Photo: Sutherland AstroNight Activity taken by Shaaron Leverment IYA2009: Astronomy for Humankind, Cornerstones and Universe Awareness Kevin Govender
Millennium Development Goals GOAL 1: Eradicate extreme poverty and hunger GOAL 2: Achieve universal primary education GOAL 3: Promote gender equality and empower women GOAL 4: Reduce child mortality GOAL 5: Improve maternal health GOAL 6: Combat HIV/AIDS, malaria and other diseases GOAL 7: Ensure environmental sustainability GOAL 8: Develop a global partnership for development
War (slide 1 of 2)
War (slide 2 of 2)
Religions (slide 1 of 2)
Religions (slide 2 of 2)
Fundamentalism (slide 1 of 2)
Fundamentalism (slide 2 of 2)
Astronomy for Development Education (especially Maths and Science) Development of Research Public Understanding of Science Development of Partnerships Astronomy for job creation (especially tourism)
SOUTHERN AFRICAN LARGE TELESCOPE SALT Collateral Benefits Programme Education Public Outreach Socio-economic Development
National Astrophysics and Space Science Programme
Astronomy for all
An event 400 years in the making
The beauty of science
Universal Treasures
Seeing in the dark
Millions looking at the sky
A one-stop universe of news
The life of an astronomer
Breaking down misconceptions
Teaching the Teachers
One place in the universe
Photo: Sutherland AstroNight Activity taken by Shaaron Leverment