Investing in the MDGs Potential for public/private/civil society collaboration Placer Dome Inc a case study Presented by: Wayne Dunn, Placer Dome Consultant Direct Private Sector Investments in Meeting the Millennium Development Goals Focal/IDRC Roundtable 13-Sep-05 Ottawa, Canada
Outline Extractive Sector and the MDGS Case Study Moving Forward – the need to collaborate
Placer Dome Global mining leader – 16 mining operations, 7 countries / over 13,000 employees worldwide 2 operating mines in LAC region (Zaldivar and La Copia/Chile) - ~25% of global corporate revenue 2 advanced exploration projects in LAC region (Cerro Casale/Chile and Pueblo Viejo/Dominican Republic) Recognized leader in social investment/sustainability – First major mining company to adopt a Sustainability Policy – Recent Awards & Recognition Zaldivar - PROhumana RSEtica presented its Sustainability Award for Corporate Social Responsibility. South Africa Operations – – Nexen Award for Corporate Social and Ethical Responsibility – World Bank Development Innovation Award – Two time finalist in World Bank Development Marketplace competition Care project made into Stanford Business School Case Study
Extractive Sector & MDGs Emergence of Social License issues changed value creation/value flow and created an area of common interest with the ODA/Development community MDGs roughly map much of this shared interest area
MDGs and Social License Millennium Development GoalsSocial License 1)Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger a 2)Achieve universal primary education a 3)Promote gender equality and empower women a 4)Reduce child mortality a 5)Improve maternal health a 6)Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases a 7)Ensure environmental sustainability a 8)Develop a global partnership for development a
Case Study - PDSA Care Project HIV/AIDS – Minesite – Local Communities – Rural Communities – Home Based Care – Mining Outreach Partnership (missed opportunity) School Feeding Project Environmental Programs
PDSA & the MDGs Millennium Development GoalsPDSA 1)Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger Direct 2)Achieve universal primary education Direct 3)Promote gender equality and empower women Direct 4)Reduce child mortality Indirect 5)Improve maternal health Indirect 6)Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases Direct 7)Ensure environmental sustainability Direct 8)Develop a global partnership for development Direct
Moving Forward Extractive industries, ODA community, Development interests share common social investment objectives (MDGs) Little history of collaboration – more history of confrontation – Stovepipe pursuit of common interests – minimal collaboration Extractive sector as an Oasis of Capacity Tremendous opportunity for synergy and enhanced investment effectiveness (ROI) Need to consciously focus on developing collaboration mechanismsto bring together the international private sector and ODA/Development community around MDG types of activities
Summary Extractive Sector and the MDGS Case Study Moving Forward – the need to collaborate
Conclusion Systematic collaboration between the Extractive Sector, ODA Agencies and the development community will enhance progress on the MDGs
Questions & Discussion