Directory services in Nextra - experiences and future plans Kari Marvik, Nextra AS
AGENDA 1. Directory applications within Nextra 2. Directories as a compliment to services 3. Directory as infrastructure and basis for service production 4. Directory solution – special development for British Telecom Worldwide
Directory applications within Nextra - Directory as basic infrastructure for service production OUTSOURCING CONSEPT – compliment to services - Corporate White Pages Directory - Private address book PUBLIC AVAILABLE DIRECTORIES - ”Nextra Katalog” - Public Directory for addresses – consumer market - Directory for Certificates (TTP/PKI) – secure and web access SYNCHRONIZATION - Directory synchronization across geographical dispersed locations and across different directories DIRECTORY AS INFRASTRUCTURE
Corporate White Pages and Private Address Book Internet Nextra locations Customer locations CWP (X500/LDAP) Web Server Office PC Laptop or foreign PC Travel HTTP or LDAP HTTP LDAP HTTP or LDAP
Corporate White Pages and Private Address Book Update and administration –Via a customized Web interface –Flat file upload via /FTP/other …. Information and attributes available –Name, addresses, Phone numbers, Postal Addresses, Department, URL, Photo ….and much more … Automatic lookup of addresses – clients can be configured to automatically lookup addresses in the directory when starting to type name i ”TO” fields of new messages Access to reading information –Via standard LDAP clients (Netscape and MS Outlook) –Via a customized Web interface
Corporate White Pages
Directory as infrastructure - future Directory as INFRASTRUCTURE and the basis for operating, managing and providing different services to customers: Directory enabled applications Directory enabled routing Directory enables networks Single Sign On E-commerce solutions Intranet solutions Virus scan and Filtering OSS (service provisioning, customer record, billing data, …)
Directory as infrastructure - future Master Directory E-commerce OSS Billing CRM Statistics Ticketing ??? Intranet Messaging Portal
BT Worldwide directory solution Mail switching (X400) and directory synchronization between 15 locations Worldwide MS Exchange and Lotus Notes mail systems and proprietary directories (with LDAP support) X500/LDAP directory in Bergen used as central hub MDDM application from Maxware used for synchronization and manipulation of data, in addition to proprietary replication functionality in MS Exchange/Lotus Notes users and addresses synchronized across 15 locations Worldwide !
BT Worldwide directory solution Mail*Hub X.500/ CWP MDDM MSX Bergen MSX Bergen MSX Bergen MSX Nextra, Bergen facilities Customer facilities Notes Bergen Notes LDAP
BT Worldwide Community
Information synchronized Approximately 25 different attributes being synchronized: –Surname, GivenName, Initials –4 different E mail addresses –Organization name, Department –Phone Number, Fax Number, Mobile Number, Pager Number –Postal Address, Postal Code, City, Country –Secretary, Manager –…………
Experiences Challenges Main problem is to keep the directory up to date –Daily synchronizations necessary –Or instant updates Large updates can take a long time to process Differences in poulation policies However - very positive feedback from the users!