3-1 Query Tools GIS in Emergency Management and Homeland Security
5-2 Why do you need a selection? Selected features Analysis Edit Use to select other features Create a new flyer Convert to graphics Calculate statistics Report Export
5-3 Available Selection Tools Interactive, attributes, location, graphics Selected set Interactive selection tool
5-4 Selection Methods Specify from Selection menu Create new selection Select from selection Remove from the selection Add to the selection
5-5 Interactive Selection Options from Selection menu Select features partially or completely within the box or graphic(s) Select features completely within the box or graphic(s) Select features that the box or graphic are completely within
5-6 Selection Layers The Set Selectable Layers option allows you to choose the layers that you can select by clicking on the map.
5-7 Attribute Selection Select features based on an attribute value.
5-8 Select by Location (spatial query) Use features in one layer to select features in another.
5-9 Calculating Statistics 1. Select some features and open the feature attribute table. 3. Review the summary statistics and close the Statistics box when you are finished. 2. Choose Statistics from the field context menu.
5-10 Query Exercise Washington County Floodplain
3-11 Questions…
3-12 Academic Applications of GIS GIS in Emergency Management and Homeland Security
5-13 Goals Applications of GIS in an academic environment Resources – curriculum, user groups and more Conclusions
5-14 Academic Applications of GIS Contributes to each facet of faculty professional development
5-15 Academic Applications of GIS Teaching Course projects, labs, data Technology, Emergency Management, GIS, Economics, Engineering, Science, Geography, Remote Sensing Research Grants Multidisciplinary Mitigation and Preparedness Service Collaboration with public/private sectors Federal, State, Local, community projects
5-16 Teaching Graduate or Undergraduate level applications General Education courses Examples Emergency Management – risk assessment, hazard profile, social vulnerability, critical infrastructure, lifelines, emergency response Geography – mapping applications for emergency planning, demographics, physical geography Planning – zoning, building ordinances, land use Engineering – modeling, basic engineering applications Earth Sciences – geology, meteorology Can we think of others?
5-17 Teaching California University of Pennsylvania B.A. Geography concentration in GIS & Emergency Management Demographic Analysis Climatology Impacts and Sustainability of Tourism Developing the Master Plan Geographic Information Systems GIS 2 Crime Mapping & Spatial Analysis Natural Hazards Emergency Management Disaster Vulnerability Assessment
5-18 Research Multidisciplinary collaborations Private/Public sector and university collaborations Scenarios, Loss estimates, Models, Economics, Engineering Data Flood Model Hurricane/Wind Model Earthquake Model Internships – valuable experience for students
3-19 HAZUS-MH – GIS Science and Risk Assessment
5-20 What is HAZUS? Facilitates a risk-based approach to mitigation Calculates scientifically-defensible damages, economic losses, and mitigation benefits Identifies and visually displays hazards and vulnerabilities Free ArcGIS 9 extension
5-21 What is HAZUS? HAZUS-MH allows user to IDENTIFY vulnerable areas ASSESS level of readiness and preparedness to deal with a disaster before disaster occurs ESTIMATE potential losses from specific hazard events DECIDE on how to allocate resources for most effective and efficient response and recovery PRIORITIZE mitigation measures that need to be implemented to reduce future losses (what if)
5-22 What is HAZUS? Inventory is divided into two categories Common to all hazards General building types and occupancies Lifelines Replacement costs Demographics Hazard-specific Specific building types Elevation Building configurations
5-23 User Levels Level 3 Level 2 Level 1 Combinations of local and default hazard, building, and damage data Default hazard, inventory, and damage information Input hazard specific data Required User Effort and Sophistication
5-24 Supported Hazards Hurricanes Riverine and Coastal Floods Earthquakes
5-25 Who Uses HAZUS? Over 4,200 users in 2004 – 19,600 users predicted by 2008 International users – Norway, Turkey, and Sweden pilot programs
5-26 Other Resources HAZUS Overview HAZUS Library Model Details User Group Information Training
5-28 Loss Estimation Methodology
5-29 Damage/Loss Functions Assess damage and losses based on hazard conditions Example – Hurricane model has 1884 unique building categories 45 damage/loss functions for each building model ~85,000 unique damage/loss curves
5-30 Output
3-31 Hurricane Model Overview
5-32 Supported States Model includes 22 gulf and east coast states as well as Hawaii
5-33 Hurricane Scenarios Individual storms User-defined Historical Probabilistic
5-34 Hurricane/Wind Model Meteorology (wind speed, storm surge, forecast) Emergency response Wind engineering Building codes, zoning Mitigation and preparedness activities (evacuation routes, shelters, awareness) Debris removal Infrastructure and utilities Vulnerability
3-39 Flood Model Overview
5-40 Flood Scenarios Specific Return Intervals Specific Discharge Frequency (riverine) Annualized Losses Quick Look What-If Levees Flow Regulation Velocity
5-41 Flood Model Meteorology, Geology, and Hydrology (data input, forecast) Building codes, zoning Emergency response Army Corps of Engineers NFIP and FIRM Mitigation and preparedness activities (buyouts, dams, 100 year flood, cost-benefit analysis, awareness) Emergency response Infrastructure
3-46 Earthquake Model Overview
5-47 Earthquake Scenarios User defined events Historic events Probabilistic events
5-48 Earthquake Model Geophysics (shaking, liquefaction, landslides) Geology (soils) Earthquake engineering Building codes Mitigation and preparedness activities (e.g. retrofitting, awareness programs) Utilities Infrastructure Emergency response
5-52 Transportation Plan and Implementation Strategy Greater Memphis Region Approx 15% of Bridges Operational 10 Operational 47 Operational w/ Damage 16 Restored w/in 30 Days 365 Restored after 30 Days Surface Streets most viable Alternate Routes Majority of 5-State Region Bridges are Undamaged Emergency Route Planning: Scenario Impact on Bridges
5-55 HAZUS - Data National database Valuable resource Must realize limitations (e.g. buildings dispersed evenly in county) Data analysis methods/models GPS data Level 2 and 3 analyses
5-57 Service Learning Data collection to improve local data inventory GIS support for risk assessment and mitigation planning Technical support for Level 2 and Level 3 analysis Engineering and planning support for mitigation Evacuation, shelter, medical, emergency response, debris removal needs assessment Cost benefit analysis
5-58 Service Improve understanding of hazards and potential impacts Data and mapping repository for regional users Technical training support for HAZUS-MH and applications Participation in regional HAZUS User Groups Students as “cheap” labor, internships
3-62 Resources
5-63 HAZUS User Groups Networking Communication Collaboration Projects Training Information
5-64 Resources Research Centers Natural Hazards Center in Boulder, CO Universities Journals Training Regional HUGs State Emergency Management EMI Curriculum
5-65 Resources zus-mh.html zus-mh.html Service pack, GIS, Examples, Computer Requirements HAZUS Information, Order Form, HAZUS Tools, FEMA, HAZUS Library, Contacts HAZUS Users Groups (HUG), Training, Resources, Data, Reports, Blog, News
3-66 Conclusions
5-67 Conclusions Win-win situation University improves community relationship, collaborations, networking, resources Faculty develops professionally, tenure promotion, combines teaching, research, and service agendas Students gain experience, learn state-of-the-art technology, internships, research, useful projects, marketable for jobs Private sector gains opportunity, contacts, resources, interns, business continuity planning Government improves emergency management, proactive mitigation activities, protects citizens, valuable cheap labor from students, improves data/resources, private sector expertise Community safety, loss reduction, raised awareness, knowledge
3-68 Conclusions Tremendous opportunity for increasing use of GIS and HAZUS-MH in academia. HAZUS can be used to contribute to each facet of faculty professional development. Collaboration is the key (multidisciplinary, multiagency, multijurisdictional) and the challenge Many resources available and many are free! HUGs are a valuable resource Real impact – reduce casualties and damages
5-69 Acknowledgements Federal Emergency Management Agency Kevin Mickey Hazus.org California University of Pennsylvania 3RiversHUG
5-70 Discussion Points Advantages/Disadvantages Probability of using HAZUS/Inhibiting Factors HAZUS User Groups University uses of HAZUS
3-71 Questions?