4.2.2005TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler TRD Chamber production issues General Issues, Planning and Hd Status.


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Presentation transcript:

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler TRD Chamber production issues General Issues, Planning and Hd Status

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler Anode wire quality Dubna wire: TW002 TW 002x2

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler Anode wire quality cont. TW 003 before Meteor (Dubna) TW 003 after Meteor

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler Anode wire Quality cont. 2 Bukarest wire: Black spots visible by eye More information to come after looking at different rolls

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler Anode Wire Quality Summary Status: 3 bad roll in Bukarest (out of 3), dust on Meteor. 2 bad rolls in Dubna (out of 14? How many were examined), dust on Meteor. Heidelberg: Wire OK, sometimes dust on Meteor (3 rolls so far). GSI: no Problem. Solutions: Better wire? Is it available, price? Look at every winding: feasible? (REM not easily accessible at Hd and Dubna. Can bad wire be identified under the light microscope?

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler HV cable Manufacturer: „Low noise is not a feature of this wire“ 300 m delivered in December: production date: > Perfect (few nA starting at 6kV) 700 m delivered in January: production date 2004: OK: few nA starting at 3-4kV New wire will be distributed to Bukarest and Dubna in next delivery. Currently every wire is tested at Dubna/Bukarest: no showstopper

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler Problem Chamber Hd As reported at last Status meeting: 1 Chamber displayed high anode currents after glueing Panel starting at 1100V (was OK previously) independant of anode segment used. After 1 month in the corner: chamber is OK ?!? Not understood so far.

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler L-profile bending Dubna had some bent L-profiles, with residual bending after gluing frame. Check in Heidelberg: some profiles bent more than acceptable (~250um at each side). Investigation currently under way: probably only relevant for the first series. Please check before gluing a frame

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler Gas connectors Problem 1: Hole in front profile can be too small (due to wear of tools) should be larger than 19,00mm Problem 2: Gas connectors (glued into front profiles) are very sensitive parts: No glue residuals, no scratches allowed. For gas tightness grease is probably needed. ToDo: chamber connection test (gas tightness of 2 or 3 Chambers in a row)

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler Anode wire breaking Dubna and Heidelberg use Olegs solution (see picture). Dubna experiences breaking even after fixing chambers to table Heidelberg has problems with copper strip not gluing to wire ledge. Dubna solution to prevent removal of copper strip during soldering

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler Material Database Still very little use, but it is an undebatable requirement!!! Maybe leave out unecessary steps during shipping (e.g. Padplanes should be sent from Frankfurt to Dubna etc.) Serial numbers of Radiator/Chamber, Panel, Padplanes, wire rolls have to be noted and kept (also for DCDB)

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler Schedule Layer 6 scenario: (decision this weekend) finish L6C0 material and include in next Dubna transport (in 3 weeks): ->1st Supermodule Chambers: May 1st (+transport from Dubna/Bukarest) decision in 3 weeks: additional transport to Dubna, ->1st Supermodule Ch: July 1st (+transport time) Layer 0 scenario: (decision this weekend) L0C0,L0C1 Material at Hd: May 1st L0C0 material in Dubna: June 15th ->1st Supermodule Chambers: July 1st (+transport) (unefficient, better have a transport in Sept./Okt.?) (Assuming no Quality Problems)

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler Dubna: Chamber Transport Dates TypeDelivery April 30 Delivery Oktober L0C07 L1C07 L2C06 L3C046 L4C053 L5C043 Sum2620 Supermodule assembly August: TypeDelivery April 30 Delivery July Delivery Oktober L0C025 L1C07 L2C06 L3C0451 L4C0521 L5C043 Sum26812 Supermodule assembly November:

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler Bukarest Schedule Type/DateJuly,1October ? L1C02 L2C02 L2C1128 L3C188 Sum2416 Unclear (to me): -Climatic constraints? -Customs requirements? (fixed export dates) -Is a large transport more efficient?

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler Estimated SM production dates (just from Chamber point of view) Transport delays not taken into acount All estimates based on 1 Chamber/week average production rate Suggest to use as a ‚base plan‘ until more detailed rate info is available

TRD Collaboration Meeting GSI Clemens Adler Heidelberg Status 9xL1C1 finished 2xL1C1 being wired 3xL1C0 3xL2C0 1xL1C0 not usable? (Badly glued Padplane: maybe repair possible)