COMMUNICATION SKILLS Steps To Successful Presentations
Every presentation you do is a chance; To convey your credibility and competence. To inform and inspire people. To persuade others to accept and act on your ideas. To gain visibility to advance in your career.
Steps To Successful Presentations Prepare a presentation in three stages: 1. Consider the audience. 2. Compose the content. 3. Create enhancements.
Steps To Successful Presentations Consider the audience: Make your message matter – to them: What do they already know about this subject? What more do they need to know? What their interests and concerns? What will speak to them and illuminate their understanding of this topic?
Steps To Successful Presentations Consider the audience: Make your message matter – to them: What will motivate them to act on my message as I want them to? What will give them an experience of value in exchange for the time and attention they ’ re going to give me?
Steps To Successful Presentations The answers to these questions help you determine the content of your presentation and how to communicate it: The level of language to use. The terminology. The references. The supporting materials to include or exclude.
Steps To Successful Presentations Compose the content of a presentation in six steps: Objective. Primary points. Supporting material. Transitions. Recap and close. Opening and preview.
Steps To Successful Presentations Step 1: Establish your objective: What you intend to accomplish by the end of your presentation. What do you want the audience to do as a result of listening to you? “ when I ’ ve finished this presentation, this audience will …………………. ” Tailor the basic format to the specific situation.
Steps To Successful Presentations Step 2: Pick your primary points: A well-organized presentation follows a logical sequence. Primary points are the main categories under which you group the material you are going to present. Think “ P ’ s.
Steps To Successful Presentations Step 2: Pick your primary points: Pick points that are; Most relevant to the audience. Most important for the audience to remember. Pertinent to your objective. You want them to remember at least.
Steps To Successful Presentations Step 2: Pick your primary points: You can arrange primary points in one of these ways: Chronologically, by date or in order of occurrence. Spatially or geographically. By priority, building form least to most important.
Steps To Successful Presentations Step 3: select supporting material: Such as; Examples. Analogies, comparisons, or contracts. Quotations. Statistical data. Results of surveys, tests, or research. Stories. Audiovisual aids, including graphs, charts, models, props, photos, and illustrations.
Steps To Successful Presentations Step 3: select supporting material: That is; Suited to the subject. Consistent with your objective. Appropriate to the audience. Enough to establish the primary points.
Steps To Successful Presentations Step 3: select supporting material: Based on four criteria; It clearly illustrates the primary points. It supports your objective. You can communicate it concisely. The sum of all your material is doable within the time allotted to you.
Steps To Successful Presentations Step 4: use transitions: In one sentence, you restate the point you are leaving and introduce the point you are going to. They add a sense of sequence to your presentation. On average, people listen for only three seconds out of every 10. Modulate your voice when you say it.
Steps To Successful Presentations Step 5: recap and close: It is the “ final ” that should always; Impress upon the audience a significant point. End on a positive note. Conclude the presentation decisively. There are many ways to close a presentation: A rhetorical question.A rhetorical question. a quotation. a quotation. Striking statistic.Striking statistic. A humorous anecdote.A humorous anecdote. A moving story.A moving story. A statement that echoes your objective.A statement that echoes your objective.
Steps To Successful Presentations Step 5: recap and close: Statement related to your objective do one ; Reflect. Reiterate the objective and ask the audience to reflect on what they ’ ve heard. Direct. Instruct the audience to do something by way of applying what they ’ ve heard. Decide. Ask the audience to make a decision; approve your proposal, fund your project, buy your product.
Steps To Successful Presentations Step 6: Open and Preview: Open with one; Compelling quote. Striking statistic. Rhetorical question. Humorous anecdote. Engaging story. Visual aid.
Objective: EndingBodyBeginning Open & Preview Primary point 1 Supporting material (transition) Primary point 2 Supporting material (transition) Primary point 3 Supporting material (transition) Recap & Close
Steps To Successful Presentations Create enhancements: By Visual aids according to; The size of the audience. The setting and lighting. Your budget. Access to equipment. How much lead time for preparation. The length and nature of the presentation.
Create enhancements. Visual aids should be; Clear. Colorful. Pictorial. On occasion, surprising. By using handouts; Organized. Clean & readable. Table of contents. Subject & page number. Use signposts.