University of Waterloo & Elsevier Kortney Boak, Account Manager University of Waterloo July 8, 2008
Agenda Introduction New at Elsevier –New Cell Press titles –eBooks –Book Series Backfiles –The Clinics –Elsevier Masson titles What University of Waterloo has… What Elsevier offers that University of Waterloo doesn’t have… Questions?
Cell Press Cell Press, the Elsevier premium imprint for life science research, publishes 13 highly cited research journals: –Cell, Neuron, Immunity, Developmental Cell, Structure, –Current Biology, Cancer Cell, Molecular Cell, –Chemistry & Biology and Cell Metabolism Cell Press Backfiles –Cell (1974) –Neuron (1988) –Current Biology (1991) –Structure (1993) –Chemistry & Biology (1994) –Immunity (1994)
New Cell Press Titles Cell Host & Microbe Will publish novel findings related to microbes (which includes bacteria, fungi, parasites and viruses) with particular emphasis on the interface between the microbe and its host (vertebrate, invertebrate or plant). Cell Host & Microbe launched in March, 2007 Cell Stem Cell Published by Cell Press in affiliation with the International Society for Stem Cell Research (ISSCR) Will include primary research, reviews, and commentaries while also serving as a forum for issues of stem cell research policy and ethics Cell Stem Cell launched in June, 2007 American Journal of Genetics * Cell Press has been chosen by The American Society of Human Genetics to publish its premier monthly journal from January The American Journal of Human Genetics (AJHG) is an exciting new venture for Cell Press as its first society-owned journal. * University of Waterloo has access to
eBooks Current offerings and offerings to come…
Current Books Available on ScienceDirect Overview of current books available: Major Reference Works 70+ titles Subscription or 1x fee Book Series 11 subject packages Pick and Choose available Subscription model Backfiles now available Handbooks Series 7 series (164 volumes) Subscription or Upfront + annual fee eBooks 2009 list launching late fall 2008 live Backlist covers years 2007 and
Books on ScienceDirect Elsevier Reference Works IESBS Ency. of Materials; Science & Technology Ency. of Energy Treatise on Geochemistry Comprehensive Coordination Chemistry Ency. of Physical Sciences & Technology Ency. of Analytical Science Ency. of Condensed Matter Physics Ency. of Language & Linguistics Reference works (70+ titles) –Available in various subject areas –Sold per title –One-time or subscription payment option –Post-termination rights: Continued Access policy similar to journals at ScienceDirect ( solely one-time payment option), or electronic tape or 80% discount on the print –New titles Comprehensive Organometallic Chemistry III Ency of Quaternary Science Evolution of Nervous system Comprehensive Medicinal Chemistry II Learning and Memory Coming soon… Encyclopedia of Public Health The New Encyclopedia of Neuroscience Encyclopedia of Ecology
Books on ScienceDirect Elsevier Book Series –Agricultural and Biological Sciences –Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology –Business, Management & Economics –Chemistry –Engineering –Immunology and Microbiology –Life Sciences - New (2009) –Life Sciences - Legacy ( subscribers) –Methods in Enzymology & Backfiles from 1955 –Physics and Astronomy –Psychology –Social Sciences –Book Series in summary Contain a collection of reviews and essays on current research in a particular field or a comprehensive overview of a topic. Are published regularly, usually at least once per year. Are similar to journals in content and structure. Are highly cited and often have high usage per article. Present a more lengthy examination of a subject area than is possible in a traditional journal article. Articles are able to stand alone and do not need the context of the volume to be meaningful.
Books on ScienceDirect Books Series Backfiles Now Available: This solution consists of 63 book series backfiles: contains volumes from the first volume of the titles up until the 2000 –Increases the value of the entire collection, which is now more complete and comprehensive –Moves more content to users’ desktops –Gives older books that still contain relevant information new life Methods in Enzymology Backfiles is sold as a separate package Packaged in 3 ways: –Complete Collection: 63 titles –Subject Collections: Chemistry ( 13 titles) Life Sciences ( 38 titles) Engineering ( 3 titles) Physics & Astronomy ( 6 titles) Psychology ( 5 titles) Sub- Subject Collections (The life Science package is divided in sub-subject collections); Agricultural & Biological Sciences ( 7 titles) Biochemistry, Genetics & Molecular Biology ( 19 titles) Immunology & Microbiology ( 7 titles) Neuroscience ( 2 titles) Pharmacology, Toxicology & Pharmaceutical Science ( 3 titles)
Books on ScienceDirect Elsevier Handbooks Handbooks in Economics series, 21 sub- series Handbooks in Operations Research and Management Science, Handbook of Numerical Analysis, Handbook of Statistics, Handbooks on the Physics and Chemistry of Rare Earths, Handbook of Magnetic Materials, Comprehensive Analytical Chemistry Handbooks –Available in various subject areas –Sold per Series: 7 series available –Upfront and / or subscription payment option –Post-termination rights: Electronic tape or 80% discount on the print
Special Offer: Reference Works, Books Series Packages & Handbook Series Discounts on: –Reference Works; Book Series packages + MIE; Handbook Series Terms –Discount level also “ banked ” for titles / packages already purchased –Not applicable for pick and choose book series 2-5 titles/packages10% Discount titles/packages15% Discount 10 – 30 titles/packages 20 % Discount 31 – 50 titles/packages 25% Discount 51 – 70 titles/packages 30% Discount 71 + titles/packages35% Discount
Next in Books… eBooks….
eBooks Imprints on ScienceDirect Academic Press Butterworth-Heinemann (business, technology) Syngress & Digital Press (computing) Elsevier Science Gulf Professional Publishing (petroleum/petrochemical processing) Morgan Kaufmann (computer science) Newnes (electrical/electronic engineering) North-Holland (mathematics) Pergamon
eBooks on ScienceDirect 3000 backlist titles ( ) 2007 list: 516 titles 2008 list: 339 titles 2009 list to launch late fall 2008 – to be added annually –All of Elsevier Science & Technology Academic titles are included (monographs, professional reference works, excluding textbooks)
Collections (the SD subject classifications): -Subject Collections -Frontlist Collection -Backlist Collections Purchase Options for eBooks Pick and Choose -Any title within offering -minimum purchase required
19 Subject Areas 4,000 Titles Agricultural and Biological Sciences Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Chemical Engineering Chemistry Computer Science Earth and Planetary Sciences Energy Engineering Environmental Science Finance Forensics Immunology and Microbiology Materials Science Mathematics Medicine and Dentistry Neuroscience Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutical Science Physics and Astronomy Psychology
License policies eBooks One-time payment FTE based Perpetual access as long as customer maintains a SDOL license Post-termination rights: Continued access and or tapes, like journals MARC –records via OCLC at no charge to customer Counter-compliant usage statistics
New SD Info Site books Features: - Subject area pages plus book title pages - Pricing will be available for all titles and packages - Top 10 books in each area - Collateral, s and banners to help you promote to your users
University of Waterloo & Elsevier Products 7 of 13 Cell Press titles (access to Structure, Chemistry and Biology and Current Biology via CRKN) Ei: Compendex, Inspec, Backfiles, MRW’s, Referex* Scopus Backfiles * 3 Referex packages
Other Complimentary Products Backfiles (2 packages) Other EngineeringVillage products Books The Clinics Elsevier Masson Titles
Elsevier Backfile Packages Agricultural and Biological Sciences Biochemistry, Genetics and Molecular Biology Business, Management and Accounting Cell Press Chemistry Computer Science Decision Sciences Earth and Planetary Sciences Economics, Econometrics and Finance Energy and Power Engineering and Technology Environmental Sciences FEBS Letters High Energy/Nuclear Physics and Astronomy Immunology and Microbiology The Lancet Materials Science Mathematics Medicine and Dentistry (17 specialty packages) * Neuroscience Nursing and Health Professions Pharmacology, Toxicology and Pharmaceutics Physics General Psychology Social Science Veterinary Science and Veterinary Medicine *Supplements
Backfile Supplements Backfiles –Of the 30 packages available, University of Waterloo has 29 packages but has yet to purchase the supplements for the Medicine Package –Since the original Backfiles initiative was launched in 2000, Elsevier has acquired many new titles ranging from Harcourt to Urban & Fischer, to individually acquired titles. »Many of these titles have content prior to 1995 and are therefore eligible to become part of a subject Backfiles Supplement package »Medical Supplement 1: $26,600 »Medical Supplement 2: $2770
New and Improved Backfile Offer New backfile offer with an improved discount schedule: lowest percentage is 15% off of any purchase, discount rises to 27.5% for purchasing entire collection
Engineering Village University of Waterloo has… –Compendex –Compendex backfiles –Inspec –Inspec Archive –Referex (300 titles) –Geobase University of Waterloo doesn’t have… –Referex new release: 1300 more titles Over 1600 full-text electronic reference titles in PDF format Six distinct collection choices available –Chemical, Petrochemical & Process –Electronics & Electrical –Materials & Mechanical –Civil and Environmental –Computing –Security and Networking
Major Reference Works on SD University of Waterloo has 5 of the 70+ MRW’s: Treatise on Geochemistry (Sub) IESBS (Sub) Comprehensive Organic Functional Group II (UF) Comprehensive Microsystems (UF) Encyclopedia of Quaternary Science (UF)
The Clinics All the Clinics journals (55 titles) are now available on ScienceDirect Pricing is based on the population banded approach for A&G customers. Method of sale is either pick & choose or package subscription. Pricing follows the Cell Press methodology where electronic pricing is decoupled from print. Subscription will cover content for all available years. (Most titles were launched in around 2002)
Elsevier Masson Titles Elsevier Masson French-language medical titles now available on ScienceDirect! –These titles publish high quality articles, reviews and case reports, book reviews and professional information – A number of the journals also publish abstracts and articles in English. The collection will evolve with new titles being added every year through new launches and acquisitions. Subscribers will benefit from the current (2008) articles as well as four years in back files The Elsevier Masson French-language medical titles represent a wide range of high-quality journals including: Journal de Radiologie Gastroéntérologie Journal de Chirurgie Revue Neurologique
Wrap Up Questions?