1 4 th SOA for E-Government Conference: Welcome and Conference Overview Fran Dougherty and Greg Linden, MITRE Hosts, Rick Tucker, MITRE Host Emeritus, and Greg Lomow, Bearing Point, and Brand Niemann, US EPA, Co-Chairs October 1-2, 2007 Theme: An Information Sharing Environment for Enterprise Architecture, Service-Oriented Architecture, Data and Information Architecture, Semantic Interoperability, and Service Systems
2 Overview 1. What 2. Who 3. Why 4. How 5. When 6. Where Note: These are the six Journalism 101 questions for those that are new or are journalists!
3 1. What Is it the fourth conference already! –May 23-24, 2006, October 30-31, 2006, and May 1-2, Theme: –An Information Sharing Environment for: Enterprise Architecture, Service-Oriented Architecture, Data and Information Architecture, Semantic Interoperability, and Service Systems.
4 2. Who Federal SOA Community of Practice in cooperation with MITRE: –Communities of Practice (CoP): What's the purpose? –To develop members' capabilities; to build and exchange knowledge. Who belongs? –Members who select themselves. What holds it together? –Passion, commitment, and identification with the group's expertise. How long does it last? –As long as there is an interest in maintaining the group. William Snyder, Building Communities of Practice. Excerpted from the article "Communities of Practice: The Organizational Frontier" in the Harvard Business Review, January-February
5 Special Recognitions at the 3 rd SOA for E-Government Conference Outstanding Contributions to the SOA CoP: –Chris Gunderson, World-Wide Consortium for the Grid (W2COG) and the GIGLite Community. Opening Keynote. Outstanding Service to the SOA CoP: –Eric Newcomer, Robert Kilker, & Michelle Davis, IONA, Closing Keynote, SOA CoP Demo 3, and Tutorial. Best Agency SOA Application: –Avi Bender and Tom Lucas, Internal Revenue Service. Best Organization SOA Application: –Dr. Jon Siegel, OMG, Dr. Burc Oral, CellExchange, Inc., & Peter Bostrom, BEA Systems. SOA Consortium / SOA Practitioner’s Guide. Best Exhibit: –Scott Campbell and Erik Peters, InterSystems. Best Presentation: –Michael Lang, Revelytix. SOA in Semantic Wikis: A Story About Communication. Best Breakout Session Presentation: –David Pawloski, SOA Software. Overcoming the SOA Network Security Fallacy.
6 For the Best Presentation at the 3rd SOA for E-Government Conference, May 1-2, 2007, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA. Special Recognition Michael Lang, Revelytix SOA in Semantic Wikis: A Story About Communication Federal CIO Council’s Service-Oriented Architectures Community of Practice (SOA CoP) Produced in Collaboration With By SOA CoP Co-Chairs, Greg Lomow, Bearing Point & Brand Niemann, US EPA SOA CoP Best Practices and Architecture & Infrastructure Committees of the Federal Chief Information Officers Council
7 2. Who Planning Committee: –Greg Lomow, SOA CoP Co-Chair and BearingPoint –Brand Niemann, SOC CoP Co-Chair and US EPA –Steve Else, SOA CoP Secretary, and Track 4 Lead –Fran Dougherty and Greg Linden, MITRE Hosts –Rick Tucker, MITRE Host Emeritus –Susan Turnbull, GSA and AIC –Judith Hurwitz, Hurwitz and Associates –Ron Schmelzer, ZapThink –Christopher Ball, CGI Federal and SOA CoP Demo
8 2. Who Planning Committee (continued): –Burc Oral, Cell Exchange and SOA Consortium –Gary Berg-Cross, EM-I, Track 1 Lead –John Salasin, NIST, Track 2 Lead –Cory Casanave, Model Driven and SOA CoP Demo –Ken Mullins, Ken Laskey, and Gabe Galvan, MITRE –Steve Olding, IAC SOA Committee and Everware - CBDI –Sam Chance and Brand Niemann, Jr., SAIC, SOA CoP Demo, and Track 3 Co-Leads
9 2. Who A Special Thank You to the: –The MITRE Corporation for hosting: Fran Dougherty, Greg Linden, Rick Tucker, and the Conference Support Staff. –Presentors, Panelists, Tutorials, and Exhibitors: 16, 28, 2, and 30+, respectively! –IAC SOA Committee (see next slide). –Attendees: For participating and sharing your valuable time and thoughts for the improvement of our CoP and its activities.
10 2. Who IAC SOA Committee: –Acting Chair: William Sweet, SAIC –Administrative Officer: Steve Olding, Everware-CBDI –Education Group: –Cultural Group: –Technical Group: John Smith, Ventera Roles in 4 th SOA for E-Government Conference: –Exhibitor - Final SOA Survey released. –Chair Breakout Session and Judge Best Presentation.
11 3. Why The Federal Government needs Communities of Practice now more than ever to improve citizen-services through a public-private partnership of: –Open Communities, –Open Information Sharing, and –Open Technology.
12 3. Why Disruption: Thriving in chaos –The traditional government model has been based on the idea that information is power and, if you keep information to yourself, you can be powerful. Today, that model seems outdated. We are discovering a new model that is based on the idea that as individuals, we can be smarter – and more powerful – by sharing information. And increasingly, technological tools allow organizations to take advantage of that intelligence network. Christopher Dorobek, Editor in Chief, Federal Computer Week, September 3, 2007, page 34.
13 4. How 4.1 The Evolution of Enterprise Architecture in the Federal Government 4.2 The Medici Effect 4.3 The President’s Management Agenda 4.4 SOA CoP Organization
The Evolution of Enterprise Architecture in the Federal Government SOA Service Systems Web Services Shared Services The “Medici Effect” Stakeholders Input and Outreach Communities of Practice Management of Change * See next slide
The Medici Effect “The Medicis were a banking family in Florence who funded creators from a wide range of disciplines. Thanks to this family and a few others like it, sculptors, scientists, poets, philosophers, financiers, painters, and architects converged on the city of Florence. There they found each other, learned from one another, and broke down barriers and cultures. Together they forged a new world based on new ideas – what became known as the Renaissance.” –Frans Johansson, The Medici Effect, Harvard Business School Press, 2006, pages 2-3.
The Medici Effect The Medici Effect: –“When you step into an intersection of fields, disciplines, or cultures, you can combine existing concepts into a large number of extraordinary ideas.” (recall slide 19) –“We have met teams and individuals who have searched for, and found, intersections between disciplines, cultures, concepts, and domains. Once there, they have the opportunity to innovate as never before, creating the Medici Effect.” Frans Johansson, The Medici Effect, Harvard Business School Press, 2006, page 186.
The President’s Management Agenda The President Urges Agencies to Work Together: –“Our success depends on agencies working as a team across traditional boundaries to better serve the American people, focusing on citizens rather than individual agency needs … I thank agencies who have actively engaged in cross-agency teamwork, using E-Government to create more cost-effective and efficient ways to serve citizens, and I urge others to follow their lead.”
The President’s Management Agenda Dick Burk’s Seven Rules for Using EA: –1. Be proactive –2. Reuse what is in place –3. Demonstrate courage (see next slide) –4. Operate collaboratively –5. Talk business, not IT –6. Mission drives architecture –7. Look for assistance beyond the organization Seven Rules for Using EA, IDGA’s 5th Annual DOD Architectures Summit, April 11, 2007, Dick Burk, Chief Architect and Manager, Federal Enterprise Architecture Program, OMB
The President’s Management Agenda Dick Burk’s Seven Rules for Using EA: –3. Demonstrate courage: Enterprise architects are, by definition, change agents and this takes a certain amount of courage. Architects must be willing to accept responsibility for outcomes and influence people (in some cases "ruffle feathers") outside of their immediate span of control. Enterprise architects are senior leaders in their organization and should never be satisfied with merely creating good EA artifacts. Seven Rules for Using EA, IDGA’s 5th Annual DOD Architectures Summit, April 11, 2007, Dick Burk, Chief Architect and Manager, Federal Enterprise Architecture Program, OMB
SOA CoP Organization PeopleBusiness Information Technology Information SOA Architecture & Infrastructure SOA CoP Knowledgebase SOA CoP Demo Phases 1-4SOA Tutorials Goal 1* Goal 2 Goal 3 Goal 4 The “Medici Effect” Stakeholders Input and Outreach * See next slide.
SOA CoP Organization Federal Chief Information Officer Council Strategic Plan (FY ) Goals: –Goal 1. A cadre of highly capable IT professionals with the mission critical competencies needed to meet agency goals. –Goal 2. Information securely, rapidly, and reliably delivered to our stakeholders. –Goal 3. Interoperable IT solutions, identified and used efficiently and effectively across the Federal Government. –Goal 4. An integrated, accessible Federal infrastructure enabling interoperability across Federal, state, tribal, and local governments, as well as partners in the commercial and academic sectors.
SOA CoP Organization Formed January Produced Three Conferences, Working Demonstrations, and a Knowledgebase Provide a Federal Jump Start Kit with an Open Source Enterprise Service Bus (ESB) and Other Free Tools to Promote An Information Sharing Environment: –An ESB is the communications nerve center services in a SOA dochttp://colab.cim3.net/file/work/SOACoP/Demo4/SOACoPJumpStart doc Others Should Take Advantage of This for Building Open Standards-Based Electronic Data Exchanges!
SOA CoP Organization Uses an open collaborative work environment that includes a wiki, discussion forum, message archive, shared file workspace, full text search, and portal.
SOA CoP Organization
SOA CoP Organization See Fact Sheet:
SOA CoP Organization Top DownResultBottom UpResult eGov Multiple Initiative Silos Data Reference Model CoP Information Sharing Environment FEA Compliance- driven for OMB SOA CoPFederal Jump Start Kit (ESB) CIO Council Committee SilosBest Practices from Multiple CoPs Service System EPA Organizational Silos Cross- organization Knowledgebase Line of Sight Improving Citizen Services Through Service Systems: Open Communities, Information Sharing, and Technology See
27 5. When 9-9:45 AM: Opening Keynote - The Movement Towards a Service Oriented Architecture: –Judith Hurwitz, President Hurwitz & Associates, and Senior Author of the Book SOA for Dummies. 9:45-10:30 AM: SOA CoP Demo Phase 4 Summary Reports: –Federal Jump Start Kit and FUSE (IONA) –Model-Driven SOA at GSA (Model Driven and OMG) –Information Supply Chains (CGI Federal and Participating Companies) –Semantic SOA (SAIC SOA Facility)
28 5. When 11 – 12 noon: –SOA Roadmap Best Practices Panel (David Linthicum) 12 noon – 2 pm: –Networking Lunch and Posters/Exhibitors 2 pm: –Plenary Session: What's New 4 pm: –Preview of Day 2, Closing Keynote (David Linthicum), and Networking
29 5. When Day 2: Three Concurrent Activities with Common Break and Lunch Times: –Two Tutorials (SOA Universe and For SOA, The Future of Quality is Federated) –Four Tracks: Semantics for SOA, Metrics for Managing SOA Development Projects, From the Fabric to the User, and Event-Driven Architecture and SOA –Breakout Session (IAC SOA Committee)
30 6. Where Restrooms: –Just outside both the front and back of the Auditorium. Audience Participation: –Please Use Microphone and Face the Video Camera. Telecon: –Phone numbers and pass codes are in the Wiki page. –Please put your calls on Mute, but not Hold, because some systems introduce disruptive music.
31 6. Where Shared Screen Support: –New Feature provided by MITRE. Security: –MITRE escort required outside the conference area. –You must turn in your badge when leaving the building. Breaks and Lunch: –Atrium and MITRE Cafeteria, respectively.
32 Opening Keynote Judith Hurwitz has been a leader in the technology research and strategy consulting fields for more than 20 years. In 1992, she founded the industry-leading research and consulting organization, Hurwitz Group. Currently, she is the President of Hurwitz & Associates, a research and consulting firm with a portfolio of service offerings focused on identifying customer benefit and best practices for buyers and sellers of information technology in the United States and Europe.
33 SOA CoP Phase 4 Demos SOA CoP Demo Phase 4 Summary Reports: –Federal Jump Start Kit and FUSE (IONA)*: Michelle Davis –Model-Driven SOA at GSA (Model Driven and OMG): Cory Casanave –Information Supply Chains (CGI Federal and Participating Companies)*: Chris Ball –Semantic SOA (SAIC SOA Facility)*: Sam Chance * Complete Demos in the Breakout Session on October 2 nd
34 SOA Roadmap Best Practices Panel Organizer: SOA CoP Planning Committee Facilitator: David Linthicum, Zapthink Panelists: –SOA at the National Park Service, Thomas Charuhas, Phase One Consulting Group. –SOA for the Financial Management Line of Business, George Thomas, GSA Enterprise Chief Architect. –IBM Federal SOA Institute, Frank Stein, Manager. –SOA in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Office of the Program Manager, Information Sharing Environment, Dr. Clark Smith, Director, Technology Division (On Travel). –Essential Role of Data Architecture in Business Architecture & SOA, William Mancuso, President, Information Management Solutions Consultants and SOA Lead for Business Transformation Agency
35 Plenary Session: What's New pm: –Towards Semantic Web Creating Social Semantic Information Spaces, Stefan Decker. –Collective SOA Wisdom: A Consortium Experience and SOA and ITIL Convergence: Towards a Business Service Information Library, Burc Oral. –IAC SOA Committee and IAC SOA Committee Survey, Steve Olding and John Smith. –SOAInstitute.Org: A Peer to Peer Exchange for Service-Oriented Architecture Professionals, Gregg Rock.
36 Closing Keynote: David Linthicum The Linthicum Group ( provides world class SOA consulting to major corporations and government agencies, as well as select SOA product companies. CEO David Linthicum is the former CEO of BRIDGEWERX, and has held key technology management roles with a number of organizations including CTO of Mercator Software, CTO of SAGA Software, Mobil Oil, EDS, AT&T, and Ernst and Young. In addition, he was an associate professor of computer science for eight years, and continues to lecture at major technical colleges and universities. David keynotes at many leading technology conferences. Linthicum hosts InfoWorld's SOA Report Podcast and writes InfoWorld's Real World SOA Blog and columns in SOA World and Business Integration Journal. David authored best-selling Enterprise Application Integration (Addison-Wesley, 1999), Next-Generation Application Integration: From Simple Information to Web Services (Addison-Wesley, 2003), and the forthcoming 12 Steps to SOA (Addison- Wesley, 2007).
37 SOA for E-Government Conference, October 2 nd, 2007 Four Tracks: –Track 1: Semantics for SOA Panel, Organized by Gary Berg- Cross. –Track 2: Metrics for Managing SOA Development Projects Panel, Organized by John Salasin. –Track 3: Services: From the Fabric to the User, Organized by Sam Chance and Brand Niemann, Jr. –Track 4: Event-Driven Architecture and SOA, Organized by Steve Else. Two Half-day Tutorials: –SOA Universe, Judith Hurwitz and Rob Kelley, Hurwitz Associates. –For SOA, The Future of Quality is Federated, Steve Thomas, ITKO.
38 SOA for E-Government Conference, October 2nd, 2007 Track 1: Semantics for SOA Panel –8:30 – 8:40: Introduction to the Topics, Gary Berg- Cross, Organizer –8:40 – 9:30: Panelists Presentations: Arun Majumdar: SOA BIRDS EYE VIEW (and examples). Christopher Ball: SOA 101 & “Semantic Problems of SOA”. –A SOA Practitioner’s View. Ken Laskey: SOA Does Not Work Without Semantics! Leo Obrst: Ontology and the Pragmatic Web. Stefan Decker: How to Build an Onion. –9:30 – 10:00: Panel Discussion
39 SOA for E-Government Conference, October 2nd, 2007 Track 2: Metrics for Managing SOA Development Projects Panel –Organizer: John Salasin –Panelists: Min-Gu Lee and Carlos Amaro, Lockheed Martin/EPA; Randy Leonard, PhaseOne Consulting Group; Sanjay Hirani for Karen Kaye and Con Kenny, FAA; and Charlie Brown, IBM.
40 SOA for E-Government Conference, October 2nd, 2007 Track 3: Services: From the Fabric to the User –Organizers: Sam Chance and Brand Niemann, Jr. –Panelists: Bob Lozano, Appistry; Richard Nicholson, Paremus; Luis Derechin for Dan Malks, JackBe; and Chris Gunderson, World Wide Consortium for the Grid (W2COG).
41 SOA for E-Government Conference, October 2nd, 2007 Track 4: Event-Driven Architecture and SOA –Steve Else, Organizer. –Presentors: Steve Else, Certified Enterprise Architect; and –Thomas Beckman, Beckman Associates. Also Adrian Walker, A Wiki and SOA Endpoint for Knowledge in Open Vocabulary, Executable English.
42 Thank You The Special Recognitions will be posted (see next slides). Thank you for your support of this conference, to MITRE for hosting, and congratulations to those that received Special Recognitions. In about a month we will start a series of conference calls to discuss the evolution of the SOA CoP and planning for the 5th Conference. Please let us know if you are interested in participating. Greg and Brand, SOA CoP Co-Chairs.
43 Special Recognitions For Outstanding Contributions to SOA: –Judith Hurwitz, Hurwitz & Associates –David Linthicum, ZapThink For the Best Agency SOA Applications: –SOA at the National Park Service, Thomas Charuhas, PhaseOne Consulting Group –SOA at the General Services Administration, George Thomas, Enterprise Chief Architect –SOA in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence, Clark Smith, Director, Technology Division For the Best Industry SOA Applications: –IBM Federal SOA Institute, Frank Stein, Manager –Data Architecture in SOA, William Mancuso, SOA Lead for the Business Transformation Agency For the Best Exhibit: –Information Supply Chains, Chris Ball, CGI Federal For the Best Presentations: –Main Session: Application Fabrics: A Google-like Approach to Service-Oriented Applications and Enterprise 2.0, Bob Lozano, Appistry –Main Session: Transforming the Way the World Runs Applications, Richard Nicholson, Paremus –Breakout Session: Action Oriented Enterprise SOA - Strategy and Execution, Ajay Budhraja, IT Program Manager – Lead Architect, US Department of Labor
44 For Outstanding Contributions to SOA at the 4th SOA for E-Government Conference, October 1-2, 2007, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA. Special Recognition Judith Hurwitz, Hurwitz & Associates Federal Service-Oriented Architectures Community of Practice (SOA CoP) Produced in Collaboration With By SOA CoP Co-Chairs, Greg Lomow, Bearing Point & Brand Niemann, US EPA SOA CoP Planning Committee for the 4th SOA for E-Government Conference
45 For Outstanding Contributions to SOA at the 4th SOA for E-Government Conference, October 1-2, 2007, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA. Special Recognition David Linthicum, ZapThink Federal Service-Oriented Architectures Community of Practice (SOA CoP) Produced in Collaboration With By SOA CoP Co-Chairs, Greg Lomow, Bearing Point & Brand Niemann, US EPA SOA CoP Planning Committee for the 4th SOA for E-Government Conference
46 For the Best Agency SOA Application at the 4th SOA for E-Government Conference, October 1-2, 2007, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA. Special Recognition SOA at the National Park Service Thomas Charuhas, PhaseOne Consulting Group Federal Service-Oriented Architectures Community of Practice (SOA CoP) Produced in Collaboration With By SOA CoP Co-Chairs, Greg Lomow, Bearing Point & Brand Niemann, US EPA SOA CoP SOA Roadmap Best Practices Panel David Linthicum, Facilitator
47 For the Best Agency SOA Application at the 4th SOA for E-Government Conference, October 1-2, 2007, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA. Special Recognition SOA at the General Services Administration George Thomas, Enterprise Chief Architect Federal Service-Oriented Architectures Community of Practice (SOA CoP) Produced in Collaboration With By SOA CoP Co-Chairs, Greg Lomow, Bearing Point & Brand Niemann, US EPA SOA CoP SOA Roadmap Best Practices Panel David Linthicum, Facilitator
48 For the Best Industry SOA Application at the 4th SOA for E-Government Conference, October 1-2, 2007, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA. Special Recognition IBM Federal SOA Institute Frank Stein, Manager Federal Service-Oriented Architectures Community of Practice (SOA CoP) Produced in Collaboration With By SOA CoP Co-Chairs, Greg Lomow, Bearing Point & Brand Niemann, US EPA SOA CoP SOA Roadmap Best Practices Panel David Linthicum, Facilitator
49 For the Best Agency SOA Application at the 4th SOA for E-Government Conference, October 1-2, 2007, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA. Special Recognition SOA in the Office of the Director of National Intelligence Clark Smith, Director, Technology Division Federal Service-Oriented Architectures Community of Practice (SOA CoP) Produced in Collaboration With By SOA CoP Co-Chairs, Greg Lomow, Bearing Point & Brand Niemann, US EPA SOA CoP SOA Roadmap Best Practices Panel David Linthicum, Facilitator
50 For the Best Industry SOA Application at the 4th SOA for E-Government Conference, October 1-2, 2007, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA. Special Recognition Data Architecture in SOA William Mancuso, SOA Lead for the Business Transformation Agency Federal Service-Oriented Architectures Community of Practice (SOA CoP) Produced in Collaboration With By SOA CoP Co-Chairs, Greg Lomow, Bearing Point & Brand Niemann, US EPA SOA CoP SOA Roadmap Best Practices Panel David Linthicum, Facilitator
51 For the Best Main Session Presentation at the 4th SOA for E-Government Conference, October 1-2, 2007, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA. Special Recognition Bob Lozano, Appistry Federal Service-Oriented Architectures Community of Practice (SOA CoP) Produced in Collaboration With By SOA CoP Co-Chairs, Greg Lomow, Bearing Point & Brand Niemann, US EPA SOA CoP Sam Chance and Brand Niemann, Jr., SAIC, Organizers
52 For the Best Main Session Presentation at the 4th SOA for E-Government Conference, October 1-2, 2007, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA. Special Recognition Richard Nicholson, Paremus Federal Service-Oriented Architectures Community of Practice (SOA CoP) Produced in Collaboration With By SOA CoP Co-Chairs, Greg Lomow, Bearing Point & Brand Niemann, US EPA SOA CoP Sam Chance and Brand Niemann, Jr., SAIC, Organizers
53 For the Best Breakout Session Presentation at the 4th SOA for E-Government Conference, October 1-2, 2007, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA. Special Recognition Ajay Budhraja, US Department of Labor Federal Service-Oriented Architectures Community of Practice (SOA CoP) Produced in Collaboration With By SOA CoP Co-Chairs, Greg Lomow, Bearing Point & Brand Niemann, US EPA SOA CoP IAC SOA Committee, Steve Olding, Everware- CBDI, and John Smith, Ventera
54 For the Best Exhibit at the 4th SOA for E-Government Conference, October 1-2, 2007, at The MITRE Corporation, McLean, VA. Special Recognition Chris Ball, CGI Federal, and Team Federal Service-Oriented Architectures Community of Practice (SOA CoP) Produced in Collaboration With By SOA CoP Co-Chairs, Greg Lomow, Bearing Point & Brand Niemann, US EPA SOA CoP IAC SOA Committee, Steve Olding, Everware- CBDI, and John Smith, Ventera