Grid activities in Sweden Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, 14.2.2002.


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Presentation transcript:

Grid activities in Sweden Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet,

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, What is Grid?  Grid means a technology to join together computers at different locations, and to provide easy access to this capacity.  User can get access to computer capacity anywhere in the Grid.  World-wide-web  access to information  World-wide-grid  access to PC capacity  Grid can be local-national-worldwide  Initiated in the end-90’s in the US by physicists who wanted to connect together the US supercomputer centers.

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Who are interested in Grid?  All areas of basic research which deal with large amounts of data and/or large computing requirements, for example biomedicine, earth sciences, space/astrophysics, particle physics, etc.  All areas of applied research which deal with large amounts of data and/or large computing requirements, for example analysis of financial markets, industrial process optimization, industrial design, etc.

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Who are interested in Grid?  Purely commercial interests: film animation, electronic commerce etc.  IBM, Sun, Compaq, Platform Computing are some of the IT companies which have joined the Grid development.

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Swedish activities - history  PDC: participation in Globus and Condor – development of tools  March 2000 Lund workshop: first discussion on using Grid for basic research in particle physics  During 2000: DataGrid and NorduGrid projects are formed.

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Swedish activities 2001  Testbeds: building, testing and developing Grid in the framework of DataGrid and NorduGrid. Generic research in Grid-systems.  Tools: development of middleware in the framework of DataGrid. Generic research in Grid-components.  Funding of Swedish activities: EU (DataGrid), Nordunet-2 (NorduGrid)

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Sweden in the DataGrid  Swedish participation in the EU DataGrid project: VR (SWEGRID) is an associate partner to CERN.  Three-year project Total budget 9.8 MEuro (EU) Meuro (participants).  EU funding available to Sweden: 36 personmonths PDC (tools) and 18 personmonths KI (applications). Counterfinancing by PDC and KI concerning these positions.

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, WP2 Data Management, WP10 Biology Applications  PDC: Grid Data Management (WP2). Secure infrastructure and access.  KI: Biology Applications (WP10). Genomics, esp. data mining in distributed databases.  Uppsala: Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics, genome sequencing, requiring distributed databases. No EU funding.

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, WP6 Testbeds, WP8 HEP Applications  Lund U, Stockholm U and Uppsala U: Testbed and Demonstrators Work Package (WP6), HEP Applications Work Package (WP8).  Participation through the NorduGrid project, no EU funding.

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Sweden in the NorduGrid  The NorduGrid project creates a Nordic branch of the DataGrid.  The project is financed via the Nordunet2 programme.  January November Budget 2.2 MDKK. Coordinator J Renner Hansen, NBI, funds administered by NBI.  NorduGrid testbed is a part of the DataGrid Testbed Workpackage (WP6)

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, NorduGrid sites&connections

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, NorduGrid status  NorduGrid funds personnel (2/3) and small farms (few PCs) (1/3) in Lund, Uppsala, Oslo, Bergen, Copenhagen.  Three postdoc positions in Lund (B Kónya), Uppsala (M Ellert) and Oslo.  Status: farms are configured and Grid- enabled. Can perform simple applications.  Adapted, installed and tested Grid- services : Certification Authority, NorduGrid Information System, NorduGrid Virtual Organization, Grid Data Mirroring Package, GridFTP.

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Swedish activities 2002  As in 2001: Testbed and tool development in the framework of DataGrid and NorduGrid.  Funding of Swedish activities: EU (DataGrid), Nordunet-2 (NorduGrid), VR (participation in the LHC Grid prototype project at CERN).  Still no Swedish funding for activities in Sweden, despite of submitted project applications to VR, SSF and VINNOVA.

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Planned future  Swedish funding is essential to develop competence and infrastructure in the research groups and computer centers.  Sweden can contribute best to the Nordic and world-wide development with a solid and strong national research basis.  Strategic importance of Grid-competence has been emphasized by VR (SWEGRID, CERN Committee), and even acknowleged by the government.

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Planned future: Nordic Grid-Centre  In a few years, it is foreseen that a Nordic Grid-Centre will be created.  The Nordic Centre will be a so-called Tier-1 Centre with a capacity of about 1700 x (Dual 1 GHz Intel PIII) plus fileservers and tape robots.  Financial scope 150 MSEK (16MEuro).  The Centre will serve all interested fields of science.

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, NOS-N role  NOS-N has a working group to investigate the establishment of a Nordic Grid-Centre (chair L Nilsson).  As a part of this process, NOS-N is discussing about continuing the NorduGrid project for  Continued NorduGrid: funding frame 0.5 MEuro/year (4.5 MSEK), personnel and dedicated hardware. J Renner Hansen (NBI) and J Järvinen (CSC, Finland) are drafting a proposal).

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Planned future: Sweden  Expression of Interest: Development of GRID testbed in Sweden (Swedish informal GRID consortium, T Ekelöf). Generic research in Grid-systems.  Includes biomedical science, earth sciences, space/astro, high-energy physics, information sciences, computer centers.  Proposal in 2001 (SSF-KAW): personnel costs 20 MSEK, hardware 22 MSEK. Rejected.  Will be reformulated and resubmitted to VR in 2002, taking into account the synergy with the possibly continued NorduGrid project.  First phase of the Nordic GRID Centre (if in Sweden), or satellite centre (”Tier-2”).

Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Other countries?  Nordic: e.g. Finland funds Grid development through Helsinki Institute of Physics (state research) and private foundations. Funding abound 0.5 MEuro/year.  Europe: e.g. Italy 10 MEuro in 2002 (compare 27 MEuro for HEP experiments at accelerators).  EU 6th Framework Programme: Grid 40 MEuro/year for 5 years, plus 30 MEuro/year from Information Society Programme.