Educational Blogging Liz Philippi Library Systems Administration Karie Kimbley Cornerstone Academy
What is a blog? A blog (or weblog) is a website in which items are posted on a regular basis and displayed with the newest at the top Blogging can take the form of a digital journal, or diary, where the students write for an audience with a specific purpose
Why blog? Motivate student learning Annotated links for classroom resources Student assessment Reflective or writing journals Assignment submission and review Dialogue for group work E portfolios Share course related resources Teachers can network with other teachers on a professional level
Security Concerns No names No personal information District student and parent permission slips Many sites require a login and password to post Blog sites submit comments to the teacher for approval before being posted
Effective Blogging Use models Bookmark examples of well written blogs Take a class period to discuss what is an effective post Guide learning how to give and receive constructive criticism Timely feedback
Assessment in Blogging Start slowly by asking students to post once a week in response to a specific assignment Optimize the journal format by evaluating student writing over time Involve students in their own assessment, have students comment on other post Encourage students’ development of voice by giving separate grades for grammar, style, and content when involved in language arts content
Resources Educational Technology Dept. - Student and Parent Acceptable use formStudent and Parent Acceptable use form - SBISD Blogging guidelines and responsibilitiesSBISD Blogging guidelines and responsibilities What is RSS video
Examples of Educational Blogs Karie Kimbley gger_id=63224 Thornwood Library Valley Oaks Library - / /
Professional Blogs Website on how and why to use blogs in education Ning for teachers – has blogs, discussion groups, and latest information Andy Carvin on blogging _30_participate_in_stop_c_1.htmlhttp:// _30_participate_in_stop_c_1.html Secondary ELA teacher Kathy Schrock’s blog David Warlick’s blog
Professional continued Cool Cat teacher blog Teacher blogging about technology and education Educational Technology dept. blog American Presidents Dr. Bishop’s RSS feeds of blogs on libraries Vaughn Branom’s RSS feed of blogs on books
Administrator & Principal blogs A blog about a high school and it’s technology changes html html Example of a blog done by the principal for her faculty Good blog from a principal about technology use on the campus Mike Falick’s – SBISD school bd. Member
Blogger & Atomic Learning Go to Atomic Learning and log in; your username is your SBISD address and your password is “alnsbisd” Select the “Our Tutorials” tab Scroll down until you get to “Blogging Workshop” and double click on that tutorial It will walk you through all the “ins and outs” of blogging using Blogger
How to set up Google Reader Go to Google and click on the arrow next to “More” at the top of the screen – in the list select “Reader”
Create an account using an address and password of your choice
Second page in creating a Google reader account
Getting started adding blogs/sites
Click on Add and copy the address for the blog or site
This is what it looks like when you pull up your list
Presenters Information Karie Kimbley – Teacher, Cornerstone AcademyKarie Kimbley Liz Philippi – Library Systems Administrator, Library Information ServicesLiz Philippi