Results on Test Cryostats and The AGATA Asym. Triple: Status of Cryostat Production AGATA Detector Group Meeting, IKP Cologne March 16th, 2006.


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Presentation transcript:

Results on Test Cryostats and The AGATA Asym. Triple: Status of Cryostat Production AGATA Detector Group Meeting, IKP Cologne March 16th, 2006

Assembly of Cap A003 into Test Cryostat Assembly of Cap A003 into Test Cryostat Cross Talk Test Results by Nigel and/or Bart

AGATA Detector Group Meeting, IKP Cologne March 16th, 2006 Assembly of Cap A002 into Test Cryostat Assembly of Cap A002 into Test Cryostat Only row E; Core 2,15 keV 1,3 MeV

AGATA Detector Group Meeting, IKP Cologne March 16th, 2006 History Meeting Cologne Oct. 20th, 2005: Discussions and Determining of Measurements of the End Cap e.g. Clearance Cryostat – Cryostat: 0,50 mm Incl. Tolerance of End Cap:0.15 mm Wall Thickness of End Cap:1.00 mm Distance End Cap – Capsule Wall:optimized Wall Thickness Capsule:0,80 mm Clearance between Capsules:0.50 mm Distance Capsule, internal:0.40 mm Tolerance Capsule Dimensions:0.10 mm

AGATA Detector Group Meeting, IKP Cologne March 16th, 2006 November and December 2005 Design of an End Cap Geometry on Basis of these Numbers Workshop IKP Cologne with Catia CAD Programm

AGATA Detector Group Meeting, IKP Cologne March 16th, 2006 Viewer CTT Design Phase From January 2006 To End of February 2006

AGATA Detector Group Meeting, IKP Cologne March 16th, 2006 Some Details...

AGATA Detector Group Meeting, IKP Cologne March 16th, 2006

HV Modules and Control To be discussed: - final size of modules - assembly to cryostat - cabling - power supply - PT 100 read out - LN2 read out electronic

AGATA Detector Group Meeting, IKP Cologne March 16th, 2006 Status of Fabrication Cold preamp blocks ~ 60 pcs in production Warm preamps available Internal cabling in production Feedthrough plates in production Dewars as shown ordered Cryostat hardware as shown  Prepared as good as possible to get ready in time to get ready in time

AGATA Detector Group Meeting, IKP Cologne March 16th, 2006 Time Schedule Calendar 2006 JanFebMarchAprilMayJuneJulyAugSeptOctNovDez Design Design Approval Approval Design Finish and Fabrication Fabrication of Independent Parts Fabrication of Independent Parts Final Assembly Final Assembly Capsule Assembly

AGATA Detector Group Meeting, IKP Cologne March 16th, 2006 Topics of CTT‘s Concern:  approval of the asym. cryostat design asap  Final fixing of the HV control units and their power supply  Discussions about frame mounting and cable channels, cable guiding etc.  approval of the asym. cryostat design asap  Final fixing of the HV control units and their power supply  Discussions about frame mounting and cable channels, cable guiding etc.