Franklin Consulting Ubiquitous and mobile computing Tom Franklin Franklin Consulting We will strive for high quality programme management and effective communication between students and staff and develop systems that effectively support students in their learning.
Franklin Consulting Ubiquitous computing All City space will be considered as ‘learning space’ unless specifically designated otherwise”
Franklin Consulting Ubiquitous computer usage 87% of students reporting more communication with staff, colleagues, classmates, and between staff and students 43% of students making more access to source materials via the Internet 35% of students having more opportunities to practice and analyse only 20% of students reporting better presentations
Franklin Consulting Mobile computing There will be opportunities for personal, professional and academic development for both staff and students
Franklin Consulting Mobile computing An `experimental/research’ focussed teaching space will be created to support staff in the development and maintenance of their teaching skills
Franklin Consulting Wireless networking All City space will be considered as ‘learning space’ unless specifically designated otherwise
Franklin Consulting "Freshers who've majored in eBay" THES 2 June 2006
Franklin Consulting computers
Franklin Consulting Web 2.0 'an attitude not a technology.' The environment will be flexibly and creatively designed to support a range of approaches to and types of learning
Franklin Consulting Blogs To improve the student learning experience through the adoption and effective use of personal development plans
Franklin Consulting Wikis Programmes will be relevant to business and the professions
Franklin Consulting Flikr Students will be supported by … student led personal development files
Franklin Consulting
Franklin Consulting Personal learning environments Students will be supported by a high quality tutoring system
Franklin Consulting e-portfolios Portfolio development will also be encouraged
Franklin Consulting The net generation: myth or reality?
Franklin Consulting Conclusion Many of these changes will happen Embrace them or fight them Plan for them Think of how they can enhance teaching and learning - nothing else really matters.
Franklin Consulting Ubiquitous and mobile computing Tom Franklin Franklin Consulting We will strive for high quality programme management and effective communication between students and staff and develop systems that effectively support students in their learning.