Obstacles to PKI Deployment and Usage – Conclusions Relevant to pki4ipsec Steve Hanna, Co-chair, OASIS PKI TC
OASIS PKI Technical Committee PKI customers, vendors, and experts –Address issues related to successful deployment of digital certificates Plans –Identify primary obstacles to PKI deployment and usage –Develop PKI Action Plan to address these obstacles –Coordinate implementation of PKI Action Plan OASIS PKI TC Role –Catalyst and coordinator for addressing PKI obstacles –Not a standards group or trade group
Survey on PKI Obstacles Top Obstacles 1.Software Applications Don’t Support It 2.Costs Too High 3.PKI Poorly Understood 4.Too Much Focus on Technology, Not Enough on Need 5.Poor Interoperability
Draft PKI Action Plan Develop specific application guidelines on PKI standards use Increase interoperability testing, possibly with branding and certification Ask application vendors what they need to provide PKI support Gather and/or enhance educational materials
Conclusions for pki4ipsec pki4ipsec addresses important customer problems –We need more efforts like this Customers want PKI to support multiple applications –Don’t do anything to impede that Comments on Draft PKI Action Plan welcome through December 31 –