Disease Management Program Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska is pleased to announce a new program in our “Healthy Connections” health care plan for the University of Alaska. Our Disease Management program reflects the commitment of both Premera Blue Cross Blue Shield of Alaska and the University of Alaska to promote better health, more effective relationships between members and care managers—and peace of mind about your health care coverage. Better health We understand that critical health conditions can be both physically debilitating and stressful for employees. Our Disease Management program identifies members who suffer from chronic disease, provides personal and professional support, and teaches them how to more effectively manage their condition. This free and confidential program is designed to provide real benefits that help members understand, cope with and improve their condition. The simple goals: improved health and enhanced quality of life. Premera works with a trusted partner, Healthways, Inc., to administer this program. Healthways, one of the nation’s largest, most experienced disease management and care enhancement companies, currently provides its programs to more than two million people. How does the program work? After an evaluation by Premera of medical and pharmacy claims, Premera will instruct Healthways to mail a welcome packet to members who have been identified with one of the conditions covered in the program. Healthways registered nurses will also be making telephone calls to introduce the program, provide comprehensive information and answer questions. The program is designed to work in conjunction with the member’s health-care provider as well; it is designed to complement an established treatment plan. Program nurses and clinicians will work with the member to offer education and assistance in managing the specific condition, such as providing suggestions about lifestyle changes, support plans, test/exam/medication schedule reminders, and other educational resources. Follow-up support includes scheduled care calls, daily 24-hour toll-free access to health- care professionals, reminder mailings, newsletters and other supporting materials. Healthy Connections programs and resources supporting your health care needs TM UNIVERSITY OF ALASKA DISEASE MANAGEMENT PROGRAMS ■ Diabetes ■ Heart Failure ■ Coronary Artery Disease
How do I participate? To encourage members to take advantage of this opportunity to better manage their condition, and to make participation easy, qualifying members are identified by Premera and automatically enrolled in the program. Continuing participation is always voluntary, however members may opt out at the initial phone call or any time later if they wish. Is my participation kept confidential? Both Premera and the University of Alaska are concerned about the privacy of member health information. Premera makes necessary medical information available to Healthways in order to conduct the program - but individual member health information is never shared with the University of Alaska. The program is completely confidential, and members may feel assured that their personal information is used only to support the program and their own health. University of Alaska’s commitment to health The best health care is more than just a financial coverage plan—it is a commitment to maintaining and improving health for all of us. Our targeted Disease Management program for members with chronic health issues is one of the ways that Premera and the University of Alaska are working toward better health outcomes and peace of mind for members and their families. If you are contacted, we encourage you to take advantage of the opportunity to make a positive contribution to your own health. For more information about Disease Management, please visit or “I really appreciate this service. From the very first call it felt really personal, like you really care. You make diabetes real for me. It is easy to deny having it, and I have been. I now feel I will be okay.” - Diabetes program participant Premera Blue Cross is an Independent Licensee of the Blue Cross Blue Shield Association