Technical Vocational Schools (TEE). Secondary schools (duration 3 years) C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
School: Machines and Car Systems Compulsory Education School: Technician of Car - Vehicles 4 Years Ago Now C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
The pupils that will finish the course" Machines and Car Systems " will have the knowledge and the skills in order to be able to accomplish responsibly, timely and with professional deontology the relative work on the car, following the technical specifications of constructor. He/she accomplish the tasks following the safety regulations of work and the protection of environment. Aims of the school C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
The classes normally not exceed 20 pupils. 1 teacher is responsible for each class. The courses of each group are given in different environments when includes laboratories. Each student has his own didactic material. Conditions for implementation of the program C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
Each pupil is responsible to perform at least one homework for each lesson. Visits to workplaces arranged where design and production were performed. Conditions for implementation of the program C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
A’ Semester Age of pupils years Lesson: Mechanical drawing Number of students : 20 D’ Semester Age of pupils years Lesson: Electrical System of Car Number of students : 19 C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
A’ Semester Methods of on going technology Lecture (3 hours/week) Laboratory (3 hours/week) D’ Semester Methods of on going technology Lecture (2 hours/week) Laboratory (4 hours/week) C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
A’ Semester Assessment Criteria Midterm Exams (1 15 %) Homework (1 5 %) Laboratory work (1 20 %) Final Exam (1 60 %) D’ Semester Assessment Criteria Midterm Exams (1 15 %) Homework (1 5 %) Laboratory work (1 20 %) Final Exam (1 60 %) C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
Building specifications for laboratory Scale 1/100 C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
Until 20 pupils = 224 m 2 From pupils = 336 m 2 C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
Specific conditions for Lab. It Includes educational set that with eight (8) Word processors will collaborate for the following educational systems: Spraying System. Control exhaust-gas system. Infusion control system. ABS system. Air conditioning car system. Suspension system. System of passive safety. C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
Specific conditions for Lab. Stimulators C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
Mechanical drawing A’ Semester The pupils will be able to: Have the basic knowledge of mechanical drawing regulations. Know and use the means and tools for the drawing. Draw sketches and simple drawings of mechanical devices. Read and understand drawings of individual mechanical devices. Read completed constructional drawings from technical handbooks. C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
Teaching subjects Designing of simple mechanical fittings/parts. Screws and screw nuts. Springs. Transport data designing of movement. Designing of elements from iron constructions. Designing of weldings. Constructional drawing. Designing of pipings and elements of hydraulic and thermic installations. Constructional drawing of complex parts. Graphics – diagrams Organisation and operation of drawing board. C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
Mechanical laboratory In the mechanical laboratory is taught practical exercises that are necessary for the right knowledge of each mechanical direction. The exercises are called “works”, and begin from the acquaintance, the practice in the good use and maintenance of various tools. These exercises include also other basic subtasks, for the acquisition of skills in the construction of technical works. Specific importance for the exercises and the used tools during the mechanical laboratory has the attention and the care with which they are carried out. C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
Mechanical laboratory To design an Ironing driver with scale 1:1 C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
Electrical System of Vehicle D’ Semester The pupils will be able to: Learn the basic parts of the Electric System of car. Learn the operation of various systems of Electric Systems of car. Replace the destroyed parts of Electric Systems of car. Carry out checks and measurements in the electric parts of car. C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
Teaching subjects Production and storage of electric energy in the car. Installation of combustion. Installation of start. Various electric units in the car. Organisation of electric car-shop. C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
A’ Semester Age of pupils years Pupils characterized by: -Low Educational level. -Low Social live. -Unwillingness to continue to universities or Technological educational institutions. C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
D’ Semester Age of pupils years Pupils: -One pupil left the school for economic purpose. -Diversity to their abilities, desires, directions, companies, society. -They understand the problem and necessity for work. C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
-Low school performance -Lack of new forms of learning. -No interactive communication between teacher and student. -Passive knowledge (No creative procedure). -No direct connection with the labour market. -Bureaucracy. -Carelessness from the part of parents. General conditions C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006
Thank you …. C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI C.V.T. GEORGIKI ANAPTIXI Naples 9-10/10/2006