French Review Les adjectifs. Les Règles Its like War with vocabulary. Each player turns a card over. Whoever has the higher number, translates the word.


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Presentation transcript:

French Review Les adjectifs

Les Règles Its like War with vocabulary. Each player turns a card over. Whoever has the higher number, translates the word on the screen. If the translation is correct, the player gets both cards. If the translation is wrong, the other player takes the higher card and the translator gets the lower card. If the two cards are a tie, put back in your pile. The program runs automatically: 5 seconds for new word, 3 seconds for translation. Keep up!

Comment dit-on ….? amoureux In love

Comment dit-on ….? De bonne humeur In a good mood

Comment dit-on ….? déprimé depressed

Comment dit-on ….? furieux furious

Comment dit-on ….? inquiet worried

Comment dit-on ….? grand Big

Comment dit-on ….? sympa Nice

Comment dit-on ….? Avoir lair To seem

Comment dit-on ….? De mauvaise humeur In a bad mood

Comment dit-on ….? gêné embarrassed

Comment dit-on ….? Jolie Pretty

Comment dit-on ….? étonné surprised

Comment dit-on ….? Heureuse Happy

Comment dit-on ….? Mal à laise Unconfortable

Comment dit-on ….? Vieux Old

Comment dit-on ….? Mignon cute

Comment dit-on ….? Jeune Young

Comment dit-on ….? rigolo funny

Comment dit-on ….? Polisson Naughty

Comment dit-on ….? Capricieux Tempermental

Comment dit-on ….? Coquin Mischievous

Comment dit-on ….? Sage Well-behaved

Comment dit-on ….? Timide Shy

Comment dit-on ….? Calme Calm

Comment dit-on ….? Toujours mal luné Always in a bad mood

Comment dit-on ….? Un petit diable A little devil

Comment dit-on ….? Un petit ange A little angel

Comment dit-on ….? Incroyable Incredible

Comment dit-on ….? Insupportable Unbearable

Comment dit-on ….? Énorme Tremendous (size)

Comment dit-on ….? De mauvais goût Tasteless (remark)

Comment dit-on ….? Bizarre Weird

Comment dit-on ….? Pittoresque Colorful (thing)

Comment dit-on ….? Ennuyeux Boring

Comment dit-on ….? Sans goût Tasteless (flavor)

Comment dit-on ….? Vif Colorful (person)

Comment dit-on ….? Inoubliable Unforgettable

Comment dit-on ….? Impressionnant Impressive

Comment dit-on ….? Moyen Average

Comment dit-on ….? Beau Beautiful

Comment dit-on ….? Roux Red headed

Comment dit-on ….? Gros Fat

Comment dit-on ….? Large Wide

Comment dit-on ….? Bavard Talkative

Comment dit-on ….? Sportif Athletic

Comment dit-on ….? Méchant Mean

Comment dit-on ….? Puant Smelly

Comment dit-on ….? Amusant Amusing

Comment dit-on ….? ancien Old / ancient

Comment dit-on ….? Bête Stupid
