicle cost Presently very high costs of fuel cells and tanks  Large reduction required

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 11 Investment Cost for H 2 Infrastructure (10,000 filling stations) 5 million vehicles 9 million vehicles reasonable utilized filling stationlow utilized filling station

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 12 Fuel supply cost per liter gasoline equivalent LH 2 El-4: 4 cents/kWh el LH 2 El-7: 7 cents/kWh el LH 2 El-10: 10 cents/kWh el 4 cents/kWh (HV)7 cents/kWh (HV)10 cents/kWh (HV) CGH 2 Electrolysis (onsite) incl. 0.4 kV distribution: +3 cents/kWh e incl. 10 kV distribution: +1 cents/kWh e gasoline

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 13 Co-Production of Hydrogen and Synthetic Fuels from Biomass Thermal Gasification Biomass H 2 CO Gas-To-Liquid (GTL) Synthesis Biomass-To- Liquid (BTL) Fuels Hydrogen Fuel Production plants for synthetic fuels from biomasse could allow co-production of: Hydrogen / liquid Biomass-To-Liquid (BTL) fuels Synthesis gas

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 14 EU Funding for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research and Development (M€) Support in Framework Programmes FP2-FP6 ( )

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 15 Fifth Framework Programme ( ):145 M€ (About 70 projects) Sixth Framework Programme contracts in 2004:100 M€ (16 new projects) New calls with Community funding in 2005: ~ 150 M€ (Evaluation in February 2005) Growth Initiative Quick Start Projects :2.8 b€ (European Council 12 December 2003) EU Funding for Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research and Development

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 16 Contracts awarded : Hydrogen production: 5 projects Hydrogen storage: 1 projects Safety, regulations, codes, standards: 2 projects Hydrogen pathways: 7 projects Hydrogen end-use: 3 projects EU funded Hydrogen Projects in Sixth Framework Programme

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 17 Hydrogen Demonstration Project CUTE - Clean Urban Transport for Europe n 27 hydrogen powered buses n Demonstration in 9 European cities (Porto, Madrid, Barcelona, London, Luxembourg, Hamburg, Stuttgart, Amsterdam and Stockholm) n Production, distribution and refueling n Exploring the potential of renewables as primary energy source n Co-operation with Iceland (ECTOS) and Australia (STEP)

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 18 European Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technology Platform Commission H/FC Project Team (Inter-service Group) Advisory Council (incl. Executive Group) Deployment Strategy (incl. policy framework) Strategic Research Agenda Public awareness Safety, codes & standards Financing & Business development Education & training Member States’ Mirror Group TP Secretariat Information Office IT Support Service Steering Panels : (possible) Initiative Groups : PLATFORM OPERATIONS New and on-going projects and initiatives (EC + MS national, regional and local) HLG Vision GENERAL ASSEMBLY (Bi-) annual Technology Platform Forum H2/ FC Roadmap

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 19 European Hydrogen and Fuel Cells Technology Platform Expected deliverables: n Strategic Research Agenda (March 2005) n Deployment Strategy (March 2005) n European Roadmap for Hydrogen and Fuel Cells n Proposals for Public-Private Partnerships n Framework for Platform / policy making interaction n Strategy for international cooperation

European Commission, Directorate-General Energy and Transport 03/06/2015 Slide 20 Future European Hydrogen and Fuel Cell Research and Development Programme Seventh RTD Framework Programme l Period: l Budget proposal: Doubling of Sixth Framework funds l Strategic Orientientation: COM(2004)353 of 16 June 2004 l Time schedule: l Framework programme proposal:Spring 2005 l Work programme proposal:Autumn 2005 l Adoption of both programmes:Summer 2006 l First calls for project proposals:End 2006 l New Element: Joint Technology Initiative: Large-scale public-private partnerships involving high investments, New integrated approach to RTD, Legal, technical, managerial frameworks required.