3 rd Interlending and Document Delivery Workshop Tracking down obscure material – new directions! Jonelle Bradley and Marnie Sier La Trobe University Library
What to do when there are no more locations – Journal articles.... Search LibrariesAustralia, Subito, British Library, CISTI, Melvyl, NLM, Worldcat – still no luck! –Try the following: Google Authors Organisations Publishers Country of origin
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Journal of Pharmacology And Experimental Therapeutics
Internet archive For accessing previous versions of web pages that are no longer available.
Authors … ing authors can be successful Example: Article in press not yet available from the publisher –Source address from the web – author Explain non availability State title, and your reference number Offer to pay by cheque or credit card …Your assistance would be greatly appreciated –Paper ed as attachment by author
Article in press
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