1 Final Review SUTRA: Sustainable Urban Transportation Final Review Gdansk, June 23/ DDr. Kurt Fedra ESS GmbH, Austria Environmental Software & Services A-2352 Gumpoldskirchen DDr. Kurt Fedra ESS GmbH, Austria Environmental Software & Services A-2352 Gumpoldskirchen
2 Final Review Presentation Overview Agenda and Schedule SUTRA: an overview Project Administration Progress and Results Outlook and Exploitation Agenda and Schedule SUTRA: an overview Project Administration Progress and Results Outlook and Exploitation
3 Final Review Agenda and Schedule Morning session, 09:00-12:30 Introduction and framework 1Introduction, overviewESS 2Framework: indicators and scenariosFEEM 3Framework: techno-economic modelingUGE The tools 4Transportation modelingPTV 5AQ modeling: emission and modelsUAV
4 Final Review Agenda and Schedule Afternoon Session 14: :00 Case Study Applications 7 Case study overviewUAV 8 Success storiesCoG Analysis 9 Assessment and economicsTUG,FEEM 10 Analysis and benchmarkingMEI, ARPAL User Feedback 11 User perspective: Genoa City of Genoa 12 User perspective: Gdansk City of Gdansk 13 General discussion Afternoon Session 14: :00 Case Study Applications 7 Case study overviewUAV 8 Success storiesCoG Analysis 9 Assessment and economicsTUG,FEEM 10 Analysis and benchmarkingMEI, ARPAL User Feedback 11 User perspective: Genoa City of Genoa 12 User perspective: Gdansk City of Gdansk 13 General discussion
5 Final Review SUTRA Objectives to develop a consistent and comprehensive approach and planning methodology for the analysis of urban transportation problems to design strategies for sustainable cities. This includes the integration of: –socio-economic –environmental and –technological concepts –multi-criteria assessment –policy level decision support. to develop a consistent and comprehensive approach and planning methodology for the analysis of urban transportation problems to design strategies for sustainable cities. This includes the integration of: –socio-economic –environmental and –technological concepts –multi-criteria assessment –policy level decision support.
6 Final Review SUTRA methodology: 1.Indicator based approach 2.Scenario analysis 3.Simulation modeling, linking –Techno-economic model –Transportation model –Emission model –Air quality models (street canyon, city level, regional) 4.Multi-criteria assessment: –Economics, environment, public health 1.Indicator based approach 2.Scenario analysis 3.Simulation modeling, linking –Techno-economic model –Transportation model –Emission model –Air quality models (street canyon, city level, regional) 4.Multi-criteria assessment: –Economics, environment, public health
7 Final Review SUTRA methodology: In other words: SUTRA builds a MODEL SYSTEM that processes a SCENARIO of urban transportation into a set of POLICY LEVEL INDICATORS – but with all the underlying technical detail in a consistent and quantitative manner. In other words: SUTRA builds a MODEL SYSTEM that processes a SCENARIO of urban transportation into a set of POLICY LEVEL INDICATORS – but with all the underlying technical detail in a consistent and quantitative manner.
8 Final Review SUTRA: project facts Duration: July 2000 – June 2003, 36 months after contract amendment Partners: 11 (originally 12) from 10 countries incl. Argentina (UBG) Project web server:
9 Final Review SUTRA: project facts 13 major meetings of more than 2 partners incl. 7 full Board meetings 33 (of 35) Deliverables with a total of more than 1,500 pages or 15 kg) list: > 3,000 mail messages 127 data sets (of multiple files) in the document tracking system > 400 MB of data and documents on- line at the project web server.
10 Final Review SUTRA: project status WE ARE DONE ……. –Final Report, final version –Final Cost Statements –Deliverable updates –Exploitation (continuing)
11 Final Review SUTRA: achievements Methodology development Tool integration, model cascade (7 incl. fuzzy logic expert system) Case studies (6 out of 7) Assessment economics, air quality, public health Analysis, benchmarking Reporting Exploitation: on-line results, data bases and analysis tools
12 Final Review SUTRA: achievements Exploitation: on-line results and reports City data base with 70+ European cities 40+ indicators, on-line benchmarking tool SUTRA cities: all indicators and scenario results SUTRA cities: on-line city level air quality modeling, population exposure
13 Final Review SUTRA: Results Step 1: A framework of (79) indicators that define a common language, interface between the models, and the basic results for policy-level DSS
14 Final Review SUTRA: Results DRIVING FORCES (10) Demography (3) Land Use (3) Economy (4) PRESSURES (26) Transportation Demand (3) Fossil Fuel Consumption (3) Pollutant Emissions (20)
15 Final Review SUTRA: Results STATE (23) Air Quality (21) Stress Indicators (2) IMPACTS (14) Economic Costs (4) Health Impacts (5) Accidents (3) Time Loss (2)
16 Final Review SUTRA: Results RESPONSES (6) Car Occupancy (2) Public Transport Share (1) New Technology Penetration (3)
17 Final Review SUTRA: Results Step 2: Modeling tools 1.MARKAL techno-economic energy model 2.VISUM transportation model 3.TREM emission model 4.VADIS street canyon model 5.AirWare city-level air quality model 6.OFIS regional ozone model 7.Assessment tools: population exposure, public health, economics
18 Final Review SUTRA: Results Step 3: Common Scenarios Defined as relative change from the baseline Defined in terms of: Demographic, economic, technological, land use indicators
19 Final Review SUTRA: Results Step 3: Common Scenarios 1.Baseline (2000) 2.Dynamic, young, virtuous 3.Dynamic, young, vicious 4.Stagnating, old, virtuous 5.Stagnating, old, vicious
20 Final Review SUTRA: Results Common scenarios: SC1SC2SC3SC4 Demographic Changes ++-- Economic Structural Changes ++-- Technological Changes +-+- Land Use Changes +-+-
21 Final Review SUTRA: Results Step 4: City Case Studies 1.Buenos Aires 2.Gdansk 3.Geneva 4.Genoa 5.Lisbon 6.Tel Aviv 7.Thessaloniki
22 Final Review SUTRA: Results MARKAL: energy/techno-economic optimisation Technology mix, Energy consumption, Costs
23 Final Review SUTRA: Results VISUM: Transportation modeling Translates O/D matrix into Trips, vehicle frequency, speeds, ……
24 Final Review SUTRA: Results TREM: Emission model Translates fleet composition And vehicle frequencies, speed, cold starts, into emissions of: CO, SO2,NOx, PM10
25 Final Review SUTRA: Results VADIS: Street canyon model Translates emissions and meteorology, building structure into ambient air quality (dynamic, 24 hrs)
26 Final Review SUTRA: Results AirWare: City level AQ model Translates emissions And meteorology into a city-wide ambient air pollution estimate (1, 24 hrs, seasonal, yearly average)
27 Final Review SUTRA: Results OFIS: regional ozone Model Emissions (NOx, VOC) and long- term meteorology
28 Final Review SUTRA: Results Step 5: Assessment Population exposure Public health Economic assessment
29 Final Review SUTRA: Results Multi-criteria analysis: Discrete reference point approach, interactive selection of criteria (indicators) and constraints.
30 Final Review SUTRA: Results Benchmarking 70+ cities merged from several data bases, 40+ indicators
31 Final Review SUTRA: Outlook EXPLOITATION: On-line results, data bases and tools as dissemination and marketing instrument (ASP basis in ongoing eContent project Env-e-City) Approaching new cities (INTERREG, ASIA-URBS, UNEP, WHO, … direct marketing) SUTRA – the book
32 Final Review Agenda and Schedule Morning session, 09:00-12:30 Introduction and framework 1Introduction, overviewESS 2 Framework: indicators and scenariosFEEM 3Framework: techno-economic modelingUGE The tools 4Transportation modelingPTV 5AQ modeling: emission and modelsUAV