Poverty Impact Assessment: Luxembourg 27 April 2010 Poverty Impact Assessment: Consultation with Stakeholders: building on the experience of people living in poverty Input: Fintan Farrell, Director EAPN
EAPN Origins Established in 1990 A network of independent NGOs involved in the fight against poverty and social exclusion (within EU countries, mostly) To defend the interest of people experiencing poverty and social exclusion in the development of EU policies and programmes
EAPN Membership and Financing 26 National Networks 23 European Organisation Receives financial support from the European Commission (PROGRESS Programme)
EAPN some achievements 1. Building a participative and sustainable network Sustained and growing network Increasing participation of people in poverty Increasing funding of national and EU networks 2. Impact on EU Policy? New Articles in the EU Treaties EU Social Inclusion Strategy (OMC on Social Protection and Social Inclusion EU Programme to support the strategy (PROGRESS) EU Recommendation on Active Inclusion (Adequacy of Income, Access to Services, Support for access to employment) Partnership Principle in Structural Funds EU Meetings of People Experiencing Poverty 2010 EU Year Against Poverty and Social Exclusion
Poverty Impact Assessment to be effective needs Political Commitment Poverty Impact Assessment will only be effective if it is part of a larger commitment to promote social and economic rights It needs to ensure that the fight against poverty and social exclusion goes beyond social policies (tax policies, transport policies….) It can not be a substitute for proactive social policies to prevent or to combat poverty and social exclusion and to promote greater equality
The EU Context The Lisbon Treaty Charter of Fundamental Rights Fight against poverty and Social Exclusion as an objective (Article 3 TFEU) Horizontal Social Clause of the Lisbon Treaty (Article 9 TFEU) Europe 2020 Strategy Inclusive Growth, Poverty Target, Platform against Poverty Social Impact Assessment
The need for a comprehensive approach The need for a positive approach: promoting social inclusion and greater equality. Looking not just at impact on poverty but also impact on wealth. Needs to be connected to key strategic objectives (identified in National Anti Poverty Policies - NAPs) Need for a ‘fundamental rights check list’: impact on quality of employment, quality and access to services, impact on effectiveness of social protection systems Ensure gender and anti discrimination is mainstreamed Assess impact on specific groups as well as general population.
The need for a participative process Well designed consolation processes are needed to avoid just becoming a tick box exercise Involvement of Anti Poverty NGOs and people experiencing poverty will ensure qualitative input and not just quantitative input Ensure transparency and accountability – need to know what happened to the views expressed Ensure follow up in implementation and evaluation Learn form Experience in ‘Developing world’
Way Forward Build Political Commitment to integrate social objectives Embed participative mechanisms in design and follow up of Poverty Impact Assessment and ensure feed back Ensure transparency and accountability for the process. Need for more exchange based on actual experience.
Building Alliances for 2010