EEE340 Lecture : Electric Potential Gradient directed uphill, E-fields directed down-voltage. along fields, voltage drops. Work must be done against the field : Potential due to a charge distribution (3.43) (3.45) (3.47) (3.44)
EEE340 Lecture 102 Problem solving In-class problem solving We have work in three groups for three problems Each group has one or two representatives to report the result on the chock board; Problem 1 and 3 are respectively P.2-29 and P The solutions are printed in solutions1 of the website.
EEE340 Lecture Given a vector function compute where S is a cylinder enclosed by 2. Given the vector field. Find the circulation of A around the curve L, where L is a circle of radius 5 in the xy-plane, with center at the origin, traced counterclockwise. 3. Given a vector function verify Stokes’s theorem over the hemisphere surface and its circular contour that are shown in Fig
EEE340 Lecture 104 For n point charges q 1, q 2,…, q n located at points the potential at is For continuous charge distributions line charge (3.63) surface charge (3.62) volume charge (3.61) (3.49)
EEE340 Lecture 105 Potential due to a dipole For the dipole: r>>d Potential where Hence (3.53)
EEE340 Lecture 106 It can be found Similar to the E-field cases: Volume distribution Surface distribution Line distribution Note: E is proportional to V is proportional to (3.54) (3.61) (3.62) (3.63)