don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Use of mobile Flash Cards in measurement devices and small automation systems don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Contents: Different Flash Technologies Flash storage advantage / disadvantage Several types of Flash Cards Flash Card applications Conclusion don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Different Flash Technologies: NOR=Code Memory NAND= Data Mass Storage don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Contents: Different Flash Technologies Flash storage advantage / disadvantage Several types of Flash Cards Flash Card applications Conclusion don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Flash storage advantage Flash Memory: solid state small size non volatile low power reliable Flash Cards: mobile small form factor standardized interoperable shock & temperature endurance easy to use don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Flash storage disadvantage Flash Memory: price / MByte data retention data transfer rate limited erase cycles access restrictions Flash Cards: „low“ capacity 7 different formats don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Contents: Different Flash Technologies Flash storage advantage Several types of Flash Cards Flash Card applications Conclusion don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Types of Flash Cards: Linear Flash PCMCIA, 1989 credit card size 68 Pin, Memory-I/O linear, ATA interface Type I, II, III NOR Flash, XIP no build-in controller Compact Flash CFA, 1994 matchbook size 50 Pin, Memory-I/O ATA, IDE interface Type I, II NAND Flash build-in controller don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Types of Flash Cards: Smart Media SSFDC, 1996 thinnest form factor 22 Pin, multiplexed I/O single/ sequential blocks pure NAND Chips no build-in controller Multimedia Card MMCA, 1997 post stamp size 7 Pin, serial interface, SPI block/ streaming mode NAND Flash build-in controller don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Types of Flash Cards: SD Card SDA, 2001 MMC compatible (thicker) 9 Pin, serial/parallel interface security feature, Memory-I/O NAND Flash build-in controller Memory Stick Sony proprietary, 1998 chewing gum size 10 Pin, serial interface security (magic gate) NAND Flash build-in controller don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Types of Flash Cards: xD Card Olympus, Fuji, proprietary, 2002 smallest card format (penny size) 18 Pin, multiplexed I/O NAND Flash no build-in controller don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Contents: Different Flash Technologies Flash storage advantage Several types of Flash Cards Flash Card applications Conclusion don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Flash Card applications: Update Card Automation System µC DATA Storage CODE Storage Boot Loader BIOS Operating System Application CARD FRAME Boot Logic FLASH CARD Boot Loader (XIP) New Code Update Procedure don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Flash Card applications: Backup Card Automation System µC DATA Storage NV Data CODE Storage Application CARD FRAME FLASH CARD Backup Data I/O Units Backup Procedure don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Flash Card applications: Program Card Automation System µC DATA Storage CODE Storage Application Program CARD FRAME FLASH CARD Service/Maintenance Program I/O Units Card Program execution don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Flash Card applications: Parameter Card Automation System µC DATA Storage CODE Storage Application Program CARD FRAME FLASH CARD Sensor / Actor Line Parameter Product LinesSensor/Actor Parameter Definition don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Flash Card applications: Data Card Automation System µC DATA Storage Measurement Data CODE Storage Application CARD FRAME FLASH CARD Logged Measurement Data I/O Units Logging Process don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Contents: Different Flash Technologies Flash storage advantage Several types of Flash Cards Flash Card applications Conclusion don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Flash Card Conclusion rapid growing market increasing storage density decreasing prices Field of Automation: favourite mobile storage simplify data management don't stop thinking about tomorrow XVII IMEKO World Congress Dubrovnik Dipl.-Ing. Anton Scheibelmasser Thank you for your attention !