Research Networks: A leading edge for the European e-Infrastructure Luis Rodríguez-Roselló Director a.i. Directorate “Emerging Technologies and Infrastructures. Applications” European Commission, Information Society Directorate-General "The views expressed in this presentation are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the views of the European Commission"
Table of Contents: eEurope ERA DG INFSO and IST e-Infrastructures GÉANT, Grids and Test-beds Impact and Vision Outline of Presentation
eEurope: part of a EU co-ordinated action on IS Green books Liberalisation New Regulatory Framework Directives National Regulatory Entities Telecommunications policy Multinational projects Accompanying Measures Demonstrations Integrated Projects Networks of Excellence Research and Development Electronic eCommerce eContent eLearning Broadband Security eEurope,applications and contents
Achievements eEurope 2002 Speeding up EU decision making Co-ordination of EU policies Monitoring national progress Internet on top of political agenda New Telecom framework Achievements eEurope 2002 Speeding up EU decision making Co-ordination of EU policies Monitoring national progress Internet on top of political agenda New Telecom framework New priorities for eEurope 2005 Stimulate demand to: Promote content, services and applications Provide interactive public services on-line Achieve digital inclusiveness eGovernment, eHealth, eLearning and eBusiness environments Boost enabling technologies to: Promote broadband access Ensure trust and confidence in cyberspace New priorities for eEurope 2005 Stimulate demand to: Promote content, services and applications Provide interactive public services on-line Achieve digital inclusiveness eGovernment, eHealth, eLearning and eBusiness environments Boost enabling technologies to: Promote broadband access Ensure trust and confidence in cyberspace eEurope: from 2002 to 2005 Action Plan From an increasing connectivity to an increasing effective use of Internet
Moving to a European level Research policy Strengthen co-operation between National and EU Activities Improve links between National and EU policies and schemes Take into account enlargement Development of a “shared vision” on European RTD Potential for co-funding arrangements Realising ERA will require New thinking: more strategic and goal oriented New approach: integration, concentration, critical mass and flexibility New scope: taking account of the international dimension of RTD (greater awareness of who’s doing what) New instruments: Integrated Projects (IPs) & Networks of Excellence (NoEs), Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives (I3s) ERA - a new context for EU supported RTD
Technologies for major societal and economic challenges Communications, Computing and Software Components and Microsystems Knowledge technologies and Interfaces Future & Emerging Technologies Priority Themes of IST Research Infrastructures
Policies : eInclusion, eEconomy Future and emerging technologies Grid-technology/middleware for complex problem solving eInclusion New working environment Applied Research Infrastructure & Testbeds Research at the Frontier of knowledge Grids & Advanced Commun. Testbeds Research Infrastructures Technology Development DG INFSO - addressing e-Infrastructures in a coherent way Directorate on “Emerging Technologies & Infrastructures, Applications”
e-Infrastructure Research ( ) Architecture, design and development work relevant for e-Infrastructure beyond extensions of existing technologies leading to open standards including security built-in at all levels, programming environments, customisable middleware, resource management economic and business models for new services interoperability with existing e-Infrastructure services (e.g. GRID and Web services) Architecture, design and development work relevant for e-Infrastructure beyond extensions of existing technologies leading to open standards including security built-in at all levels, programming environments, customisable middleware, resource management economic and business models for new services interoperability with existing e-Infrastructure services (e.g. GRID and Web services) Enabling Technologies providing a homogeneous end-to-end networked infrastructure enabling the seamless provision of services interconnecting all research in Europe for solution of complex problems requiring a grid-based approach exploiting synergies across different application sectors Enabling Technologies providing a homogeneous end-to-end networked infrastructure enabling the seamless provision of services interconnecting all research in Europe for solution of complex problems requiring a grid-based approach exploiting synergies across different application sectors Serving Advanced User Communities
R&D on e-Infrastructures (RI) Deployment of Grids-empowered infrastructures to the Research Community in all scientific disciplines further deployment of GÉANT deployment of a second layer with widespread Grid features, able to openly provide services to a large set of application communities 1 … moving from experimental pilots to stable provision of services Indicative budget in FP6 - GÉANT infrastructure:100 M€ Indicative budget in FP6 - Grid infrastructure:100 M€ 1 The deployed Grid infrastructures should exhibit production-level performance capabilities and constitute themselves distributed facilities at gigabit/terabit scales (computing, storage, communication power)
Pan-European coverage (33+ Countries/NRENs) Gigabit connectivity at 10 Gb/s Linking more than 3100 Universities Total 200 MEuro over 4 years (80 MEuro from EU) Extend to Mediterranean, Asia Pacific Rim, Latin America... Research Networking <2,5Gbit/s 2,5Gbit/s 10 Gbit/s NORDUnet: an important partner in GÉANT
Transfer Volume in the European Backbone Network before and after the introduction of GÉANT GÉANT Performance Figures Terabyte/month 12/200006/200112/200106/200212/ Petabyte TEN-155GÉANT 06/ /2003
GÉANT – maintain and capitalise on worldwide leadership on Research Networks FP6 GÉANT network will represent a significant step forward in terms of services (end-to-end together with NRENs) communities served (schools, libraries, etc.) geographical scope (Balkans, Russia, Turkey) bandwidth (access to managed/dark fibre) and pioneering new technologies FP6 – Focus on GÉANT
Promote fast validation & pervasive penetration of state-of-the-art technology in Research Infrastructures Scale the breadth and magnitude of technology developments in other parts of the programme Support test-bed schemes open to all users Focus on IP (Internet Protocol) over optical paths new routing and protocol schemes access technologies photonic networks lambda and terabit networking ... Test-beds in FP6
Extensive European-wide IPv6 Test-beds To North America To Japan To Korea NORDUnet: an important partner in 6NET GÉANT and NRENs collaborating on the introduction of new technologies
IPv6 Grids GÉANT Grids middleware Moving towards an e-Infrastructure In FP5, deployment of GÉANT and (e.g. IPv6/Grid) pilots
e-Infrastructure In FP6, deployment of a Grid empowered e-Infrastructure Moving towards an e-Infrastructure
Example of an e-Infrastructure: eVLBI Radio-Telescopes interconnected by GÉANT GÉANT changes in the way Research is done Radio telescope interconnected via NORDUnet
Enable the provision of a state-of-the-art distributed computing resource available to all researchers in Europe Deliver a production-level Grid service platform that is manageable, scalable, robust, secure and provides training for its users Making e-Infrastructures a Reality
Vision: Create an e-Infrastructure e-Infrastructure (Grids empowered) e-Infrastructure (Grids empowered) security mobility semantic web. automatic management broadband e-Learning e-Business aeronautics genomics environment astronomy e-Health e-Science Grid
Interconnect e-Infrastructures Central Africa Russia EUMEDIS EUMEDconnect Southern Africa Virtual Silk Highway Projects & GRIDs India Operational or contract signed Request to interconnect received ALICE GÉANT TEIN2 China Singapore Japan
Research e-Infrastructures: “corner-stone” of ERA “spear-head” of an “eEurope Infrastructure” (e.g. broadband plus) “integrator” of National Infrastructures powerful “instrument” for International Cooperation … cohesion, cooperation, etc… PoliciesPolicies
With the support of the IST Programme and in the context of the eEurope action plan, a new generation backbone for research has been launched - GÉANT The EU is investing in FP6 in GRIDS, IPv6, Photonics to support highly demanding user community ConclusionsConclusions The provision of an e-Infrastructure is fundamental for the realisation of the European Research Area (ERA)
Backup material
National funds EU funds Other funds Campus Universities NRENs National GÉANT EU+ NRENs European Requiring new levels of cooperation EUMEDconnect, ALICE, TEIN Global GÉANT: The Model 5 B€/y 50 M€/y 500 M€/y
Network Services for National Research and Education Networks (NRENs) Platform for testing - IPv6, GRIDs,... GÉANT - creating the pan-European network infrastructure to explore developments in telecommunications technology GÉANT: The Flagship of Networking Activities in Europe
Virtual Research Communities Resources can be of any information type (computing, storage, networking, visualisation, etc) Resources can be distributed world-wide Access to them is provided in a secure, coordinated, seamless, dynamic and inexpensive way Flexible control and sharing of distributed resources Grids GÉANT and NRENs supporting Grids
RN testbeds GÉANT Grids for complex problem solving IP NoE STREPs CA SSA >>100 M€ Integrating & Strengthening ERA IST Priority I3 CA SSA 100 M€ Structuring ERA Research Infrastructures FP6: Resources and Objectives
FP6: Research Infrastructures (RI) In the Specific Programme on "Structuring the European Research Area" 2.3. Communication Network Development “The objective of this scheme in support of existing research infrastructures is to create a denser network between related initiatives, in particular by establishing a high-capacity and high-speed communications network for all researchers in Europe (GÉANT) and specific high performance Grids and test-beds (GRIDs).”
WP (RI): Infrastructures 1 st Call on Grids (DL 6 May 2003) Integrated Infrastructure Initiatives (I3s) CAs and SSAs Evaluation in early June Projects to start in late 2003 50 MEuro Funding available in this Call 2003 Call on GÉANT DL September 2003; I3 for 100 MEuro 2005 last Call
IST: Test-beds Extensive Test-beds in FP5 on IPv6 and Grids IST WP2003: Research networking test-beds “To integrate and validate, in the context of user- driven large scale test-beds, the state-of-the-art technology that is essential for preparing the future upgrades in the infrastructure deployed across Europe.”
IST WP2003: Test-beds Addressed in 2 nd IST Call DL 15 October 2003 Evaluation in early November Projects to start mid 2004 MEuro Funding available in this Call (50 MEuro in total for Test-beds in IST) Large multidisciplinary consortium with many actors from different sectors to be involved Addressing large scale issues (like in the past the introduction of IPv6 in Europe/NRENs)