Social Economy Ontario: What’s Happened So Far 2004: $120m Social Economy Initiative announced by federal government 5-year financing $100m 3-year research $3m 2-year capacity building $17m Quebec Social Economy Trust (2007) Canadian Social Economy Hub & Social Economy OISE (2005) Ontario Social Economy Consortium (2005) OnCoop, CCEDNet, CEDTAP, RDEE, CCO, UWT (capacity building) CUCO, L’Alliance des Caisses populaires (finance)
SOCIAL ECONOMY ONTARIO Presentation at the May 2008 Southern Ontario Social Economy Symposium Anne Jamieson, Toronto Enterprise Fund Paul Chamberlain, CCEDNet Eli Malinsky, Centre for Social Innovation Moderated by Darryl Reed, York University
Social Economy Ontario: What’s Happened So Far (2) 2007 CCEDNet, CEDTAP, OnCoop approached Government of Ontario on Social Enterprise Trust 2007 Canadian Conference on Social Enterprise Replication of Enterprising Non-Profits in Ontario National Roundtable on Social Economy Causeway & Social Finance Forum Social Entrepreneurship Summit 2007 Social Economy Ontario convened
Social Economy Ontario: What’s Happened So Far (3) SEC, OnCoop, CCEDNet, CEDTAP, RDEE, CCO, UWT, MaRS, CAIC, Causeway, Alterna, Trillium, York U., OCLF, Community Partners, Paro, Three meetings (Nov 15, Feb 14, Apr 8) Definition & scope Constellation model Mandate & activities
Social Economy Ontario: Characteristics Requisite Primarily driven by social and/or ecological mission Additional attributes Community/worker participation in decision-making Revenues reinvested in mission or redistributed to community Assets accrue to community Accounts for economic, social and/or ecological impacts Others Regional scope Operating in Ontario
Social Economy Ontario: Shared Objectives Increased financial resources available to the social economy sector Improved regulatory environment to facilitate the work of the social economy sector Improved connections among organizations working in the social economy sector Improved understanding of the social economy sector, its needs and its opportunities Improved awareness of the social economy among Ontarians and among decision-makers Others
Is this a framework you can work within? Discuss at your tables and record your answers. Are any of the listed characteristics unclear? Do any of these characteristics seem inappropriate? Are there characteristics we have missed? And the Shared Objectives? … Is this a framework you can work within?
The Constellation Governance Model
Need/Opportunity ecosystem Shared Vision / Governance Structure Stewardship Group Constellation Social Economy Policy Research Access to Capital Technical Assistance
Social Economy Ontario: Where Do We Go From Here? Some suggestions: Develop a concept paper to guide us Keep the scope of membership broad Continue mapping the sector Form a small organizing group, hire a coordinator Identify a leader from constellations, form a collaboration around each Pilot one event related to a constellation
Social Economy Ontario: Where Do We Go From Here (2)? Your suggestions: Discuss your priorities for next steps at tables List your top three in the handout provided