OntoGrid Semantic Grid Tutorial Manchester, February 2007 Semantic Grid. Introduction Oscar Corcho University of Manchester
2Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Outline Background The Grid and its characteristics Open Grid Services Architecture-OGSA Grid Standardization Activities Semantic Grid OntoGrid and Semantic-OGSA (S-OGSA) The S-OGSA model S-OGSA capabilities and mechanisms Lifetime specification S-OGSA scenarios of use Conclusions Agenda
3Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 What is a Grid? License Printer A grid is a system consisting of Distributed but connected resources and Software and/or hardware that provides and manages logically seamless access to those resources to meet desired objectives Infrastructure that will enable “coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations” A grid is a system consisting of Distributed but connected resources and Software and/or hardware that provides and manages logically seamless access to those resources to meet desired objectives Infrastructure that will enable “coordinated resource sharing and problem solving in dynamic, multi-institutional virtual organizations” R2AD Database Web server Data CenterCluster HandheldSupercomputer Workstation Server Adapted from Hiro Kishimoto (GGF17 opening keynote)
4Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Virtual Organizations Dynamic confederations organized around common goals Diverse membership & capabilities People, compute resources, data resources, etc. Diverse geographic distribution Sharing is well-controlled Minimum knowledge about physical characteristics of resources Construction of higher level capabilities via composition of existing ones similar to SOA From °
5Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Grid & Related Paradigms Utility Computing Computing “services” No knowledge of provider Enabled by grid technology Utility Computing Computing “services” No knowledge of provider Enabled by grid technology Distributed Computing Loosely coupled Heterogeneous Single Administration Distributed Computing Loosely coupled Heterogeneous Single Administration Cluster Tightly coupled Homogeneous Cooperative working Cluster Tightly coupled Homogeneous Cooperative working Grid Computing Large scale Cross-organizational Geographical distribution Distributed Management Grid Computing Large scale Cross-organizational Geographical distribution Distributed Management Source: Hiro Kishimoto (GGF17 opening keynote)
6Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Open Grid Service Architecture - OGSA Cross cutting requirements Interoperable VO level Optimized Reliable Certain QoS Guarantee Scalable Available Extensible Characteristics Service Orientation Management operations Resource Representation/ State Lifetime create stop destroy queryProperties rewind Get/ set Properties Total capacity ServiceResource Available space Used space WS-RF WS-Management WS-I+ WS-GAF
7Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 The Open Grid Services Architecture An open, service-oriented architecture (SOA) Resources as first-class entities Dynamic service/resource creation and destruction Built on a Web services infrastructure Resource virtualization at the core Build grids from small number of standards-based components Replaceable, coarse-grained e.g. brokers Customizable Support for dynamic, domain-specific content… …within the same standardized framework Hiro Kishimoto: Keynote GGF17
8Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Grid Reality “Virtual Homogeneity” Realizations OGSA - Vision Heavy use of XML Requires experts to install, configure and maintain Not near the ambitious OGSA landscape in terms of cross-cut requirements
9Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 “To realise the Next Generation Grid requires semantically rich information representation, the exploitation of knowledge, and co-ordination and orchestration that is aware of context and task” David Snelling, NextGRID, Fujitsu, OGF Source: Carole Goble
10Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Semantic Grid. Motivation (II) Organisations that manage large datasets have to find agreements on what terms mean Data versus metadata: we need bindings between the data and the data structure Malcolm Atkinson UK eScience envoy Making this change in the code would change the [implicit] semantics of this Globus service Lisa Childers Globus Toolkit Provenance in Taverna is stored in RDF and OWL Workflow reuse Stuart Owen myGrid Well-typed workflows can be annotated with semantic types Kepler can use keyword-based or ontology-based search Data, metadata an ontology (NSF report) Amarnath Gupta San Diego Supercomputing Centre
11Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Don’t we have Semantics in the Grid already? Its called metadata. Or vocabularies. Or glossaries. It’s the state properties of a resource. Its in information services. And registries and catalogues. And configuration files. And policy definitions. And service level agreements. And file names. And file headers. And directory naming conventions And code libraries. And type systems. And schemas. And applications. And data formats. And best practice. And documentation. And workflows. And notification events And monitoring logs And embedded in XML tags … And even ontologies! And protocols. And decision procedures.
Embedding and implicit meaning is the enemy of shareability and reuse in an open and decoupled and collaborative environment. Machine processable descriptions are machine actionable descriptions
13Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 In summary Integration Annotation Integration Inference OWL RDF(S) RDF XML SWRL Extensible metadata schemas that you don’t have to nail down Controlled vocabularies Data fusion Expressive models Model fusion Source: Carole Goble
14Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Metadata Matters Particularly for the following activities: Provenance Systems Configuration Policy representation and reconciliation Resource discovery Using: Annotation Open, flexible and extensible self describing schemas “Let’s describe my data set, or the output format of this tool, that changes all the time” Lightweight, referable, non-flat schemas Decoupled, interoperable systems, which r esist to syntactic changes Global naming schemes Data integration Resource models Policy models Reasoning Complex problems
15Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 “The Semantic Grid is an extension of the current Grid in which information and services are given well-defined and explicitly represented meaning, so that it can be shared and used by humans and machines, better enabling computers and people to work in cooperation” D. De Roure, et. al The Semantic Grid Semantics in and on the Grid Web Sites – –Setting up the GGF Semantic Grid Research Group (SEM-RG) –Mailing List:
16Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Combe Chem Semantic Grid trajectory Time Efforts Implicit Semantics 1 st generation SRB Implicit Semantics OGSA generation GGF Semantic Grid Research Group Many workshops Systematic Investigation Phase Specific experiments Part of the Architecture Dagstuhl Seminar Grid Resource Ontology Semantic Grid workshops Pioneering Phase Ad-hoc experiments, early pioneers Demonstration Phase
17Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 From the pioneering phase to the systematic investigation phase In the pioneering phase... Ontologies and their associated technologies are not completely integrated in the Grid applications They are used as in Semantic Web applications But there are distinctive features of Grid applications Distribution of resources Scale Resource management and state... (non exhaustive and non compulsory list) In the systematic investigation phase We have to take these features into account And incorporate semantics as another Grid resource Our proposal is: S-OGSA
18Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Lots Not much Lots Knowledge Discovery Information linking Flexible & extensible metadata schemas Decision making Grid Semantics VO mgt Provenance Resource discovery & brokering Ontology building Workflow discovery and design General language annotation Configuration
19Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Outline Background The Grid and its characteristics Open Grid Services Architecture-OGSA Grid Standardization Activities Semantic Grid OntoGrid and Semantic-OGSA (S-OGSA) The S-OGSA model S-OGSA capabilities and mechanisms Lifetime specification S-OGSA scenarios of use Conclusions Agenda
20Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 EU-STREP Project OntoGrid Middleware for the Semantic Grid Metadata Storage & Querying Ontology Access Annotation Data and provenance Services Business Process Monitoring Negotiation Coordination Applications Insurance Settlement Satellite Image Quality Analysis SEMANTIC OGSA Capabilites & Behaviors for Semantic Grids Principled way of realization
21Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 S-OGSA Design Principles Conceptual: reference architecture that can be applied to any grounding (WSRF, WS-Man, WS-I+, etc.) Parsimony: Architecture as lightweight as possible: minimise the impact on tooling, not dictate content Extensibility: Extensible and customisable as opposed to complete and generic architecture Diversity : Mixed ecosystem of Grid and Semantic Grid services. Semantics Ignorant, Semantics aware but incapable, Semantics aware and capable Uniformity: Everything is OGSA compliant. Our services are Grid services, knowledge and Metadata are Grid Resources. Multiform-Multiplicity: Any resource can have multiple descriptions and any description can be in different formalisms Enlightenment: Straightforward migration path
22Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 S-OGSA Semantic-OGSA (S-OGSA) is... Our proposed Semantic Grid reference architecture A low-impact extension of OGSA Mixed ecosystem of Grid and Semantic Grid services Services ignorant of semantics Services aware of semantics but unable to process them Services aware of semantics and able to process (part of) them Everything is OGSA compliant Defined by Information model New entities Capabilites New functionalities Mechanisms How it is delivered Model Capabilities Mechanisms provide/ consume expose use
23Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 S-OGSA Model. Semantic Bindings Model MechanismsCapabilities
24Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 METADATA as Semantic Annotations S-OGSA Model Example Model MechanismsCapabilities
25Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Optimization Execution Management Resource management Data Security Information Management Infrastructure Services Application 1Application N OGSA Semantic-OGSA Semantic Provisioning Services From OGSA to the S-OGSA Ontology Reasoning Knowledge Metadata Annotation Semantic binding Semantic Provisioning Services Model MechanismsCapabilities
26Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Semantic Provisioning Service Knowledge Resource Grid Entity Semantic Binding Grid Service Is-a 0..m 1..m Semantic aware Grid Service consumeproduce 0..m 1..m uses WebMDS SAML file DFDL file JSDL file Is-a Knowledge Entity Is-a Ontology Service Is-a Reasoning Service Semantic Binding Provisioning Service Annotation Service Metadata Service Grid Resource OGSA-DAI CAS Is-a Knowledge Service Is-a Ontology Rule set KnowledgeSemantic GridGrid S-OGSA Model and Capabilities. The complete picture Model MechanismsCapabilities
27Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 OntoKit: An implementation of S-OGSA
28Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 OntoKit: An implementation of S-OGSA Ontology Role-based AuthZ Semantically Aware
29Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 S-OGSA Patterns. Semantic-ignorant service Lifetime Metadata Service Ontology Service Resource Metadata Seeking Client Properties Others…. Access/Query Metadata Refers to Resource props Model MechanismsCapabilities
30Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 S-OGSA Patterns. Semantic Aware but Incapable Service Lifetime Metadata Service Ontology Service Resource Metadata Seeking Client Properties Others… Access/Query Semantic Bindings Refers to Get Semantic Binding Pointers 2 1 Resource properties Model MechanismsCapabilities
31Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 S-OGSA Patterns. Semantic Aware and Capable Service Lifetime Metadata Service Resource Metadata Seeking Client Properties Others… Access/Query Semantic Bindings 1 Semantics 1.1 Farm out request Semantic aware interface Ontology Service Model MechanismsCapabilities
32Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 S-OGSA Grounding. Grid Ontology and S-OGSA Ontology Grid Ontology Common set of ontologies to describe Grid entities (resources and services) Based on work from UniGrids Effort to be continued by OntoGrid Available in OntoGrid’s CVS
33Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 S-OGSA Metadata Access/Management Protocols SB Factory Client Semantic Binding Metadata Query SB create Query w/o Inference, UpdateContent Query( over unified view) WS-RP: Get/Set/Query Properties WS-Addressing: epr RDF create query Inspect- props... query Semantic Binding Service Suite WS-RL: Destroy, SetTerminationTime WS-RL ++: archive WS-Notif: Subscribe / Notify
34Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Semantic Binding Service. Lifetime Specification What happens if... ...any or all of the Grid entities it refers to disappears? Instrument and planning files for satellites do not disappear Insurance contracts, cars, repair companies, etc., may disappear ...the Knowledge entities disappear or evolve? Ontologies may change ... a SB is no longer available (its content is not useful any more)? Damage claims: add witness reports, improve info about location, create new hypothesis... When do/should SBs become invalid? How often should this be checked? What is the status of the content of a SB (e.g., content checked, stable, unchecked, etc.)? Is a SB always active or can it be archived after a period of time? Satellite data that is not used after some time
35Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Semantic Binding Service. WS-SBResourceLifetime Lifetime specification based on WS-ResourceLifetime Extension with Resource properties (state) Updates Archive Notifications Stable Stale GE changed KE changed Archived Deleted
36Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-SBResourceLifetime vs WS-ResourceLifetime WS-SBResourceLifetime - archive - setUpdateTime WS-ResourceLifetime - setTerminationTime - destroy Basic Operations - createSemanticBinding (Factory) - addGridEntityReference/removeGridEntityReference - addKnowledgeEntityReference/removeKnowledgeEntityReference - getContent - updateSBContent - query - queryWithInference
37Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Notifications Semantic Binding Service WS-Notif. [state] WS-Notif [lastModificationTime] Client Grid Entity Knowledge Entity Client Query-RP [state] subscribe
38Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Outline Background The Grid and its characteristics Open Grid Services Architecture-OGSA Grid Standardization Activities Semantic Grid OntoGrid and Semantic-OGSA (S-OGSA) The S-OGSA model S-OGSA capabilities and mechanisms Lifetime specification S-OGSA scenarios of use Conclusions Agenda
39Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Satellite Use Case: Technical issues Space Segment Ground Segment DMOP files Product files SATELLITE FILES:
40Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Satellite Use Case: Technical issues Comparison between planning and product generation:... Instr#n (RA_2) planning DMOP_File#n(StartTime)DMOP_File#n(StopTime) DMOP_File#(n+1) StartTime DMOP#(n+1)_ File (StopTime) DMOP_er (ORBIT_NUMBER, ELAPSED_TIME) Instr#1 planning DURATION PRODUCT_FILE Start_time (SENSING_START) PRODUCT_FILE Stop_time (SENSING_STOP)... Instr#n(RA_2) Product Generation RA2_CAL_1P Stop_time (SENSING_STOP) RA2_CAL_1P Start_time (SENSING_START) PRODUCT_data_gap...
41Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Satellite Use Case: Deimos Integrated Prototype WebDAV WS-DAIOnt-RDF(S) SatelliteDomain Ontology Satellite File WebDAV client e.g. MS Windows Explorer HTTP PUT Metadata Service QUARC-SG client JSP 2 UTC2Seconds Soaplab Convert time to canonical representation Annotate file Obtain ontology Type metadata Store Query Convert time to canonical representation Input criteria Copy satellite file Metadata generation process Metadata querying process
42Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Namefile (Product): RA2_MW__1PNPDK _120535_ _00424_20518_0349.N1 " Corresponds to: Satellite Use Case: Technical issues Satellite files: PRODUCT filename
43Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Satellite files: Annotated PRODUCT FILE [...] "RA2_MW__1PNPDK _120535_ _00424_20518_0334.N1" "RA2_MW__1PNPDK _160340_ _00441_20535_0344.N1" [...] Satellite Use Case: Technical issues
44Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Satellite Use Case: Technical issues Satellite files: DMOP (PLANNING) FILES FILE ; DMOP (generated by FOS Mission Planning System) RECORD fhr FILENAME="DMOP_SOF__VFOS _103709_ _ _ _014048_ _ N1" DESTINATION="PDCC" PHASE_START=2 CYCLE_START=44 REL_START_ORBIT=404 ABS_START_ORBIT=20498 ENDRECORD fhr RECORD dmop_er RECORD dmop_er_gen_part RECORD gen_event_params EVENT_TYPE=RA2_MEA EVENT_ID="RA2_MEA_ " NB_EVENT_PR1=1 NB_EVENT_PR3=0 ORBIT_NUMBER=20521 ELAPSED_TIME= DURATION= ENDRECORD gen_event_params ENDRECORD dmop_er ENDLIST all_dmop_er ENDFILE RECORD ID RECORD parameters RECORD parameters corresponding to other RECORD structure.
45Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Satellite Use Case: Technical issues Satellite Ontology (General view)
46Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Satellite Use Case: Technical issues Timeline Planning-Product Generation:
47Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Insurance Grid Business values: Value (cost reduction, billing) Time to market / speed of implementation Ahead of competitors Fit within (human and technical) organization Innovation drive Solve existing problems: Making processes more efficient with a new approach (more) Reliable / Accepted Proven / Cheaper -> CarRepairGid Solve problems that could not be solved before: Lack of trust/ Unfamiliar Politics Technical / organizational limitations -> CarFraudGrid
48Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Business Case 1: Car Repair Business Case Context: Repair damaged cars Negotiation between insurance and repair company Speed, Price, Quality Method of repair, Selection of material,Paint, Coalition Now: negotiation by hand long term (yearly) Challenge: Automated negotiation short term (every claim) Include SLA
49Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 S-OGSA Scenario. Insurance settlement WS-DAIOnt Negotitation Service (Manager) Job Negotiation client 1 2 Do Negotiation Atlas RD F InsurranceCo DB Motor Vahicles Car Parts Repair CO. 1 (Nego. Srvc. Contractor) Repair CO. 2 (Nego. Srvc. Contractor) Repair CO. 3 (Nego. Srvc. Contractor) Job + Contractor List Job Cfp propose Offer Refuse propose Offer accept 5 Reject 5 WS-DAIOnt Car Repair DB RD F Car Repair DB 3 calculatePrice 3 3 Retrieve public Job desc. Legacy databases
50Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Situation: A lot of tricks to get money from insurance companies Now: Ad hoc manual techniques Only pattern search on local or national scale Most tricks found on accident Challenge: Automated fraud detection Business Case 2:CarFraudGrid
51Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Car Fraud Business Case Motivation
52Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Conceptual Architecture
53Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Local Damage Report DB I. Company B RDF Query for similar cases sql Semantic Binding Service Damage Report Fraud Diagnosis Service WS-DAIOnt Car Fraud Ontology Local Semantic Adapter (Grid-KP or S-OGSA-DAI) S. Case Info IC Info Suspicious Case Suspicious Case Submit for fraud detection I. Company A.. Local Damage Report DB I. Company C Company C Semantic Data Access Service sql Do diagnosis 6 decision query.. Red Flag Detector doc RDF Query for similar cases 4.. Company B Semantic Data Access Service CFG Technical Design
54Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Ontology-based Role-based Authorisation Insurance Security scenario cast as role based Grid Access Control Scenario. Role based Access Control Policy is: Good Reputation Drivers are allowed to ask for an insurance policy. Bad Reputation ones are not. VO ontology based on KaOS ontologies (Actors, Groups and Actions) Role definitons Extend ontology with domain-specific classes and properties Define roles wrt these extensions E.g., a blacklistedDriver is a driver that has had at least 3 accident claims in the past E.g., a goodReputationDriver is a driver that has been insured at least by one trusted company and that has had at most 2 accident claims The Access Control Function uses a DL classifier to obtain roles of a Subject.
55Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-DAIOnt XACML_AuthZService (PDP) CarFraudService (PEP) XACML AuthZ Request getInsurancePolicy VO Ontology Class Hierarchy -RDFS RD F John Doe has had 2 distinct accidents Role Op Mapping Pellet Reasoner Obtain Semantic Bindings of John Doe Obtain all classes that are subclass of ROLE Classify John Doe wrt VO ont Lookup whether the ROLE that is inferred permits or not XACML AuthZ Response Semantic Binding Service PIP Proxy PDP Proxy VO Ontology OWL S-OGSA Scenario. Authorisation 8 Result or Exception /C=GB/O=PERMIS/CN=User0
56Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-DAIOnt XACML_AuthZService (PDP) CarFraudService (PEP) XACML AuthZ Request getInsurancePolicy VO Ontology Class Hierarchy -RDFS RD F John Doe has had 2 distinct accidents Role Op Mapping Pellet Reasoner Obtain Semantic Bindings of John Doe Obtain all classes that are subclass of ROLE Classify John Doe wrt VO ont Lookup whether the ROLE that is inferred permits or not XACML AuthZ Response Semantic Binding Service PIP Proxy PDP Proxy VO Ontology OWL S-OGSA Scenario. Authorisation 8 Result or Exception
57Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-DAIOnt XACML_AuthZService (PDP) CarFraudService (PEP) XACML AuthZ Request getInsurancePolicy VO Ontology Class Hierarchy -RDFS RD F John Doe has had 2 distinct accidents Role Op Mapping Pellet Reasoner Obtain Semantic Bindings of John Doe Obtain all classes that are subclass of ROLE Classify John Doe wrt VO ont Lookup whether the ROLE that is inferred permits or not XACML AuthZ Response Semantic Binding Service PIP Proxy PDP Proxy VO Ontology OWL S-OGSA Scenario. Authorisation 8 Result or Exception
58Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-DAIOnt XACML_AuthZService (PDP) CarFraudService (PEP) XACML AuthZ Request getInsurancePolicy VO Ontology Class Hierarchy -RDFS RD F John Doe has had 2 distinct accidents Role Op Mapping Pellet Reasoner Obtain Semantic Bindings of John Doe Obtain all classes that are subclass of ROLE Classify John Doe wrt VO ont Lookup whether the ROLE that is inferred permits or not XACML AuthZ Response Semantic Binding Service PIP Proxy PDP Proxy VO Ontology OWL S-OGSA Scenario. Authorisation 8 Result or Exception
59Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-DAIOnt XACML_AuthZService (PDP) CarFraudService (PEP) XACML AuthZ Request getInsurancePolicy VO Ontology Class Hierarchy -RDFS RD F John Doe has had 2 distinct accidents Role Op Mapping Pellet Reasoner Obtain Semantic Bindings of John Doe Obtain all classes that are subclass of ROLE Classify John Doe wrt VO ont Lookup whether the ROLE that is inferred permits or not XACML AuthZ Response Semantic Binding Service PIP Proxy PDP Proxy VO Ontology OWL S-OGSA Scenario. Authorisation 8 Result or Exception
60Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 WS-DAIOnt XACML_AuthZService (PDP) CarFraudService (PEP) XACML AuthZ Request getInsurancePolicy VO Ontology Class Hierarchy -RDFS RD F John Doe has had 2 distinct accidents Role Op Mapping Pellet Reasoner Obtain Semantic Bindings of John Doe Obtain all classes that are subclass of ROLE Classify John Doe wrt VO ont Lookup whether the ROLE that is inferred permits or not XACML AuthZ Response Semantic Binding Service PIP Proxy PDP Proxy VO Ontology OWL S-OGSA Scenario. Authorisation 8 Result or Exception Ignorant of semantics Semantic aware and capable of processing semantics Semantic provisioning services Semantic aware but incapable of processing semantics
61Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Outline Background The Grid and its characteristics Open Grid Services Architecture-OGSA Grid Standardization Activities Semantic Grid OntoGrid and Semantic-OGSA (S-OGSA) The S-OGSA model S-OGSA capabilities and mechanisms Lifetime specification S-OGSA scenarios of use Conclusions Agenda
62Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Conclusions A principled Semantic Grid reference architecture Low-impact extension of OGSA Mixed ecosystem of Grid and Semantic Grid services Ontology and metadata technology... ... can be used in Grid applications ... has to be adapted for its use in Grid environments Grid-compliant (provide Grid protocols, interfaces, etc.) Grid-aware (use of Grid technology) First use cases being deployed Still far from large-scale (production) deployment
63Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 More information Publications An overview of S-OGSA: a Reference Semantic Grid Architecture. Corcho O, Alper P, Kotsiopoulos I, Missier P, Bechhofer S, Goble C. Journal of Web Semantics 4(2): June 2006 Deliverable D1.2v2 Source code For Downloading Distributions Access to CVS Connection type: pserver user: ontogrid password: not needed Host: rpc262.cs.man.ac.uk Port: 2401 Repository path: /local/ontogrid/cvsroot module: prototype
64Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Outline Background The Grid and its characteristics Open Grid Services Architecture-OGSA Grid Standardization Activities Semantic Grid OntoGrid and Semantic-OGSA (S-OGSA) The S-OGSA model S-OGSA capabilities and mechanisms Lifetime specification S-OGSA scenarios of use Conclusions Agenda
65Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Agenda Semantic Grid middleware Ontology access (WS-DAIOnt-RDF(S) Focus on RDF(S) Grid ontologies Metadata management (Semantic Binding Service) Future of Semantic Grid Service-Oriented Knowledge Utilities Ongoing work on S-OGSA
66Oscar Corcho. OntoGrid Semantic Grid tutorial. February 2007 Questions Thank you for your attention! Questions? Acknowledgements OntoGrid Consortium Pinar Alper, Ioannis Kotsiopoulos, Paolo Missier, Wei Xing, Ian Dunlop, Sean Bechhofer, Carole Goble
OntoGrid Semantic Grid Tutorial Manchester, February 2007 Semantic Grid. Introduction Oscar Corcho University of Manchester