Grid activities in Sweden Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet,
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, What is Grid? Grid means a technology to join together computers at different locations, and to provide easy access to this capacity. User can get access to computer capacity anywhere in the Grid. World-wide-web access to information World-wide-grid access to PC capacity Grid can be local-national-worldwide Initiated in the end-90’s in the US by physicists who wanted to connect together the US supercomputer centers.
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Who are interested in Grid? All areas of basic research which deal with large amounts of data and/or large computing requirements, for example biomedicine, earth sciences, space/astrophysics, particle physics, etc. All areas of applied research which deal with large amounts of data and/or large computing requirements, for example analysis of financial markets, industrial process optimization, industrial design, etc.
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Who are interested in Grid? Purely commercial interests: film animation, electronic commerce etc. IBM, Sun, Compaq, Platform Computing are some of the IT companies which have joined the Grid development.
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Swedish activities - history PDC: participation in Globus and Condor – development of tools March 2000 Lund workshop: first discussion on using Grid for basic research in particle physics During 2000: DataGrid and NorduGrid projects are formed.
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Swedish activities 2001 Testbeds: building, testing and developing Grid in the framework of DataGrid and NorduGrid. Generic research in Grid-systems. Tools: development of middleware in the framework of DataGrid. Generic research in Grid-components. Funding of Swedish activities: EU (DataGrid), Nordunet-2 (NorduGrid)
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Sweden in the DataGrid Swedish participation in the EU DataGrid project: VR (SWEGRID) is an associate partner to CERN. Three-year project Total budget 9.8 MEuro (EU) Meuro (participants). EU funding available to Sweden: 36 personmonths PDC (tools) and 18 personmonths KI (applications). Counterfinancing by PDC and KI concerning these positions.
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, WP2 Data Management, WP10 Biology Applications PDC: Grid Data Management (WP2). Secure infrastructure and access. KI: Biology Applications (WP10). Genomics, esp. data mining in distributed databases. Uppsala: Linnaeus Centre for Bioinformatics, genome sequencing, requiring distributed databases. No EU funding.
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, WP6 Testbeds, WP8 HEP Applications Lund U, Stockholm U and Uppsala U: Testbed and Demonstrators Work Package (WP6), HEP Applications Work Package (WP8). Participation through the NorduGrid project, no EU funding.
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Sweden in the NorduGrid The NorduGrid project creates a Nordic branch of the DataGrid. The project is financed via the Nordunet2 programme. January November Budget 2.2 MDKK. Coordinator J Renner Hansen, NBI, funds administered by NBI. NorduGrid testbed is a part of the DataGrid Testbed Workpackage (WP6)
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, NorduGrid sites&connections
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, NorduGrid status NorduGrid funds personnel (2/3) and small farms (few PCs) (1/3) in Lund, Uppsala, Oslo, Bergen, Copenhagen. Three postdoc positions in Lund (B Kónya), Uppsala (M Ellert) and Oslo. Status: farms are configured and Grid- enabled. Can perform simple applications. Adapted, installed and tested Grid- services : Certification Authority, NorduGrid Information System, NorduGrid Virtual Organization, Grid Data Mirroring Package, GridFTP.
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Swedish activities 2002 As in 2001: Testbed and tool development in the framework of DataGrid and NorduGrid. Funding of Swedish activities: EU (DataGrid), Nordunet-2 (NorduGrid), VR (participation in the LHC Grid prototype project at CERN). Still no Swedish funding for activities in Sweden, despite of submitted project applications to VR, SSF and VINNOVA.
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Planned future Swedish funding is essential to develop competence and infrastructure in the research groups and computer centers. Sweden can contribute best to the Nordic and world-wide development with a solid and strong national research basis. Strategic importance of Grid-competence has been emphasized by VR (SWEGRID, CERN Committee), and even acknowleged by the government.
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Planned future: Nordic Grid-Centre In a few years, it is foreseen that a Nordic Grid-Centre will be created. The Nordic Centre will be a so-called Tier-1 Centre with a capacity of about 1700 x (Dual 1 GHz Intel PIII) plus fileservers and tape robots. Financial scope 150 MSEK (16MEuro). The Centre will serve all interested fields of science.
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, NOS-N role NOS-N has a working group to investigate the establishment of a Nordic Grid-Centre (chair L Nilsson). As a part of this process, NOS-N is discussing about continuing the NorduGrid project for Continued NorduGrid: funding frame 0.5 MEuro/year (4.5 MSEK), personnel and dedicated hardware. J Renner Hansen (NBI) and J Järvinen (CSC, Finland) are drafting a proposal).
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Planned future: Sweden Expression of Interest: Development of GRID testbed in Sweden (Swedish informal GRID consortium, T Ekelöf). Generic research in Grid-systems. Includes biomedical science, earth sciences, space/astro, high-energy physics, information sciences, computer centers. Proposal in 2001 (SSF-KAW): personnel costs 20 MSEK, hardware 22 MSEK. Rejected. Will be reformulated and resubmitted to VR in 2002, taking into account the synergy with the possibly continued NorduGrid project. First phase of the Nordic GRID Centre (if in Sweden), or satellite centre (”Tier-2”).
Paula Eerola IT seminar, Vetenskapsrådet, Other countries? Nordic: e.g. Finland funds Grid development through Helsinki Institute of Physics (state research) and private foundations. Funding abound 0.5 MEuro/year. Europe: e.g. Italy 10 MEuro in 2002 (compare 27 MEuro for HEP experiments at accelerators). EU 6th Framework Programme: Grid 40 MEuro/year for 5 years, plus 30 MEuro/year from Information Society Programme.