Integrated Management in Denmark
What is the background for making a standard on Integrated management Create and visualize a common base for the existing management systems. Make a tool for helping organisations who wish to integrate their systems. One organisation, One system. The standard is going to be translated into English soon.
What systems did we choose to work with ISO 14001:2004 Environmental Management ISO 9001:2000 Quality Management DS 2403 Energy Management (Only in Denmark) OHSAS Occupational Health And Safety Management SA 8000 Social Accountability EMAS HACCP
The principle before QualityEnv. OHS Energy
The principle in the new standard Integrated system (common elements) Quality Env. OHS Energy Others SR Good Management (Coorporate Governance)
Principles in management systems –Plan –Do –Check –Act Continuous improvements
The principle visualized The colours symbolize the different parts in the PDCA
The principle in process management Marked Prod. dev. Logi- stic Logi- stic EC./ Adm. EC./ Adm. Management Q/E Man. Coreprocess A Coreprocess B Coreprocess C Adm. IT STAKESTAKE HR