____Caltech_____ Alumni Fund Conference 2009 Welcome Back! Alumni Fund Conference 2009
____Caltech_____ Alumni Fund Conference 2009 Alumni Fund Staff Amanda Haylock: Assistant Director Volunteer and student caller coordination. Debbi Patrick: Assistant Director Communications. Parents. Senior Class Gift. Malik Sooch: Assistant Director Leadership giving. Individual solicitations. Reunions. Cynthia Estrada: Assistant to Director Andy Sudol: Director
____Caltech_____ Alumni Fund Conference 2009 Alumni Giving Performance Summary 5,525 alumni donors gave Caltech $26.4 million Includes $2.9 million in current use gifts, $2.1 million of which is unrestricted. 134 donors or 2% less than last year $1.2 million or 4% less than last year. $663k or 19% less in current use gifts. $297,194 or 12% less in unrestricted gifts.
____Caltech_____ Alumni Fund Conference 2009 Alumni Participation Rate 2009: 31% of all contactable alumni –35% undergraduate degree alumni –26% graduate degree alumni 2008: 31% of all contactable alumni –36% undergraduate degree alumni –26% graduate degree alumni No significant change.
____Caltech_____ Alumni Fund Conference 2009 Appeal Response Trends The number of online donations is up 5% Responses by mail grew 2% Student callers were down 3% Alumni volunteer callers down 2%
____Caltech_____ Alumni Fund Conference Alumni Fund Highlights Staff restructuring Revised student caller program Creation of Leadership Giving position Successful Senior Class Gift campaign Updates to CAFAC administration New Vice President of Development and Alumni Relations and Communications
____Caltech_____ Alumni Fund Conference 2009 Alumni Fund Goals for Increase alumni participation rate by 2 percentage points or roughly 360 more alumni donors Increase the amount of current use dollars by 5% to approx. $3,100,000. Increase number of alumni volunteers by 10% or 15 alumni Final goal amounts will be set once FY08 closes
____Caltech_____ Alumni Fund Conference 2009 Key Initiatives Implement reunion giving program with new staff Continue recruiting more Graduate Degree alumni and Alums with degrees post where volunteer representation and participation is lowest Keep student phone program staffed Increase targeted messages in direct mail and segmentation Increase personalized contact with leadership donors
____Caltech_____ Alumni Fund Conference 2009 Challenges Growing the volunteer base Orienting a new Assistant Director Unpredictable economy
____Caltech_____ Alumni Fund Conference 2009 Thank you Alumni Fund Volunteers!