CSC 101 Slide Show Mo Davidson Professor Workman
Podcast A podcast is a digital media file, or a series of such files, that is distributed over the Internet using syndication feeds, for playback on portable media players and personal mediaInternetsyndicationfeeds portable media playerspersonal computers Link to Red Sox podcast nd+Flanagan+on+the+Red+Sox/3489http:// nd+Flanagan+on+the+Red+Sox/3489 This is great!
Blog A blog (short for web log) is a user- generated website where entries are made in journal style and displayed in a reverse chronological order.user- generatedjournal chronological order Link to Red Sox blog Good information about the most recent red sox game
Wiki Link to info. About Atlanta Braves The Atlanta Braves are a Major League Baseball team, based in Atlanta, Georgia, since The team competes in the Eastern Division of the National League.Atlanta, Georgia Eastern Division of the National League
RSS RSS is a family of web feed formats used to publish frequently updated digital content, such as blogs, news feeds or podcasts.web feedblogs podcasts Link to Red Sox RSS sox/red_sox_rss/ sox/red_sox_rss/ Very interesting because it shows different headlines about the red sox
Streaming video Streaming media is multimedia that is continuously received by, and normally displayed to, the end-user while it is being delivered by the provider.multimediaend-user
Open Office is a free office suite of applications available for many different operating systems including Linux, Microsoft Windows, Solaris, OpenVMS, IRIX and Mac OS X.[1] It supports the OpenDocument standard for data interchange.freeoffice suiteoperating systemsLinuxMicrosoft WindowsSolarisOpenVMSIRIX Mac OS X[1] OpenDocument