Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Center Kami Silk, PhD Co-Investigator, Communication Core Department of Communication Michigan State University.


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Presentation transcript:

Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Center Kami Silk, PhD Co-Investigator, Communication Core Department of Communication Michigan State University

Principal Investigators Sandra Z. Haslam, Ph.D. Professor of Physiology PI and Center Director Charles Atkin, Ph.D. Professor of Communication PI

Purpose To explore the causes of breast cancer by creating a network of research centers in which: multidisciplinary teams of scientists, clinicians, and breast cancer advocates work together on a multidisciplinary teams of scientists, clinicians, and breast cancer advocates work together on a unique set of scientific questions that focus on unique set of scientific questions that focus on chemical, physical, biological, and social factors in the environment that chemical, physical, biological, and social factors in the environment that work together with genetic factors and lead to breast cancer work together with genetic factors and lead to breast cancer

Overall Goal To develop public health messages for To develop public health messages for young girls and women who are at high risk for breast cancer young girls and women who are at high risk for breast cancer about the role(s) of specific environmental stressors in breast cancer about the role(s) of specific environmental stressors in breast cancer and how to reduce exposures to these stressors. and how to reduce exposures to these stressors.

Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Center Breast Cancer and the Environment Research Center Granting Agencies: Granting Agencies: National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences National Institute of Environmental Health Sciences National Cancer Institute National Cancer Institute Funded for 7 years MSU Foundation supplemental funds for 3 years

Four Funded Centers NIEHS and NCI funded 4 centers across the country Michigan State UniversityMichigan State University University of CincinnatiUniversity of Cincinnati University of PennsylvaniaUniversity of Pennsylvania University of California, San FranciscoUniversity of California, San Francisco

BCERC Components Administrative Core Administrative Core Community Outreach and Translation Community Outreach and Translation Research Core Research Core Basic Biology Research (all centers) Basic Biology Research (all centers) Epidemiology Research* (U.C., U.P., U.C.S.F.) Epidemiology Research* (U.C., U.P., U.C.S.F.)

MSU Center Components Administrative Core Coordinate all MSU center activities Coordinate all MSU center activities Coordinate all MSU collaborative interactions with the three other centers Coordinate all MSU collaborative interactions with the three other centers

MSU Center Breast Biology Research Project Environmental Effects on the Molecular Architecture and Function of the Mammary Gland across the Lifespan Environmental Effects on the Molecular Architecture and Function of the Mammary Gland across the Lifespan

Definition of Environmental Stressors Chemicals Chemicals Diet Diet Activity Activity Stress (socio-economic, psychological) Stress (socio-economic, psychological)

Basic Science Collaborative Project A.Normal mammary gland development using mouse model. B.How do environmental stressors such as diet and chemical/hormonal exposures during pregnancy and prior to puberty alter normal development at puberty and eventual sexual maturity? C.How do alterations in normal development at puberty and sexual maturity caused by environmental stressors affect breast cancer development after exposure to a known carcinogen? Progesterone and mammary gland development

Biology Core Team Principal Investigator: Dr. Sandra HaslamPhysiology Co-Investigators: Dr. Richard MiksicekPhysiology Dr. Karl OlsonPhysiology Dr. Susan ConradMicrobiology & Molecular Genetics Dr. Richard SchwartzMicrobiology & Molecular Genetics Dr. Timothy ZacharewskiBiochemistry & Environmental Toxicology

MSU Center Community Outreach and Translation Core (COTC) Develop and implement strategies to translate the scientific findings of the research centers into information for the public and policy makers and determine if they are effective Activities in collaboration with advocates: Develop educational materials for children and adults Develop educational materials for children and adults Conduct public awareness forums, workshops and meetings Conduct public awareness forums, workshops and meetings Develop and evaluate new approaches to disseminate research findings Develop and evaluate new approaches to disseminate research findings

Outreach and Translation Core Team Principal Investigator: Charles Atkin, PhD, P.I.Communication Co-Investigators: Pam Whitten, PhD Telecommunication Kami Silk, PhDCommunication Karen Shirer, PhDMSU Extension William Donohue, PhDCommunication Janet Osuch, M.D., M.S. Surgery & Epidemiology

Advocate Roles Work in partnership with the biology and epidemiology scientists to integrate consumer concerns into the research protocols Work in partnership with the biology and epidemiology scientists to integrate consumer concerns into the research protocols Work in partnership the scientists and the outreach core to disseminate education about the project and its findings in their communities Work in partnership the scientists and the outreach core to disseminate education about the project and its findings in their communities

Community Advocates Carol Callaghan, MPH Carol Callaghan, MPH Chief, Cancer Prevention & Control Section, MDCH Chief, Cancer Prevention & Control Section, MDCH Latecia Matthews, BS Latecia Matthews, BS Faith Access to Community Economic Development Faith Access to Community Economic Development Christine Pearson, BA Christine Pearson, BA President, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Greater Lansing Affiliate President, Susan G. Komen Breast Cancer Foundation, Greater Lansing Affiliate Lana Pollack, MA Lana Pollack, MA President, Michigan Environmental Council President, Michigan Environmental Council Vicki Rakowski, RN Vicki Rakowski, RN Executive VP for Medical Activities, Great Lakes Division of the American Cancer Society Executive VP for Medical Activities, Great Lakes Division of the American Cancer Society

MSU COTC Activities Provide communication expertise to other COTC Provide communication expertise to other COTC Assist with the annual conference Assist with the annual conference Develop materials that communicate breast cancer risk information Develop materials that communicate breast cancer risk information Thus far, conducted formative research Thus far, conducted formative research Focus groups Focus groups Content Analysis Content Analysis Phone survey Phone survey

MSU Focus Group Study Community-based formative research Community-based formative research Ten focus groups (N=91) Ten focus groups (N=91) 6 adolescent girl groups 6 adolescent girl groups 4 mother groups 4 mother groups EAs, AAs, Latinos EAs, AAs, Latinos 4 counties in Michigan 4 counties in Michigan Data transcribed and coded Data transcribed and coded

MSU Focus Group Study Awareness of breast cancer Awareness of breast cancer Beliefs about severity, susceptibility, and efficacy Beliefs about severity, susceptibility, and efficacy Beliefs about breast cancer, role of the environment (physical and lifestyle) Beliefs about breast cancer, role of the environment (physical and lifestyle) Useful for audience analysis to tailor message content Useful for audience analysis to tailor message content

MSU Focus Group Study Evidence of knowledge deficits Evidence of knowledge deficits Evidence of lack of link between breast cancer and the environment, particularly among adolescents Evidence of lack of link between breast cancer and the environment, particularly among adolescents Evidence of lack of understanding of the role of prevention in decreasing risk Evidence of lack of understanding of the role of prevention in decreasing risk Evidence of lack of motivation to engage in healthy behaviors Evidence of lack of motivation to engage in healthy behaviors

Barriers to Effective Health and Risk Communication Abstractness Abstractness Complexity Complexity Low audience involvement Low audience involvement Lack of perceived susceptibility Lack of perceived susceptibility “everything causes cancer” “everything causes cancer” Lack of future orientation Lack of future orientation Emotional and physical constraints Emotional and physical constraints Low health literacy and innumeracy Low health literacy and innumeracy

Challenges How can we address barriers and create effective health messages? How can we address barriers and create effective health messages? Note: There is NOT a simple formula for success. Note: There is NOT a simple formula for success.

Effective Message Construction What is your goal? What is your goal? Conduct formative research Conduct formative research Let theory guide message construction Let theory guide message construction Theoretical “toolbox” Theoretical “toolbox” Cite credible sources Cite credible sources Simplicity Simplicity Use emotional and rational appeals Use emotional and rational appeals

Effective Message Construction Present multiple types of evidence Present multiple types of evidence Narrative Narrative Statistical Statistical Present statistical evidence in multiple formats Present statistical evidence in multiple formats Use clear pictorial representations Use clear pictorial representations Use intense language Use intense language

Future PSAs Developed as results of studies emerge Developed as results of studies emerge Targeted to adolescents & women Targeted to adolescents & women Focused on healthy diet and increased physical activity Focused on healthy diet and increased physical activity Imbed protective factor against breast cancer in the message Imbed protective factor against breast cancer in the message Professional and creative Professional and creative Guided by formative research & message testing Guided by formative research & message testing

Helpful Resources Maibach, E., & Parrott, R. (1995). Designing health messages: Approaches from communication theory and public health practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Maibach, E., & Parrott, R. (1995). Designing health messages: Approaches from communication theory and public health practice. Thousand Oaks: Sage. Rice, R.E. & Atkin, C.K. (2001). Public Communication Campaigns (3rd edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. Rice, R.E. & Atkin, C.K. (2001). Public Communication Campaigns (3rd edition). Thousand Oaks, CA: Sage. U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2002). Making health communication programs work. NIH Publication No U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2002). Making health communication programs work. NIH Publication No

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