EU 6th Framework Programme for RTD: Energy Opportunities Encouraging quality Irish participation: Potential topics, key issues, main steps. Bob Hanna SEI.


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Presentation transcript:

EU 6th Framework Programme for RTD: Energy Opportunities Encouraging quality Irish participation: Potential topics, key issues, main steps. Bob Hanna SEI FP6 Information morning Botanic Gardens, Dublin December 19, 2002

Key Issues FP6 is complex, challenging and competitive: Sustainable Energy Systems (€810M) New instruments/ categories of project Proposers from > 25 countries eligible to participate website is a key information source SEI national role in promoting and co-ordinating energy RD&D “National Contact Point” for FP5 and FP6 energy – information, guidance, access to EU NCP network Administering national programmes, scope for co-funding Seeking synergy and alignment

Key Issues Concentration on a limited number of priorities Networking of research teams Creation of a genuine European added value Structuring effect linking policies and schemes of: national and regional authorities other European actors Use of new instruments (IP and NoE) Co-ordination and simplification

Key Issues Priority thematic areas: Integrated Projects (IP) Networks of Excellence (NoE)

Integrated Projects Purpose: Designed to generate the knowledge required to implement the priority themes: By integrating the “critical mass” of activities and resources needed To achieve clearly defined but ambitious scientific and technological objectives

Integrated Projects Activities: Should contain a research component, technological development and/or demonstration components as appropriate May contain a training component Must be coherent and have appropriate management structure

Networks of Excellence Purpose: To strengthen scientific and technological excellence on a particular topic By networking a critical mass of expertise to comprise a world class competence (a virtual “centre of excellence”) To create permanent integration of research capabilities

Networks of Excellence Activities: Jointly executed research activities Development of common research platforms Staff mobility and exchanges Knowledge transfer Training of researchers Dissemination activities

Expressions of Interest Expressions of Interest Useful for informing the Commission and for finding prospective partners Also useful to guide prospective applicants Wasn’t a pre-requirement to file an EoI All potential proposers advised to study

Expressions of Interest Mainly Integrated Projects (72% of short-to- medium term projects) Understanding of Networks of Excellence poor Many renewables, particularly biomass Integration of renewables very poor Good eco-buildings EoIs

Expressions of Interest/ Potential Topics Wind energy in unconventional situations (offshore, grid interaction, etc.) (NoE) Biogas for transport applications (NoE) Biomass – combustion (NoE) Ocean energy (NoE) Distributed generation using renewables (IP) Rehabilitation of social housing (SEC) (IP, NoE) Eco-building design, demonstration, systems (IP) Grid optimisation for distributed generation (including fuel cells, CHP) (IP)

Expressions of Interest/ Potential Topics Quality, efficiency, economics of distributed generation to assist CHP market penetration (NoE) CO 2 sequestration, especially pre-combustion CO 2 capture Energy strategy – the context for RTD (NoE > IP) Fuel cells – high temperature for decentralised and mobile applications (IP, NoE) Grid connected storage to support RES penetration Biomass – barriers, combustion, transport applications (IP, NoE)

Expressions of Interest/ Potential Topics Carriers – Electricity (3 IP or NoE) Renewables – Biomass (3 IP or NoE, 4 STRP) Renewables – Wind (1 IP, 2 STRP) Renewables – Ocean (1 STRP) CO 2 capture and sequestration (3 IP or NoE, 3 STRP) Energy modelling (1 IP,2 STRP) Eco-buildings (IPs + STRPs) All topics (CA + SSA)

Expressions of Interest - Comments EoIs very variable in quality; some abstracts very vague Biomass (biofuels and bioelectricity) generally better than average Search criteria don’t always work Look at Commission’s own analysis of EoIs

Main Steps Study the detail of the First Call Determine your area of interest Articulate your proposition Align this with the Work Programme and Call Study Expressions of Interest: instruments Aim to have this undertaken by mid-January Test your project proposals – consult with SEI Develop your project proposals – consult with SEI Look for partners – consult with SEI

Reserve slides Details if required for clarification

Potential Topics: projects with short / med term impact Clean energy, in particular RE sources and their integration in the energy system, including storage, distribution and use Research should focus on: Increased cost effectiveness Performance and reliability of RE sources (“green electricity”, heat, biofuels) Integration of RE and effective combination with conventional generation Validation of new concepts for energy storage, distribution and use

Potential topics: projects with short / med term impact Energy savings and energy efficiency, including through use of renewable raw materials Research should focus on: “Eco-Buildings” – energy savings, improved environmental quality as well as improved quality of life “Polygeneration” – CHP, combined production of electricity, heating and cooling services, employing fuel cells and integration of RE

Potential topics: projects with short / med term impact Alternative motor fuels (biofuels, natural gas and hydrogen) Research should focus on: Integration of alternative motor fuels into urban transport systems Cost-effective and safe production, storage and distribution of alternative motor fuels Optimum utilisation of alternative fuels in new energy efficient vehicles Strategies and tools for market transformation process for alternative motor fuels

Potential topics: projects with med / long term impact Fuel cells, including their application Research should focus on: Cost reduction in fuel cell production and in applications for buildings, transport and decentralised electricity production Advanced materials for low and high temperature fuel cells for the above applications

Potential topics: projects with med / long term impact New technologies for energy carriers/ transport and storage, in particular hydrogen Research should focus on: Clean, cost-effective production of hydrogen Hydrogen transport, distribution, storage and utilisation infrastructure Clean electricity transmission, distribution and supply system analysis, planning, control and supervision concepts

Potential topics: projects with med / long term impact New and advanced concepts in renewable energy technologies. Research should focus on: PV: Production chain Integration of PV in buildings MW-scale electricity production systems Other technologies: European level integration of long- term RTD activities Bioenergy : Barriers in production, combustion, gasification technologies for electricity and H2/syngas production and biofuels for transport

Potential topics: projects with med / long term impact Capture & sequestration of CO 2 associated with cleaner fossil fuel plants Research should focus on: Developing holistic approaches to: Near zero emission fossil fuel based energy conversion systems Low cost CO 2 separation systems Developing safe, cost efficient CO 2 disposal options, particularly geological storage the potential for chemical storage Innovative uses of CO 2 as a resource