Symbol Technologies RFID as an Enterprise Solution Capture, Move, and Manage
2 Today’s Agenda Where Does RFID Fit in Symbol’s View? RFID – Current State Customers’ Challenges with RFID Competitive Overview Symbol’s RFID Plans Questions
3 Symbol/RFID Overview A cornerstone technology in the mobility and automatic data capture space Same investment and leadership in RFID technology that we provide in bar codes, portable data terminals and local area wireless technologies
4 What is Symbol?
5 Simply Stated… enterprise mobility
6 Simply Stated… capture move manage enterprise mobility MSP Management Appliance Wireless Switch RFID Technology
7 Enterprise Mobility Requirements Enterprise Mobility cannot be delivered with only point products.
8 What is Symbol?
9 Enterprise Mobility Reference Architecture
10 Enterprise Mobility Reference Architecture
11 How is Symbol Investing in RFID? 30 years of innovation and technical leadership in data capture – hand held scanners, mobile computers, and wireless networks – RFID is a natural and logical progression for Symbol Symbol will deliver end-to-end enterprise enabled systems which include RFID
12 Our Strategy Refine our insights into product requirements through participation in critical supply chain pilots in ’04 Target EPC and Supply Chain Applications Focus on RFID as part of a total enterprise mobility solution Provide strategic roadmap for 2005 and beyond
13 Symbol’s RFID Experience Symbol has been building RFID enabled terminals for close to a decade, e.g. –LF tag interrogator for hardened asset tagging (PTC 2234) –HF interrogator for food tray tracking (PPT 2800) Historically, limited acceptance of RFID technology in supply chain has constrained the market opportunity Our participation in the MIT Auto ID Center and EPC global has been an attempt to help change this
14 Auto ID Center Symbol was an active member of the MIT Auto ID Center, and participated in the creation of the EPC draft standard Symbol has been active within the EPC Global HAG and SAG, and its technical personnel have contributed directly to the ongoing development of the class 1 version 2 standard Symbol is committed to EPC as the RFID standard for supply chain applications
15 Key High Level ROI Drivers Increased Accuracy of information on location and status of good within the supply chain – from dock to final display –Tighter inventory turns Lower supply chain expense –Elimination of stock outs Increased revenue, greater customer satisfaction Reduction of human labor –Counts and recounts, lower operating expense “Goal: Continuous 100% visibility of all assets within a supply chain with no human intervention”
16 Current State Wal * Mart and DOD are driving high levels of interest in RFID, and EPC in particular Wal * Mart –Asking its top 100 suppliers to tag at the carton and pallet level by Jan. 1, 2005 –Driven by pilots in 2004 DOD –Requiring all suppliers to tag at lowest practical level by Jan. 1, 2005 –Details by June, 2004
17 Current State Tight timeframes impose challenges including: –ROI –Tags, reader deployability & manageability –Software integration challenges Symbol is focused on developing solutions that address these challenges
18 What Works Today Passive UHF EPC tags reading can be affected by: –Absorption –Interference –Tag position –Too many tags in a given time Result: read rates can vary quite significantly, depending on number of tags, materials, and reader
19 What Works Today Tagging and reading at the pallet level appear to be workable with the current generation of technology now being tested Technical innovation will be required to reliably read multiple cartons on pallets Only singulated (one at a time) carton reads have been reliably demonstrated to date, in realistic test scenarios
20 End-User Challenges “How do we manage all the devices and data? I don’t need more complexity” “This stuff needs to be reliable – as reliable as the wireless switches, mobile computers, scanners and other equipment you sell us today” “Costs need to decline” “I believe there will be an ROI in RFID, but I need to define,then build and test that ROI”
21 End-User Challenges “Read reliability needs to improve, especially for multi-item reads” “RFID needs to work seamlessly with all my other ADC technologies, such as bar code scanning “RFID technology needs to become more scalable as we begin to contemplate real deployment – antennas need to be easier to install and tune” “I would like to purchase RFID technology as part of an integrated ADC solution”
22 Identify and remove customers’ technological and system obstacles Understand implementation issues and direct R&D resources to develop solutions Challenges represent opportunities for innovation We have been in this business for 10 years – we know the hard parts Why Do We Talk About Challenges?
23 Make It work Phase 1 Make It manageable Phase 2 Make It essential Phase 3 Make It ubiquitous Phase 4 5 Phases of Technology Adoption Make It transparent Phase 5 DELIVERED
24 Competitive Overview Range of companies in the EPC market – ranging from traditional RFID players to technologically innovative startups No clear market leaders due to the nascent state of the market Many previous investments in RFID technology have been rendered moot by the emergence of EPC as the supply chain standard
25 Competitive Overview Eventual market leaders will: –Have the scope and experience to support large scale systems deployment –Invest in the core technologies required to overcome likely implementation problems –Integrate RFID as part of overall mobility/ADC solutions Symbol is uniquely positioned to meet these criteria
26 Symbol’s Product Plans We intend to be the primary provider of portable and fixed RFID readers with the data and device management software needed to make these devices function as an integrated managed infrastructure Symbol’s RFID solutions will be designed as part of complete subsystem solutions that integrate wireless, bar coding, and portable data terminal technologies We intend to develop and provide differentiated RFID reading technology, based on Symbol’s long standing R&D efforts in this area
27 The Road Map RFID integration into Cm² architecture MC-9000 Handheld reader Pilot Activity Enter the Market Add Differentiated Features Full Scale Integration Fixed Readers Device and data management Improved reading performance Customer roll-outs Advanced antenna technologies Smaller form factor readers Full suite of management features
28 Symbol’s Plans We do not plan to manufacture or sell passive RFID tags Many good choices and vendors will be available
29 Where Does RFID Fit? We see many analogues between the management and deployment challenges associated with wireless infrastructure deployment and RFID infrastructure deployment We will leverage our technical and practical experience in the wireless infrastructure space to provide manageable RFID solutions
30 Specifics We are selectively making available today prototypes of our MC9000-G ruggedized terminal, with an integrated UHF EPC interrogator This will be deployed in pilots through 2004 and productized in 2005
31 Symbol RFID Prototypes
32 What’s Different? “EPC Plus” – everything you have today PLUS EPC Designed with real-world usability in mind – not a “clip on” that will fail at deployment Lightweight antenna structure to support full shift usability Directional (60 degree forward) field generation to support read isolation Innovative antenna design/manufacture technique designed to withstand repeated 6’ drops to concrete
33 Pilot Program In 2004, we will work with a limited number of customers to deliver pilot solutions The purpose of these pilots is to support the development of ROIs, resolve implementation issues and identify future product requirements “Make it work”
34 Data and Device Management Our overall goal is to provide management of RFID data and devices as part of an integrated toolset that also manages all aspects of mobility and data capture – i.e. bar codes, portable terminals, and wireless networks These will be offered as part of an integrated enterprise-enabled suite of data and device management tools (MSS) There will be no RFID information islands
35 Fixed Readers Symbol-branded fixed RFID readers will be available in 2005 Form factors offered and exact features will be determined based on 2004 pilot program
36 Questions?