03/06/2015hydration.ppt1 HYDRATION Rate of fluid intake must = rate of fluid loss Fluid loss = weight loss Fluid loss during ‘normal day’ = 0.2L per hour I.e. fluid intake should equal 2 to 3 L per day
03/06/2015hydration.ppt2 HYDRATION & EXERCISE 2% loss of body mass (through sweat) can result in 20% drop in physical performance Sweat rate during exercise can be as high as 1.5 to 2.5L per hour Adequate hydration strategy is essential
03/06/2015hydration.ppt3 HYDRATION STRATEGY Maximum water absorption approx 1L per hour ml every 15mins 6% carbohydrate prior to exercise (1hr before) 2-3% carbohydrate during exercise 6-7% carbohydrate after exercise
03/06/2015hydration.ppt4 DEHYDRATION: Example A litre of water weighs 1kg. Say for example you weigh 60 Kg (~9.5st) If you lost 1.5kg in sweat, you will have lost about 2.5% of body mass……
03/06/2015hydration.ppt5 HOME MADE SPORTS DRINK: Hypotonic 2 - 3% carbohydrate g sugar 1L warm water g salt Sugar free squash to flavour
03/06/2015hydration.ppt6 HOME MADE SPORTS DRINK: Isotonic 6 - 7% carbohydrate g sugar 1L warm water g salt Sugar free squash to flavour