1 Internet-Scale Systems Research Group (ISRG) Eric Brewer, David Culler, Anthony Joseph, Randy Katz Computer Science Division, EECS Department University of California, Berkeley, CA Cellular “Core” Network S. S. 7 NinjaICEBERG Millennium Endeavour
2 Emerging Internet Service Business Model Global Packet Network Application-specific Overlay Networks (Multicast Tunnels, Mgmt Svrcs) Application-specific Servers (Streaming Media, Transformation) Internetworking (Connectivity) Appl Infrastructure Services (Distribution, Caching, Searching, Hosting) Applications (Portals, E-Commerce, E-Tainment, Media) ISP CLEC ASP Internet Data Centers AIP ISV
3 Observations Multimedia / Voice over IP networks –Lower cost, more flexible packet-switching core network –Simultaneous support for delay sensitive and delay insensitive flows via differentiated services Intelligence shifts to the network edges –Third-party functionality downloaded into Information Appliances like PalmPilots Programmable intelligence inside the network –Proxy servers intermixed with switching infrastructure –Mobile/extensible code, e.g., JAVA: “write once, run anywhere” –Rapid new service development –Speech-based services
4 ISRG Research Focus Infrastructure Services –Scalability –Availability –Pervasive Computing –Mobility –Proxies/Transcoders/Network Agents –Active Services Security and E-Commerce Novel Applications and Architectures
5 Project Synergies ICEBERG Computer-Telephony Integration Service Creation ICEBERG Computer-Telephony Integration Service Creation Millennium Campus-Area Distributed Clusters Millennium Campus-Area Distributed Clusters NINJA Scalable, Secure Services in the Network NINJA Scalable, Secure Services in the Network Endeavour Post-PC Explorations Vastly Diverse Devices Oceanic Data Utility Sensor-Centric Data Mgmt Negotiation Architecture Tacit Knowledge I/F Intelligent Classrooms Design Methods Endeavour Post-PC Explorations Vastly Diverse Devices Oceanic Data Utility Sensor-Centric Data Mgmt Negotiation Architecture Tacit Knowledge I/F Intelligent Classrooms Design Methods
6 Millennium Project Goals Enable major advances in Computational Science and Engineering –Simulation, Modeling, and Information Processing becoming ubiquitous Explore novel design techniques for large, complex systems –Fundamental Computer Science problems ahead are problems of scale Develop fundamentally better ways of assimilating and interacting with large volumes of information –and with each other Explore emerging technologies –networking, OS, devices
7 Ninja Project Goals Create a framework that enables programmatic generation and composition of services from strongly typed reusable components Key Elements –Structured architecture with a careful partitioning of state »Bases, Active Routers, and Units –Wide-area paths formed out of strongly-typed components »Operators and Connectors –Execution environments with efficient, but powerful communication primitives »Active Messages + capsules »TACC + persistence + customization
8 ICEBERG Project Goals Demonstrate ease of new service deployment –Packet voice for computer-telephony integration –Speech- and location-enabled applications –Complete interoperation of speech, text, fax/image across the four P’s: PDAs, pads, pagers, phones) –Mobility and generalized routing redirection Demonstrate new system architecture to support innovative applications –Personal Information Management »Universal In-box: , news, fax, voice mail »Notification redirection: e.g., , pager –Home networking and control of “smart” spaces, sensor/actuator integration »Build on experience with A/V equipped rooms in Soda Hall
9 Experimental Testbed SimMillennium Network Infrastructure GSM BTS Millennium Cluster WLAN / Bluetooth Pager IBM WorkPad CF788 MC-16 Motorola Pagewriter Soda 326 Soda “Colab” 405 Soda Velo Smart Spaces Personal Information Management H.323 GW Nino
10 The Future: Internet-based Open Services Architecture “Today, the telecommunications sector is beginning to reshape itself, from a vertically to a horizontally structured industry. … [I]t used to be that new capabilities were driven primarily by the carriers. Now, they are beginning to be driven by the users. … There’s a universe of people out there who have a much better idea than we do of what key applications are, so why not give those folks the opportunity to realize them. … The smarts have to be buried in the ‘middleware’ of the network, but that is going to change as more-capable user equipment is distributed throughout the network. When it does, the economics of this industry may also change.” George Heilmeier, Chairman Emeritus, Bellcore
11 Smart Appliances/Thin Clients Qualcomm PDQ Phone PDA PCS
12 Top Gun MediaBoard –Participates as a reliable multicast client via proxy in wireline network Top Gun Wingman –“Thin” presentation layer in PDA with full rendering engine in wireline proxy
13 Computing and Communications Platform: Millennium/NOW Distributed Computing Services: NINJA Active Services Architecture MASH Media Processing Services Distributed Videoconferencing & Room-scale Collaboration TranSend Extensible Proxy Services ICEBERG Computer-Telephony Services Speech and Location Aware Applications Emerging Distributed Service Architecture ICEBERG Computer-Telephony Services Speech and Location Aware Applications Personal Information Management and “Smart Spaces”
14 Policy-based Location-based Activity-based Speech-to-Text Speech-to-Voice Attached- Call-to-Pager/ Notification -to-Speech All compositions of the above! Universal In-box Transparent Information Access
15 Room Entity Text to Command Path Cmd Composed Service Microphone Cell phone A/V Devices Response to Client Composable Services E.g., voice control of A/V devices in a “Smart Room” –Multistage processing transformation –Strongly typed connectors –Service discovery service –Automated path generation ICSI Speech Recognizer Audio Text Service
16 Bases (1M’s) –scalable, highly available –persistent state (safe) –databases, agents –“home” base per user –service programming environment Wide-Area Path Active Proxies (100M’s) –not packet routers, may be AN nodes –bootstrap thin devices into infrastructure –soft-state and well-connected NINJA Distributed Computing Platform Units (1B’s) –sensors / actuators –PDAs / smartphones / PCs –heterogeneous –Minimal functionality: “Smart Clients” Jini devices
17 ICEBERG Principles... Potentially Any Network Services (PANS) –Any service can be accessed from any network by any device; network/device independence in system design Personal Mobility –Person as communication endpoint with single identity Service Mobility –Retain services across networks Easy Service Creation and Customization –Allow callee control & filtering Scalability, Availability, Fault Tolerance Security, Authentication, Privacy
18 ICEBERG Architectural Elements ICEBERG Access Point (IAP) –Encapsulates network specific gateway (control and data) ICEBERG Point of Presence (iPOP) –Performs detailed signaling »Call Agent: per communication device per call party »Call Agent Dispatcher: deploy call agent Name Mapping Service –Mapping between iUID (Iceberg Unique ID) and service end point Preference Registry –Contains user profile:service subscription, configuration, customization Person Activity Tracker (PAT) –Tracks dynamic information about user of interest Automatic Path Creation Service –Creates datapath among participants’ communications devices
19 Transformation and Redirection IP Core PSTN Pager WLAN Cellular Network Cellular Network H.323 GW IAP Transducer Agent Redirection Agent
20 ICEBERG Signaling System Signaling System –Distributed system w/agents communicating via signaling protocol for call setup, routing, & control ICEBERG Basic Call Service –Communication of two or more call participants using any number of communication devices via any kind of media –If call participant uses more than one devices, must be used synchronously Basic Approach –Loosely coupled, soft state-based signaling protocol w/group communication –Call Session: a collection of call agents that communicate with each other
21 Signaling: Call Session Establishment Name Mapping Service Preference Registry Alice Bob Carol IAP IAP Call Agent Dispatcher Call Agent iPOP 4 Call Agent Dispatcher Call Agent iPOP 12 Call Agent Dispatcher Call Agent iPOP
22 Light-Weight Call Session Call Agent Call Agent Data Path Table Call Session Auto Path Creation Call State Table Call Agent Announce Listen Create/tear down data path Create/tear down data path Add or remove path
23 Advantages of Soft State Dynamic datapath simplification Fault detection via heartbeat messages Fault recovery: –IAP locale for hard state –iPOP based on soft state) Enables important services: –Multiparty call sessions –Service handoff
24 Service Handoff Scenario: Cell Phone to Laptop Caller IAP Callee IAP Caller IAP2 handoff from cell phone to VAT Multicast Session announce Listen announce Listen announce Listen Cell phone turned off Start new IAP
25 Service Handoff Scenario Caller IAP Callee IAP Caller IAP2 handoff from cell phone to VAT Multicast Session announce Listen announce Listen Cell phone turned off Start new IAP Simple reliability scheme IAP fault tolerant Simultaneous service handoff Multiparty calls trivial Security through encryption
26 Summary Bases Active Proxies Units Ninja Execution Environment Data Plane Operators Connectors Paths Control Plane IAP PAT PRLS APC Pref Reg Name Svc
27 ICEBERG/NINJA Conclusions Emerging Network-centric Distributed Architecture spanning processing and access Open, composable services architecture--the wide-area “operating system” of the 21st Century Beyond the desktop PC: information appliances supported by infrastructure services--multicast real- time media plus proxies for any-to-any format translation and delivery to diverse devices Common network core: optimized for data, based on IP, enabling packetized voice, supporting user, terminal, and service mobility
28 Information Technology Expeditions: “Endeavour” To strive or reach; a serious determined effort (Webster’s 7th New Collegiate Dictionary); British spelling Captain Cook’s ship from his first voyage of exploration of the great unknown of his day: the southern Pacific Ocean ( ). –These voyages brought brought more land and wealth to the British Empire than any military campaign –Cook’s lasting contribution: comprehensive knowledge of the people, customs, and ideas that lay across the sea –“He left nothing to his successors other than to marvel at the completeness of his work”
29 The Endeavour Expedition: Devices in the eXtreme Evolution Information Appliances: Scaled down desktops, e.g., CarPC, PdaPC, etc. Evolved Desktops Servers: Scaled-up Desktops, Millennium Revolution Information Appliances: Many computers per person, MEMs, CCDs, LCDs, connectivity Servers: Integrated with comms infrastructure; Lots of computing in small footprint Display Keyboard Disk Mem Proc PC Evolution Display Camera Smart Sensors Camera Smart Spaces Computing Revolution WAN Server, Mem, Disk Information Utility BANG! Display Mem Disk Proc
30 Endeavour Technical Approach Information Devices –Beyond desktop computers to MEMS-sensors/actuators with capture/display to yield enhanced activity spaces Information Utility Information Applications –High Speed/Collaborative Decision Making and Learning –Augmented “Smart” Spaces: Rooms and Vehicles Design Methodology –User-centric Design with HW/SW Co-design; –Formal methods for safe and trustworthy decomposable and reusable components “Fluid”, Network-Centric System Software –Partitioning and management of state between soft and persistent state –Data processing placement and movement –Component discovery and negotiation –Flexible capture, self- organization, and re-use of information
31 Interdisciplinary, Technology- Centered Expedition Team Alex Aiken, PL Eric Brewer, OS John Canny, AI David Culler, OS/Arch Joseph Hellerstein, DB Michael Jordan, Learning Anthony Joseph, OS Randy Katz, Nets John Kubiatowicz, Arch James Landay, UI Jitendra Malik, Vision George Necula, PL Christos Papadimitriou, Theory David Patterson, Arch Kris Pister, Mems Larry Rowe, MM Alberto Sangiovanni- Vincentelli, CAD Doug Tygar, Security Robert Wilensky, DL/AI
32 Participating ISRG Sponsors Service Companies Computer Companies Communications Companies