POLISH MARITIME CLUSTER Use of resources and possibilities of Baltic Sea and Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins connections as a chance of social & economical development of Poland. Prof. Tadeusz Jednoral Dr (Eng.) Bogdan Sedler London, 22nd September, 2006
Polish Maritime Cluster Directions of activities Programme in Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins water sector including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea within: Polish Technological Platforms included in the 7th Frame Programme of EU (2007 – 2013). Polish Technological Platforms included in the 7th Frame Programme of EU (2007 – 2013). Create of Cluster of Polish Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea realized by modern system of integrated network social & economical connections using dotations from EU. Create of Cluster of Polish Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea realized by modern system of integrated network social & economical connections using dotations from EU. Use of Cohesion Fund (Integrated Operational Plan of Regional Development (ZPORR) and Sectorial Plan). Use of Cohesion Fund (Integrated Operational Plan of Regional Development (ZPORR) and Sectorial Plan).
Polish Maritime Cluster Proposed social & economic development directions of Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea Within mentioned EU Programs and according to its destination and assignments, it’s necessary to take into consideration following development objectives for water – social & economic sectors of Poland: Better use of passenger and tourist, shipping and yachting on Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins, Vistula and Szczecin Bays, coastal lakes in connections with shortsea shipping along polish coast. Better use of passenger and tourist, shipping and yachting on Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins, Vistula and Szczecin Bays, coastal lakes in connections with shortsea shipping along polish coast. Creation of conditions, e.g. marinas, hotels and guesthouses, sanitary arrangements, swimming pools and baths (with heated water), for tourist & recreational objectives, water sports and possibilities for national and international tourists to spend time over mentioned places. Creation of conditions, e.g. marinas, hotels and guesthouses, sanitary arrangements, swimming pools and baths (with heated water), for tourist & recreational objectives, water sports and possibilities for national and international tourists to spend time over mentioned places.
Polish Maritime Cluster Creation of coherent safety system protected against the flood and also retention system protected against the drought. It is also possible to create appropriate security systems steering those mentioned process through: Quick and effective communication in integrated system warning against flood; Quick and effective communication in integrated system warning against flood; Building an effective sandbanks and water steps; Building an effective sandbanks and water steps; Building a retention reservoirs systems which protect against the flood and collect water resource indispensable for balanced develop of agricultural economy and forest management, energetics, water transport, business activities and for tourism and sport activities. Building a retention reservoirs systems which protect against the flood and collect water resource indispensable for balanced develop of agricultural economy and forest management, energetics, water transport, business activities and for tourism and sport activities.
Polish Maritime Cluster Proposal of social & economic development directions for Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea Proposal of social & economic development directions for Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea Decision of European Parliament and Council from 6th April, 2005 puts into operation the 7th Frame Programme of EU (2007 – 2013) which marks out: scientific and technological objectives; scientific and technological objectives; main subject directions; main subject directions; activities which realized mentioned objectives and directions. activities which realized mentioned objectives and directions. Objectives of Polish Technological Platforms in European dimension: active participation in European Technological Platforms structures; active participation in European Technological Platforms structures; active participation in define and realization of European Strategic Research Programmes; active participation in define and realization of European Strategic Research Programmes; active participation in Frame Programmes of EU. active participation in Frame Programmes of EU.
Polish Maritime Cluster Proposal of social & economic development directions for Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea Proposal of social & economic development directions for Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea Objectives of Polish Technological Platforms in national dimension: create of ambitious national scientific and research programmes concerning strategic sectors of economy, which would become an element of National Frame Programme; create of ambitious national scientific and research programmes concerning strategic sectors of economy, which would become an element of National Frame Programme; integration of key economic and research partners around creating strategies; integration of key economic and research partners around creating strategies; mobilization of essential public, private national and foreign funds; mobilization of essential public, private national and foreign funds; optimal use of structural funds optimal use of structural funds promotion and lobbing of research development activities favorable for economic sectors, represented by Technological Platforms. promotion and lobbing of research development activities favorable for economic sectors, represented by Technological Platforms.
Polish Maritime Cluster Polish Cluster of Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea According to definition, cluster is a: modern system of integrated network connections. We can also defined cluster as a organizations network connected by work exchange, where the production process are closely related with gods, services and knowledge exchange. It also happens in this network an informal knowledge and information exchange. The knowledge and new ideas are important characteristics of the network. Institutions included in cluster, from various levels of industrial chain (supplier, recipient), are communicated with services sector (financial institutions, production support services). There are also included governmental bodies, public and private agencies, scientific and research institutions et al. which participate in social and economic activities of city and region.
Polish Maritime Cluster TERRITORIAL AND ECONOMICAL CONDITIONS Economy: unstable structure, big demand on capital Cultural and science-technical bases:positive social climate, well qualified and active staff Life quality: average level Accessibility: good from outside, average from inside ORGANISATIONAL CAPACITY Vision/strategy:there exists elements of network strategy Public-private networks: underdeveloped Political-social support: weak Leadership: decentralized, few centres SPECIFIC CONDITIONS OF MARITIME CLUSTER Critical capacity: exists but needs support Driving forces: ports, shipbuilding and shiprepairing industry Level of strategic co-operation: currently not large Level of creation of new firms: needs acceleration
Polish Maritime Cluster Polish Maritime Cluster Polish Maritime Cluster Fishery and Processing Ocean Shipping Inland Shipping Yachting, Sport, Tourism Dredging and Refulling Offshore Industries Marine Services Sub- contractors of Maritime Industries Shipbuilding Shiprepairing and Conversion Marine Navy Schools, Universities, R&D Institutes Associations and Chambers Self- Governments Local and Central Administration Public and Private Media Financial Institutions, Banks SUPPORTING INFRASTRUCTURE Public Transport Seaports Energy Media Information and Communication
Polish Maritime Cluster Conclusions to Memorial concerning: “Liquidation of neglects in development of water sectors in Poland” Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins with Polish Territory of Baltic Sea comprise very important part of Polish territory and resources, giving great opportunities for development of Poland, growth of employment and social wealth, creating convenient conditions for balanced development, according to eco-development of land & water territories principle. Action must be taken to better use of those resources.
Polish Maritime Cluster Conclusions for activists, businessmen, associations, trade & industry chambers and enterprises Create of Polish Consortium of Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea. Create of Polish Consortium of Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea. Accession to co-realization specified Polish Technological Platforms. Accession to co-realization specified Polish Technological Platforms. Preparation of a programme guidelines for modern system of integrated network social & economic connections called Polish Cluster of Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea. Preparation of a programme guidelines for modern system of integrated network social & economic connections called Polish Cluster of Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea.
Polish Maritime Cluster Conclusions for governments and self-governments authorities Join activities with the non-governments organizations, trade & industry chambers and businessmen, for realization of social & economic development programme of water sector in Poland. Join activities with the non-governments organizations, trade & industry chambers and businessmen, for realization of social & economic development programme of water sector in Poland. Taking into account in national and regional plans, jointly formulated integrated water programme of Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea. Taking into account in national and regional plans, jointly formulated integrated water programme of Vistula and Odra Rivers’ Basins including Polish Territory of Baltic Sea. Very helpful to realisation above mentioned objectives should be programmes of Polish Technological Platforms and modern integrated network of water sector, known as Cluster.
Polish Maritime Cluster Conclusions for Polish Parliament Support and help from Parliament in realization sketched directions of water sector development in Poland. Support and help from Parliament in realization sketched directions of water sector development in Poland. Where there is necessary undertake legislative initiatives and see them come into force. Where there is necessary undertake legislative initiatives and see them come into force. Initiation, at Polish Parliament forum, successive meetings and conferences talk over work progress concerning realization of Water Sector in Poland. Initiation, at Polish Parliament forum, successive meetings and conferences talk over work progress concerning realization of Water Sector in Poland.
Polish Maritime Cluster Drift through the Vistula Spit
Polish Maritime Cluster Drift through the Vistula Spit
Polish Maritime Cluster Thank You for attention !!