1 The National Confederation of Chemists (NCC)- Brazil Trade Union Training on Organizing in an Era of Globalization October 2005 Turin, Italy
2 National Confederation of Chemists: Data of the Chemist Sector Total Number of Workers –1,046,509 (30% composed of women) Age Range –19 to 24 = 21% –25 to 49 = 66% –50+ = 8.9% Data from 2003
3 National Confederation of Chemists: Data of the Chemist Sector The Confederation is composed of 73 affiliated trade unions in all Brazil. 2 National Structures: –The Single Federation of Oil Workers (SFOW) –The National Trade Union of Paper (NTUP)
4 National Confederation of Chemists: Representation Workers of the following sectors: oil, natural gas, alcohol, petrochemicals chemicals, pharmaceuticals, plastics, glass, paper, cellulose, glue, inks, and tires.
5 International Projects 1. Secretary for CUT International Relationships CUT Multi (FNV Dutch)
6 The Project CUT- Multi Companies involved in this project: –Bayer –Basf –Akzo Nobel –Unilever –Novartis
7 The ICEM Project Basf- (German capital company) This project involves 5 units and 3 trade unions. This project is formed by 3 networks: Europe, Asia, and the Latin America. The Latin American network is composed of Peru, Argentina, Chile and Brazil. Bayer- (German capital company) This project involves 5 trade unions. Novartis- (Swiss capital company) This project involves 3 trade unions. The present phase includes the establishment of a National Committee.
8 The ICEM Project Petrobas- (Brazilian capital company) The present phase includes the establishment of a Latin American Committee. International Paper- (American capital company) Verasel- (Swiss company) It is in the construction phase. Rede Klabim- (Brazilian capital company) This project involves the trade unions with focus on companies and their principles: …
9 Social Observatory The Social Observatory is an organization that analyzes and investigates the behavior of multinational corporations (MNCs) and public companies with regards to the fundamental rights of workers. –These rights are guaranteed, principally, by ILO Conventions, some of which consist of freedom of association, collective bargaining, child labor, forced labor, gender and racial discrimination, environment, and occupational health, safety, and security.
10 The Structure and Function of Rede Bayer- Priorities of Actual Worker Groups Restructured production Commissions of factories Responsibilities and earnings Working hours Health plan Social security for the unemployed and the environment PLR Equal opportunities Code of conduct for outsourcing
11 Petrobrás The state-owned company was created in Financial results in US $6,022,1 Total number of workers- 40 Million Total number of subcontractors- 140 Million Petrobrás operates in 15 countries. Divisions abroad in: Angola, Argentina, Bolivia, Colombia, United States, and Nigeria
12 Principles State intervention in the training of the oil sector; Reversal of privatization and flexibility; processes; and Creation of a sector-specific strategy to guarantee social welfare.
13 Proposals- 1 st International Seminar of Petrobrás Workers, June 2004 Establish of a tripartite forum; Promote coordination between state-owned enterprises and the oil sector in Latin America and the Caribbean; Define of a new configuration for this specific sector; Resolve environmental problems; Improve salaries, conditions at work, health and security; Improve the levels of employment and income along the production line.
14 Proposals Support to research and development; Intervene in outsourcing and subcontracting processes and incorporation of workers; Reduce in weekly working hours; Oppose anti-union practices; and Create networks of workers with the objective of coordinating more trade unions in the region.