Mistakes in Biblical Families… that Christians Make Today!
INTRODUCTION… 1. The Home is Extremely important… a. It is an essential need for mankind - Gen 2:18-24 b. It is the nest & training ground for the next generation Gen 2:24, Eph 6:4
INTRODUCTION… 1. The Home is Extremely important… a. It is an essential need for mankind - Gen 2:18-24 b. It is the nest & training ground for the next generation Gen 2:24, Eph 6:4 2. Our society is in decline as a result of the decline of the home. a. “As the family goes, so goes the nation and so goes the whole world in which we live.” b. Our current trend has been seen in the ruination of past civilizations! c. Roles & Responsibilities obliterated, children left to themselves, Worldliness & Materialism, Chaos!
INTRODUCTION… 3. The decline in the home has greatly harmed the church as well! a. Worldliness is commonplace in Christian homes! b. As the Family goes, so goes the Church! c. We must Reverse this Trend! - Ro 12:2, 2 Cor 6:11-18
INTRODUCTION… 3. The decline in the home has greatly harmed the church as well! a. Worldliness is commonplace in Christian homes! b. As the Family goes, so goes the Church! c. We must Reverse this Trend! - Ro 12:2, 2 Cor 6: But, what behavior has caused this decline?
INTRODUCTION… 3. The decline in the home has greatly harmed the church as well! a. Worldliness is commonplace in Christian homes! b. As the Family goes, so goes the Church! c. We must Reverse this Trend! - Ro 12:2, 2 Cor 6: But, what behavior has caused this decline? 5. Let’s examine some mistakes made in Biblical families that are at the heart of many of our current problems! a. What is the Christian Home to Look Like? b. 6 Popular & Historical Mistakes in the Home!
I. What is the Home Suppose to be… A. God’s word gives us many descriptions of what the Godly home is to be…
I. What is the Home Suppose to be… A. God’s word gives us many descriptions of what the Godly home is to be… 1. Loving & Tender……………Eph 5:22-6:4, Titus 2: Working ………………………Prov 31:10-31, 1 Tim 5:8,16 3. Nurturing & Teaching ……Deut 6:4-9, Eph 6: Disciplined ……………………Pr 22:6, 29:15, 13:24 5. Organized ……………………Gen 3, Eph 5:22-6:4, 1 Pet 3:1-7
I. What is the Home Suppose to be… A. God’s word gives us many descriptions of what the Godly home is to be… 1. Loving & Tender……………Eph 5:22-6:4, Titus 2: Working ………………………Prov 31:10-31, 1 Tim 5:8,16 3. Nurturing & Teaching ……Deut 6:4-9, Eph 6: Disciplined ……………………Pr 22:6, 29:15, 13:24 5. Organized ……………………Gen 3, Eph 5:22-6:4, 1 Pet 3:1-7 B. The Home that God has established is a REFUGE from this world of Ungodliness! Webster’s - shelter or protection from danger or distress; a place that provides shelter or protectionWebster’s - shelter or protection from danger or distress; a place that provides shelter or protection
I. What is the Home Suppose to be… C. Problem is…many in the church choose not to follow God’s Family plan and do things their way! Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. In many cases, our homes are anything but a refuge!In many cases, our homes are anything but a refuge!
I. What is the Home Suppose to be… C. Problem is…many in the church choose not to follow God’s Family plan and do things their way! Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. In many cases, our homes are anything but a refuge!In many cases, our homes are anything but a refuge! D. These same “ways” have been used in the past, and the pain and suffering was tremendous!
I. What is the Home Suppose to be… C. Problem is…many in the church choose not to follow God’s Family plan and do things their way! Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death.Proverbs 14:12 - There is a way that seems right to a man, But its end is the way of death. In many cases, our homes are anything but a refuge!In many cases, our homes are anything but a refuge! D. These same “ways” have been used in the past, and the pain and suffering was tremendous! E. Let’s remind ourselves of these mistakes made by Biblical families so we can live differently and truly make our homes a refuge from the world.
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible…
A. Husbands that Do Not Lead! 1. God has established Roles, Man is to be the Leader! Gen 3:16-19, Eph 5:22-33, 1 Pet 3:1-7
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… A. Husbands that Do Not Lead! 1. God has established Roles, Man is to be the Leader! Gen 3:16-19, Eph 5:22-33, 1 Pet 3: Disaster Strikes when the Leader Refuses to Lead! a. Adam did not Lead in the Garden - Gen 3 b. Moses did not Lead in Obedience - Ex 4:24-26 c. Solomon did not Lead in Faithfulness - 1 Kings 11:4
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… A. Husbands that Do Not Lead! 1. God has established Roles, Man is to be the Leader! Gen 3:16-19, Eph 5:22-33, 1 Pet 3: Disaster Strikes when the Leader Refuses to Lead! a. Adam did not Lead in the Garden - Gen 3 b. Moses did not Lead in Obedience - Ex 4:24-26 c. Solomon did not Lead in Faithfulness - 1 Kings 11:4 3. We see this often today… a. Men do not Set the Spiritual Example b. Men abdicate the Leadership role to wives, with sad consequences - Damage to wife & children!
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… A. Husbands that Do Not Lead! 1. God has established Roles, Man is to be the Leader! Gen 3:16-19, Eph 5:22-33, 1 Pet 3: Disaster Strikes when the Leader Refuses to Lead! a. Adam did not Lead in the Garden - Gen 3 b. Moses did not Lead in Obedience - Ex 4:24-26 c. Solomon did not Lead in Faithfulness - 1 Kings 11:4 3. We see this often today… a. Men do not Set the Spiritual Example b. Men abdicate the Leadership role to wives, with sad consequences - Damage to wife & children! 4. Men: Lead, or Don’t get Married!!
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… B. Wives that Do Not Follow! 1. God has established Roles, Wives are to follow! Gen 3:16-19, Eph 5:22-33, 1 Pet 3:1-7
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… B. Wives that Do Not Follow! 1. God has established Roles, Wives are to follow! Gen 3:16-19, Eph 5:22-33, 1 Pet 3: Disaster Strikes when the Follower doesn’t Follow! a. Adam & Eve - Gen 3 b. Wives w/false teaching & Husbands – Numerous! c. Ahab & Jezebel - 1 Kings 21:25 – she stirred him up! d. Sampson & wife, Delilah – Jud 14:15-18, 16:4,16
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… B. Wives that Do Not Follow! 1. God has established Roles, Wives are to follow! Gen 3:16-19, Eph 5:22-33, 1 Pet 3: Disaster Strikes when the Follower doesn’t Follow! a. Adam & Eve - Gen 3 b. Wives w/false teaching & Husbands – Numerous! c. Ahab & Jezebel - 1 Kings 21:25 – she stirred him up! d. Sampson & wife, Delilah – Jud 14:15-18, 16:4,16 3. We see this often today… a. Women who flat out refuse to follow! b. Women who contentiously “follow”! – Pr 21:9,19; 27:15
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… B. Wives that Do Not Follow! 1. God has established Roles, Wives are to follow! Gen 3:16-19, Eph 5:22-33, 1 Pet 3: Disaster Strikes when the Follower doesn’t Follow! a. Adam & Eve - Gen 3 b. Wives w/false teaching & Husbands – Numerous! c. Ahab & Jezebel - 1 Kings 21:25 – she stirred him up! d. Sampson & wife, Delilah – Jud 14:15-18, 16:4,16 3. We see this often today… a. Women who flat out refuse to follow! b. Women who contentiously “follow”! – Pr 21:9,19; 27:15 4. Women: Follow, or don’t get Married!
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… C. Families Following a Sinful Leader! 1. Husbands & Fathers are the Leaders…but, we must not Follow when they are SINFUL - Acts 5:29
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… C. Families Following a Sinful Leader! 1. Husbands & Fathers are the Leaders…but, we must not Follow when they are SINFUL - Acts 5:29 2. It is disastrous when one Follows a Sinful Leader a. Kings of the Divided Kingdom – The “2 Kings Cycle…” b. Ananias & Sapphira - Acts 5:1-11
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… C. Families Following a Sinful Leader! 1. Husbands & Fathers are the Leaders…but, we must not Follow when they are SINFUL - Acts 5:29 2. It is disastrous when one Follows a Sinful Leader a. Kings of the Divided Kingdom – The “2 Kings Cycle…” b. Ananias & Sapphira - Acts 5: We see this often today a. Husbands & Fathers - Ungodliness Destroys family b. Parents - Ungodliness/Falsehoods hurt children c. Jesus’ warning - Matt 10:37…Love Him above all!
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… C. Families Following a Sinful Leader! 1. Husbands & Fathers are the Leaders…but, we must not Follow when they are SINFUL - Acts 5:29 2. It is disastrous when one Follows a Sinful Leader a. Kings of the Divided Kingdom – The “2 Kings Cycle…” b. Ananias & Sapphira - Acts 5: We see this often today a. Husbands & Fathers - Ungodliness Destroys family b. Parents - Ungodliness/Falsehoods hurt children c. Jesus’ warning - Matt 10:37…Love Him above all! 4. We must not Follow Sin, despite the Relation!
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… D. Families that Ignore Discipline Problems 1. Parental Discipline is Essential in a Healthy Family Discipline is a Show of Love - Pr 13:24, Heb 12:3-11Discipline is a Show of Love - Pr 13:24, Heb 12:3-11
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… D. Families that Ignore Discipline Problems 1. Parental Discipline is Essential in a Healthy Family Discipline is a Show of Love - Pr 13:24, Heb 12:3-11Discipline is a Show of Love - Pr 13:24, Heb 12: Many Tragic Examples of a Lack of Discipline a. Eli did not Discipline his Sons - 1 Sam 2:12-3:13 b. Samuel did not Discipline his Sons - 1 Sam 8:1-5 c. Proverbs warnings… Pr 29:15 no correction - Shame!
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… D. Families that Ignore Discipline Problems 1. Parental Discipline is Essential in a Healthy Family Discipline is a Show of Love - Pr 13:24, Heb 12:3-11Discipline is a Show of Love - Pr 13:24, Heb 12: Many Tragic Examples of a Lack of Discipline a. Eli did not Discipline his Sons - 1 Sam 2:12-3:13 b. Samuel did not Discipline his Sons - 1 Sam 8:1-5 c. Proverbs warnings… Pr 29:15 no correction - Shame! 3. Many Christians Ignore discipline of the family! a. No Discipline In the Home! - Rod of Correction! b. No Discipline In the Family! - 1 Sam 3:13
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… D. Families that Ignore Discipline Problems 1. Parental Discipline is Essential in a Healthy Family Discipline is a Show of Love - Pr 13:24, Heb 12:3-11Discipline is a Show of Love - Pr 13:24, Heb 12: Many Tragic Examples of a Lack of Discipline a. Eli did not Discipline his Sons - 1 Sam 2:12-3:13 b. Samuel did not Discipline his Sons - 1 Sam 8:1-5 c. Proverbs warnings… Pr 29:15 no correction - Shame! 3. Many Christian’s Ignore discipline of the family! a. No Discipline In the Home! - Rod of Correction! b. No Discipline In the Family! - 1 Sam 3:13 4. If we Love them, we will Correct them!
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… E. Families that Allow Worldly Influences 1. Filth is Pumped into our Homes Media & FriendsMedia & Friends
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… E. Families that Allow Worldly Influences 1. Filth is Pumped into our Homes Media & FriendsMedia & Friends 2. This Filth Contaminated God’s People in the Past a. Lot’s Family Killed & Perverted - Gen 19 b. Families of Israel - Judges 3:1-7
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… E. Families that Allow Worldly Influences 1. Filth is Pumped into our Homes Media & FriendsMedia & Friends 2. This Filth Contaminated God’s People in the Past a. Lot’s Family Killed & Perverted - Gen 19 b. Families of Israel - Judges 3: Many Christians Allow filth in their Homes! a. Problem - We have become careless with Inputs! b. Evidence - Dress, Behavior, Attitudes, Faithlessness
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… E. Families that Allow Worldly Influences 1. Filth is Pumped into our Homes Media & FriendsMedia & Friends 2. This Filth Contaminated God’s People in the Past a. Lot’s Family Killed & Perverted - Gen 19 b. Families of Israel - Judges 3: Many Christians Allow filth in their Homes! a. Problem - We have become careless with Inputs! b. Evidence - Dress, Behavior, Attitudes, Faithlessness 4. It’s Parents Job to Protect from Filth! Philippians 4:8, 1 Tim 5:22
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… F. Families Allowing Out of Control Behavior! 1. Example: Wrath, Divisions, Addictions or Vices
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… F. Families Allowing Out of Control Behavior! 1. Example: Wrath, Divisions, Addictions or Vices 2. This behavior Always Led to Tragedy a. Cain & Able; Wrath - Gen 4:1-8 b. Jacob’s Family; Favoritism, Jealously, Anger - Gen c. Ammon & Tamar; Sexual Sins - 2 Sam 13 d. Absalom; Wrath & Materialism - 2 Sam 13-19
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… F. Families Allowing Out of Control Behavior! 1. Example: Wrath, Divisions, Addictions or Vices 2. This behavior Always Led to Tragedy a. Cain & Able; Wrath - Gen 4:1-8 b. Jacob’s Family; Favoritism, Jealously, Anger - Gen c. Ammon & Tamar; Sexual Sins - 2 Sam 13 d. Absalom; Wrath & Materialism - 2 Sam Many Christian’s Ignore this Sinful Behavior! Many get mad at those that try to fix the issue!Many get mad at those that try to fix the issue! If ignored, it will Increase & Propagate! - 1 Cor 5:6If ignored, it will Increase & Propagate! - 1 Cor 5:6
II. Huge Family Mistakes in the Bible… F. Families Allowing Out of Control Behavior! 1. Example: Wrath, Divisions, Addictions or Vices 2. This behavior Always Led to Tragedy a. Cain & Able; Wrath - Gen 4:1-8 b. Jacob’s Family; Favoritism, Jealously, Anger - Gen c. Ammon & Tamar; Sexual Sins - 2 Sam 13 d. Absalom; Wrath & Materialism - 2 Sam Many Christian’s Ignore this Sinful Behavior! Many get mad at those that try to fix the issue!Many get mad at those that try to fix the issue! If ignored, it will Increase & Propagate! - 1 Cor 5:6If ignored, it will Increase & Propagate! - 1 Cor 5:6 4. Self Control is Essential for Godly Families! 2 Pet 1: Pet 1:5-11
Conclusion… 1. The homes in the World are Falling Apart! 2. Homes in the Church are following the same path…and this MUST stop!
Conclusion… 1. The homes in the World are Falling Apart! 2. Homes in the Church are following the same path…and this MUST stop! 3. To avoid the Family Mistakes of the past, we must have: a. Husbands that Lead! b. Wives that Follow! c. Families that forgo a Sinful Leader! d. Families that Exercise Discipline e. Families that Avoid Worldly Influences f. Families that Address Out of Control Behavior! 4. Let’s commit to make our homes Godly & Stable!