1 payback from investment in landscape ian phillips mrtpi, cmli 5th European Landscape conference, 2011
2 landscape and ecosystem services cleaner air flood risk management urban cooling renewable energy sources water management improved public health biodiversity support better places
3 i-trees – adding value to cities Developed in USA by Forest Service to evaluate economic contributions of urban trees New York City – every $1 spent on trees returns $5.6 Chicago – 3.5 million trees – annual functional value of $7.2 million Torbay, UK – pilot project indicates significant benefits in reducing air pollution and for long-lived, large canopy trees Key message – managing the urban forest
4 parks - adding value to property Source: Does Money grow on Trees – CABE, 2005
5 landscape and regional regeneration The Eden Project, Cornwall Redundant quarries redeveloped –visitor attraction –Landscape and horticulture showcase –environmental and social education programmes –Local, regional, national and global projects –emphasis on conservation and sustainable development Since 2001 –£140 million invested –13 million visits –£1 billion into local economy
6 green infrastructure – promoting the tourist economy for SE Dorset gi project initiated as countryside and biodiversity conservation project Backed by local councils and businesses to promote and support tourism and green knowledge economy
7 landscape value through the London Olympic Park 2.5 sq. km of contaminated land Parkland setting for the Olympic games and accommodation Future Legacy: –new London park and biodiversity resource –2,800 new homes and an academy for 1800 students
8 landscape and housing Elvetham Heath, Fleet – a landscape-led masterplan to create sustainable development 2000 houses, nature reserve, sustainable drainage, integrated open space, landscape character Commercial success, high resident satisfaction, community development, awards
9 opportunities and challenges Challenges –Landscape as functional rather than cosmetic –Initial investment vs. whole life benefits –Valuing intangible benefits –Engaging “non-green” stakeholders –Bridging political and professional boundaries –UK – loss of regional planning Opportunities –Policy EU European Landscape Convention EU green infrastructure strategy Strategic and local planning –Delivery New development Urban regeneration Open space and land management
10 References: