Greedy Algo. for Selecting a Join Order The "greediness" is based on the idea that we want to keep the intermediate relations as small as possible at each level of the tree. BASIS: Start with the pair of relations whose estimated join size is smallest. The join of these relations becomes the current tree. INDUCTION: Find, among all those relations not yet included in the current tree, the relation that, when joined with the current tree, yields the relation of smallest estimated size. The new current tree has the old current tree as its left argument and the selected relation as its right argument.
Example The basis step is to find the pair of relations that have the smallest join. This honor goes to the join T U, with a cost of Thus, T U is the "current tree." We now consider whether to join R or S into the tree next. We compare the sizes of (T U) R and (T U) S. The latter, with a size of 2000 is better than the former, with a size of 10,000. Thus, we pick as the new current tree (T U) S. Now there is no choice; we must join R at the last step, leaving us with a total cost of 3000, the sum of the sizes of the two intermediate relations.
Pipelining Versus Materialization Materialization: The naive way to execute a query plan is to order the operations appropriately: –An operation is not performed until the argument(s) below it have been performed, and –Store the result of each operation on disk until it is needed by another operation. This strategy is Pipelining: A more subtle, and generally more efficient, way to execute a query plan is to interleave the execution of several operations. –The tuples produced by one operation are passed directly to the operation that uses it, without ever storing the intermediate tuples on disk. –Typically is implemented by a network of iterators.
Pipelining Example (I) Let us consider physical query plans for the expression: (R(w,x) S(x,y)) U(y,z) Assumptions: 1.R occupies 5000 blocks; S and U each occupy 10,000 blocks. 2.The intermediate result R S occupies k blocks for some k. We can estimate k, based on the number of x-values in R and S and the size of (w,x,y) tuples compared to the (w,x) tuples of R and the (x,y) tuples of S. However, we want to see what happens as k varies, so we leave this constant open. 3.Both joins will be implemented as hash-joins, either one-pass or two-pass, depending on k. 4.There are 101 buffers available.
Example (II)
Example (III) First, consider the join R S. Neither relation fits in main memory, so we need a two-pass hash-join. If the smaller relation R is partitioned into the maximum-possible 100 buckets on the first pass, then each bucket for R occupies 50 blocks. If R's buckets have 50 blocks, then the second pass of the hash-join R S uses 51 buffers, leaving 50 buffers to use for the join of the result of R S with U. Now,suppose that k 49; that is, the result of R S occupies at most 49 blocks. –Then we can pipeline the result of R S into 49 buffers, organize them for lookup as a hash table, and we have one buffer left to read each block of T in turn. –We may thus execute the second join as a one-pass join. The total number of disk I/O's is: –45,000 to perform the two-pass hash join of R and S. –10,000 to read U in the one-pass hash-join of (R S) U. –The total is 55,000 disk I/O's.
Example (IV) Now, suppose k > 49, but k < We can still pipeline the result R S, but we need to use another strategy, in which this relation is joined with U in a 50-bucket, two-pass hash-join. 1.Before we start on R S, we hash U into 50 buckets of 200 blocks. 2.Next, we perform a two-pass hash join of R and S using 51 buckets as before, but as each tuple of R S is generated, we place it in one of the 50 remaining buffers that is used to help form the 50 buckets for the join of R S with U. 3.Finally, we join R S with U bucket by bucket. Since k < 5000, the buckets of R S will be of size at most 100 blocks, so this join is feasible. The fact that buckets of U are of size 200 blocks is not a problem. We are using buckets of R S as the build relation and buckets of U as the probe relation in the one-pass joins of buckets. The number of disk I/O's for this pipelined join is: a) 20,000 to read U and write its tuples into buckets. b) 45,000 to perform the two-pass hash-join R S. c) k to write out the buckets of R S. d) k + 10,000 to read the buckets of R S and U in the final join. The total cost is thus 75, k.
Example (V) Last, let us consider what happens when k > Now, we cannot perform a two-pass join in the 50 buffers available if the result of R S is pipelined. So, –Compute R S using a two-pass hash join and materialize the result on disk. –Join R S with U, also using a two-pass hash-join. Note that since B(U) = 10,000, we can perform a two-pass hash-join using 100 buckets regardless of how large k is. Technically, U should appear as the left argument of its join if we decide to make U the build relation for the hash join. Number of disk I/O's for this plan is: 1.45,000 for the two-pass join of R and S. 2.k to store R S on disk. 3.30, k for the two-pass hash-join of U with R S. Total cost is thus 75, k
Example (VI)
Notation for Physical Plans It can also be SortScan(R,L) if a sort based join is preferred.
Notation for Physical Plans