The Work of the Local Church Needy Saints Support Preachers Build Up the Saints
The Work of the Individual Christian Gal. 6:1-10 Restore Bear Burdens own and others Support Preaching Sow to the Spirit Do Good to All w/ priority to Christians
The Work of the Local Church Shared Resources Fellowship IS Contribution Sharing Partnership Communion
The local church is individual Christians sharing collective resources to engage in defined works. This is Fellowship
Only collective works and only as a local church Care For Needy Saints Anywhere II Corth. 8:1-5, Acts 11:29, II Corth. 9:1, Act4:32-35, Rom. 15:25-27 Directly Support Preachers Phil. 4:10-17, Phil. 1:7, I Corth. 9:14, I Tim. 5:17-18, Rom. 10:14-15 Build up the Saints in the local collective I Corth. 14:26, II Corth. 12:19
The individual Christian can do anything the collective can and more
The collective is only authorized to care for needy saints, support preachers directly, and build up the local body