Alistair Miles Semantic enrichment of research papers
Using the Web as a platform Embedding data in the paper Publishing data in the Web, linking the paper to the data Linking the paper to other papers (via data, citations,...)
Make the paper (by itself) more useful Make it easier to build value-added services over the ecosystem of papers and data
Using the Web as a platform Embedding data in the paper – Annotating with key concepts Publishing and linking to numerical & geo data behind the figures/tables Exploiting data & links – Many routes to discovery – Data overlays & meta-analysis
Annotating Key Concepts Places (geolocation) Dates Diseases Species Proteins Habitats People Institutions
Useful in reading paper Value-added services... – Enable linking to other papers via shared concepts (disease, species, place...) – Search by disease, species, place...
Numerical & Geo Data Numbers/Data behind the visualisations published in the Web, linked from the paper
Citation Links Simple stuff... – Click through to cited papers – Typed citations – Structured citation data – Visual citation explorer (including some pagerank- style metrics???)
Demo Services? Geo-finder for leptospirosis studies – Time aware Overlay geo data with other? – Climate data? Mining & visualising networks (citation, social, disease...)
Paper structure & composition Remix, focused retrieval