On DAQ of T-1019 Y. Horii 25th Dec. 2011. DST of T-1019 expXX.runYYYY. spillZZZZ.TIME.fiber0 DST0 (binary files)DST1 (ROOT files) eXXrunYYYYm0.dst1 (waveform,


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Presentation transcript:

On DAQ of T-1019 Y. Horii 25th Dec. 2011

DST of T-1019 expXX.runYYYY. spillZZZZ.TIME.fiber0 DST0 (binary files)DST1 (ROOT files) eXXrunYYYYm0.dst1 (waveform, etc.) DST2 (ROOT files) eXXrunYYYYm1.dst1 (waveform, etc.) eXXrunYYYYm2.dst1 (waveform, etc.) eXXrunYYYY.tracker (?) eXXrunYYYY.camac eXXrunYYYYm0.dst2 (waveform, etc.) eXXrunYYYYm1.dst2 (waveforms, etc.) eXXrunYYYYm2.dst2 (waveforms, etc.) DST0 → DST1: transformation from binary files to ROOT files. DST1 → DST2: pedestal subtraction for waveforms. m0: module 0 m1: module 1 m2: module 2 no changes expXX.runYYYY. spillZZZZ.TIME.fiber2 expXX.runYYYY. spillZZZZ.TIME.fiber1 expXX.runYYYY. spillZZZZ.TIME.camac expXX.runYYYY.spillZZ ZZ.TIME.tracker (?)

DST of T-1019 eXXrunYYYY.dst3 or eXXrunYYYYpZZ.dst3 (waveform, camac data, and tracker data) DST3 (ROOT files)DST4 (ROOT files) DST2 → DST3: Combine all ROOT files. Gain and time calibrations for waveform. DST3 → DST4: Extract photons. TTree not for channels but for photons. Divide to eXXrYYYYpZZ.dst3 if the size is larger than about 2 GB (maybe larger than 2000 events). eXXrunYYYY.dst4 (photon data, etc.) Divided eXXrYYYYpZZ.dst3 are combined. Still need more works for the calibration. Files of DST3 and DST4 will be updated time by time.

DST4 format [EventTree] Int_t EventNumber; Int_t NTracks; Int_t NData; Int_t NPhotons; [TrackTree] Int_t EventNumber; Float_t x0, y0, z0; Float_t px0, py0, pz0; Float_t x1, y1, z1; Float_t px1, py1, pz1; Float_t x, y, z; Float_t px, py, pz; Float_t tlen; Float_t charge; Int_t lund; Int_t QbarID; Float_t time; Float_t ltime; Float_t LLpi, LLK, LLMu; [DataTree] Int_t EventNumber; Int_t PMT_ID Int_t Chanel_ID; Int_t General_ID; Float_t Time; Float_t Charge; Float_t x, y, z; Float_t t; Float_t gx, gy, gz; Float_t E; Int_t QbarID; Int_t flag; Float_t length; Float_t LLpi, LLK, LLMu; [PhotonTree (MC only)] Float_t x, y, z Float_t t; Float_t kx, ky, kz Float_t E; Float_t length; Int_t nAdhesive1, 2, 3; Int_t nPMTAdhesive1, 2; Int_t nQuartz1, 2, 3; Int_t nWedge; Int_t nSteps; [CounterTree] Int_t EventNumber; Int_t ID; Int_t ADC; Int_t TDC; [MCCounterTree] Int_t EventNumber; Int_t ID; Int_t hit[n]; (?) Black: data and MC Red: only data Green: only MC [RunTree] Int_t ExpNumber; Int_t RunNumber; Int_t NEvents; Int_t DataType; Float_t BeamAngle[2]; Float_t Threshold; Char_t PedestalFilename; Char_t CalibFilename; UInt_t ASIC_ID[4][4]; Float_t Seed;

RunTree ExpNumber: number of experiment. RunNumber: number of run. NEvents: number of events in the run. DataType: type of data. 0 for MC and 1 for data. BeamAngle: beam angle in radian. [0] for theta and [1] for phi (theta in Belle II coordinate and phi = 0 for perpendicular beam to the quartz bar). Threshold: threshold used for photon hit identification. PedestalFilename: file name for pedestal subtraction. CalibFilename: file name for calibration. ASIC_ID: array for identifying ASIC daughter cards. Seed: seed used for MC generation. [RunTree] Int_t ExpNumber; Int_t RunNumber; Int_t NEvents; Int_t DataType; Float_t BeamAngle[2]; Float_t Threshold; Char_t PedestalFilename; Char_t CalibFilename; Int_t ASIC_ID[4][4]; Float_t Seed; Black: data and MC Red: only data Green: only MC

EventTree EventNumber: number of event. NTracks: number of tracks in the event. NData: number of detected photons in the event. NPhotons: number of Cherenkov photons. [EventTree] Int_t EventNumber; Int_t NTracks; Int_t NData; Int_t NPhotons; Black: data and MC Red: only data Green: only MC

TrackTree EventNumber: number of event. x0, y0, z0: position of the track at the first quartz surface measured by Nagoya trackers. px0, py0, pz0: momentum vector of the track measured by Nagoya trackers. x1, y1, z1: position of the track at the first quartz surface measured by Hawaii trackers. px1, py1, pz1: momentum vector of the track measured by Hawaii trackers. x, y, z: real position of the track at the first quartz surface in MC. px, py, pz: real momentum vector of the track in MC. tlen: track length from IP to 3D point. charge: track charge (+/-1). lund: lund code. QbarID: Q-bar hitted or -1. time: time from the beginning of the event. ltime: time from the creation of the particle. [TrackTree] Int_t EventNumber; Float_t x0, y0, z0; Float_t px0, py0, pz0; Float_t x1, y1, z1; Float_t px1, py1, pz1; Float_t x, y, z; Float_t px, py, pz; Float_t tlen; Float_t charge; Int_t lund; Int_t QbarID; Float_t time; Float_t ltime; Black: data and MC Red: only data Green: only MC

DataTree EventNumber: number of event. PMT_ID: ID of the PMT which detects the photon (1-24). Channel_ID: ID of the channel which detects the photon (1-16). General_ID: general ID of PMT/channel which detects the photon corresponding to 24 PMTs x 16 channels. Time: time of photon detected. Charge: charge of photon detected. x, y, z: hit coordinate (PMT module frame). t: time of arrival. gx, gy, gz: hit coordinate (Belle II frame). E: energy of photon. QbarID: quartz-bar module ID from 1 to 16. flag: 0 for background and 1 for signal. length: track length. LLpi, LLK, LLMu: likelihoods. [DataTree] Int_t EventNumber; Int_t PMT_ID Int_t Chanel_ID; Int_t General_ID; Float_t Time; Float_t Charge; Float_t x, y, z; Float_t t; Float_t gx, gy, gz; Float_t E; Int_t QbarID; Int_t flag; Float_t length; Float_t LLpi, LLK, LLMu; Black: data and MC Red: only data Green: only MC

CounterTree EventNumber: number of event. ID: ID of the counter. 0: trigger counter 1. 1: trigger counter 2. 2: trigger counter 3. 3: trigger counter 4. 10: timing counter 1. 11: timing counter 2. 20: veto counter 1. 21: veto counter 2. 40: FTSW clock information. Only for TDC. ADC: ADC value for the counter. TDC: TDC value for the counter. [CounterTree] Int_t EventNumber; Int_t ID; Int_t ADC; Int_t TDC; Black: data and MC Red: only data Green: only MC

MCCounterTree EventNumber: number of event. ID: ID of the counter. 0: timing counter 3 (?). 1: Nagoya tracker (?). 2: Hawaii tracker (?). ADC: ADC value for the counter. TDC: TDC value for the counter. [MCCounterTree] Int_t EventNumber; Int_t ID; Int_t hit[n]; (?) Black: data and MC Red: only data Green: only MC MC indicates “multi-channel.”


PCs at FNAL PC1 (Hawaii) Rawdata. PC2 (Hawaii) Rawdata, DST1, DST2. PC3’s (Hawaii and Nagoya) Rawdata, DST1, DST2, DST3, DST4.

Waveforms for DST1 and DST2 Input sine wave (80 MHz) to PMT 1 of module 0 and 1. Pedestal subtraction seems to work well: left. If a bias voltage Vdly in the ASIC is different btw sine-wave data and pedestal data: right.

Waveforms for DST1 and DST2 Input sine-wave (80 MHz) to PMT 1 of module 0. Gain dependence on channels. Will be calibrated at DST2 → DST3. ASIC column ID = 3ASIC column ID = 2ASIC column ID = 1ASIC column ID = 0

Waveforms for DST1 and DST2 Input sine-wave (80 MHz) to PMT 2 of module 0, 1, and 2. Time dependence on channels (seen when different feed-back conditions are used?). Will be calibrated at DST2 → DST3. Module 0Module 1 Module 2

Pedestal subtraction for good channel Mean = -1.7 RMS = 3.1 (Single photon > 50) Pedestal subtracted using independent pedestal data. Pedestal distribution.

Pedestal subtraction for bad channel Not stable for some windows of ASIC.

Pedestal subtraction for bad channel 2 Mean = RMS = Similar for many channels for module 0. Will make bad-channel list to remove in the analysis.

pedestal − pedestal (same file) If the same pedestal data is used for the pedestal subtraction of a data, Script itself is working well.

DST2 and DST3 A temporary calibration (only for the time, + 2 for even samples) is applied. At samples around 64, 128, and 192, we see some structures (related to characteristics of ASIC)... Will calibrate or remove these samples. Still need more works for the calibration. Files of DST3 will be updated time by time.

Charge calibration Strategy Use sine-wave data (80 MHz). Integrate absolute ADC values over events for which different phases of the sine-wave are applied. Status Making codes. Still need more works...

Time calibration Strategy Use zero-crossing method for odd and even windows. Need an independent treatment on odd and even samples. Time difference between odd and even samples should be calibrated (need to establish method). Time difference between different channels should be calibrated (need to establish method). Status Making codes. Still need a lot of works...

For obtaining DST4 Threshold-type photon search is applied currently. Example of waveform which has photon hit candidate (threshold is set to −50). Still need more works for the calibration. Files of DST4 will be updated time by time. Hit candidateMultiple-hit candidate exp 0 run 43 (for up to 2000 events)

gif animation exp 0 run 43 (for up to 2000 events)

DST4, NData Some channels (bad channels) always find hits. exp 0 run 43 (for up to 2000 events)

DST4 (HV only for module 0) NData dependent on ID’s and time distribution. Bad channels... exp 0 run 43 (for up to 2000 events)

Link to a temporary server Several (if possible all) DST4 data will be uploaded to u.ac.jp/~yhorii.nagoya/belleii/top/beam_test11/data/dst4/