Scholarly Journal Publishing in Canada Canadian Association of Learned Journals Association canadienne des revues savantes Presented by: Johanne Provençal, Executive Director Canadian Association of Learned Journals Association canadienne des revues savantes Presented by: Johanne Provençal, Executive Director
CALJ/ACRS and Canadian Journals CALJ/ACRS is a not-for-profit society representing a membership of more than 100 scholarly journals in Canada There are more than 200 scholarly journals published in Canada, publishing scholarly work in a diversity of disciplines The mandate of CALJ/ACRS is to advance the interests of member journals in three main areas: promotion, education and lobbying CALJ/ACRS is a not-for-profit society representing a membership of more than 100 scholarly journals in Canada There are more than 200 scholarly journals published in Canada, publishing scholarly work in a diversity of disciplines The mandate of CALJ/ACRS is to advance the interests of member journals in three main areas: promotion, education and lobbying
Canadian Scholarly Journals - Changes Some of the most important changes currently affecting scholarly journal publishing in Canada are: 1.SSHRC funding: new funding formula announced recently 2.Copyright: author/publisher rights, reprography rights and back issue digitization 3.Print and online publishing: implications and opportunities Some of the most important changes currently affecting scholarly journal publishing in Canada are: 1.SSHRC funding: new funding formula announced recently 2.Copyright: author/publisher rights, reprography rights and back issue digitization 3.Print and online publishing: implications and opportunities
Changes in SSHRC Funding SSHRC’s “Aid to Scholarly Journals” program: New funding formula: New funding formula: $850 per peer-reviewed article and $5,000 for distribution and transition online, to a maximum of $30,000 per year, for three years Next competition: Next competition: June 2008 (award October 2008) then 2011 Eligibility criteria: (i)Publish peer-reviewed scholarly work, at least two issues per year for the past two years (ii)Minimum of 250 “regular readers” (shown through subscriber list or web usage report) (iii)Have an Editor-in-Chief who is a faculty member at a post- secondary institution in Canada SSHRC’s “Aid to Scholarly Journals” program: New funding formula: New funding formula: $850 per peer-reviewed article and $5,000 for distribution and transition online, to a maximum of $30,000 per year, for three years Next competition: Next competition: June 2008 (award October 2008) then 2011 Eligibility criteria: (i)Publish peer-reviewed scholarly work, at least two issues per year for the past two years (ii)Minimum of 250 “regular readers” (shown through subscriber list or web usage report) (iii)Have an Editor-in-Chief who is a faculty member at a post- secondary institution in Canada
Changes in Copyright There are several changes underway with regard to copyright: Publisher/Author Rights: Publisher/Author Rights: Shift away from publisher retaining all rights toward author retaining rights, other than first publication rights to the publisher (also Creative Commons framework being adopted) Access Copyright: Access Copyright: Changes in reprography (photocopying) revenue from full revenue to publishers to possible shared revenue with authors Back-issue digitization: Back-issue digitization: CALJ/ACRS and CFHSS (with support from CMF) in the process of obtaining legal advice on copyright and back issue digitization (also Google scholar initiative) There are several changes underway with regard to copyright: Publisher/Author Rights: Publisher/Author Rights: Shift away from publisher retaining all rights toward author retaining rights, other than first publication rights to the publisher (also Creative Commons framework being adopted) Access Copyright: Access Copyright: Changes in reprography (photocopying) revenue from full revenue to publishers to possible shared revenue with authors Back-issue digitization: Back-issue digitization: CALJ/ACRS and CFHSS (with support from CMF) in the process of obtaining legal advice on copyright and back issue digitization (also Google scholar initiative)
Changes in Print and Online Publishing Some changes for print and online publishing are: Publishing policies and practices: Eco-friendly printing and transitioning online (print-electronic) or electronic only Open access movement, strained library budgets, bibliometrics Multi-media capacity for electronic journals and changing academic discourse Barriers to entry and scholarly standards: Proliferation of online journals, specialization, rejection rates, hierarchy of journals Misconceptions about commitment of time, resources, expertise Increased competition: Funding envelopes: are not growing as quickly as funding demand Editorial Boards and reviewers: increased demand for Faculty time Readers lost at sea: more content than is possible to follow Some changes for print and online publishing are: Publishing policies and practices: Eco-friendly printing and transitioning online (print-electronic) or electronic only Open access movement, strained library budgets, bibliometrics Multi-media capacity for electronic journals and changing academic discourse Barriers to entry and scholarly standards: Proliferation of online journals, specialization, rejection rates, hierarchy of journals Misconceptions about commitment of time, resources, expertise Increased competition: Funding envelopes: are not growing as quickly as funding demand Editorial Boards and reviewers: increased demand for Faculty time Readers lost at sea: more content than is possible to follow
Making Decisions: As Scholarly Journal Author, Reviewer, Editor or Publisher Some things to consider when taking part in scholarly journal publishing: As an author: Have you read the editorial mandate and past issues before submitting your work? Does your manuscript meet the scholarly standards set by the journal? What are the journal’s peer review and copyright policies? As an editor or reviewer: Are the editorial and review policies sufficiently clear and understood by reviewers and members of the Editorial Board? Is the journal current with editorial and review practices in the discipline and in scholarly journal publishing generally? As a publisher (though some of this applies also to the Editor): Are you aware of funding criteria, deadlines, etcetera? Are you current with publishing practices (copyright, print/online, etcetera)? Is there sufficient commitment of time, resources and expertise to establish your journal as a reputable publication in your field? Some things to consider when taking part in scholarly journal publishing: As an author: Have you read the editorial mandate and past issues before submitting your work? Does your manuscript meet the scholarly standards set by the journal? What are the journal’s peer review and copyright policies? As an editor or reviewer: Are the editorial and review policies sufficiently clear and understood by reviewers and members of the Editorial Board? Is the journal current with editorial and review practices in the discipline and in scholarly journal publishing generally? As a publisher (though some of this applies also to the Editor): Are you aware of funding criteria, deadlines, etcetera? Are you current with publishing practices (copyright, print/online, etcetera)? Is there sufficient commitment of time, resources and expertise to establish your journal as a reputable publication in your field?