1 Reform of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications What it means for Access to Emergency Services Reform of the EU regulatory framework for electronic communications (the EU telecom rules) What it means for Access to Emergency Services Expert Group on Emergency Access 18 December 2007 Alain Van Gaever DG Information Society & Media Brussels
2 General Overview Emergency Access Specific Measures for disabled users Other relevant proposals
3 Main Proposals for Change Strengthening consumer rights Reinforcing national regulators Promoting the wireless economy Completing the Single Market - A new European Authority
4 Review Communication Elements of the review package Amending Directive Regulation on Telecom Authority Digital Dividend Communication Recommendation relevant markets + Explanatory Note Impact Assessment + Summary Framework Access Authorisation ePrivacy Universal service Amending Directive
5 Timeline for implementation Transposition of Directives in Member States Adoption by Commission of proposed legislative measures Negotiation in EP and Council 2010 Mid- 2009
6 General Overview Emergency Access Specific Measures for disabled users Other relevant proposals
7 Art.26 (1) ~ Universal Service Directive (amended) Art.26 (1) Member States shall ensure that, in addition to any other national emergency call numbers specified by the national regulatory authorities, all end-users of services referred to in paragraph 2, including users of public pay telephones, are able to call the emergency services free of charge and without having to use any means of payment, by using the single European emergency call number “112”. Emergency services and the single European emergency call number
8 Art.26 (2) ~ Universal Service Directive (amended) Art.26 (2) Member States shall ensure that undertakings providing a service for originating national and/or international calls through a number or numbers in a national or international telephone numbering plan provide access to emergency services. Note: entirely new paragraph in Article 26 Emergency services and the single European emergency call number
9 Art.26 (3) ~ Universal Service Directive (amended) Art.26 (3) Member States shall ensure that calls to the single European emergency call number ”112” are appropriately answered and handled in a manner best suited to the national organisation of emergency systems. Such calls shall be answered and handled at least as expeditiously and effectively as calls to national emergency number or numbers, where these continue in use. Note: (1)“and within the technological possibilities of the networks” has been removed Emergency services and the single European emergency call number
10 Art.26 (4) ~ Universal Service Directive (amended) Art.26 (4) Member States shall ensure that disabled end-users are able to access emergency services. In order to ensure that disabled end- users are able to access emergency services while travelling in other Member States, the measures taken may include ensuring compliance with relevant standards or specifications published in accordance with the provisions of Article 17 of Directive 2002/21/EC (Framework Directive). Note: entirely new paragraph in Article 26 Emergency services and the single European emergency call number
11 Art.26 (5) ~ Universal Service Directive (amended) Art.26 (5) Member States shall ensure that caller location information is made available free of charge to authorities handling emergencies for all calls to the single European emergency call number “112”. Member States shall require that caller location information is automatically provided as soon as the emergency call reaches the authority dealing with the emergency. Note: (1)“to the extent technically feasible” has been removed Emergency services and the single European emergency call number
12 Art.26 (6) ~ Universal Service Directive (amended) Art.26 (6) Member States shall ensure that citizens are adequately informed about the existence and use of the single European emergency call number “112”, in particular through initiatives specifically targeting persons traveling between Member States. Member States shall submit a yearly report to the Commission and the Authority on the measures taken in that respect. Emergency services and the single European emergency call number
13 Art.26 (7) ~ Universal Service Directive (amended) Art.26 (7) In order to ensure the effective implementation of “112” services in the Member States, including access for disabled end-users when traveling in other Member States, the Commission, having consulted the Authority, may adopt technical implementing measures. Those measures designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive, by supplementing it shall be adopted in accordance with the regulatory procedure with scrutiny referred to in Article 37(2). On imperative grounds of urgency, the Commission may use the urgency procedure referred to in Article 37(3). Emergency services and the single European emergency call number
14 Working with national regulators to achieve consistent EU best practice Facilitating the roll-out of pan-European services Incorporating tasks currently undertaken by the European Regulators Group (ERG) and the European Network & Information Security Agency (ENISA) A new European Authority
15 A new European Authority European Parliament
16 Regulation establishing the European Electronic Communications Market Authority ~ Art.9 Art.9 (1) The Authority shall undertake an annual review of measures taken by Member States to inform citizens about the existence and use of the single European emergency call number "112“ […] Implementation of the European Emergency Number 112 Art.9 (2) The Authority shall at the request of the Commission, deliver an opinion to the Commission on the technical issues related to the implementation of the European emergency call number 112 […]
17 General Overview Emergency Access Specific Measures for disabled users Other relevant proposals
18 Art.7 ~ Universal Service Directive (amended) Art.7(1) Member States shall (X) take specific measures for disabled end- users in order to ensure access to and affordability of publicly available telephone service, including access to emergency services, directory enquiry services and directories, equivalent to that enjoyed by other end-users. Note: (X)“where appropriate” has been removed Special measures for disabled users
19 Art.7 ~ Universal Service Directive (amended) Art.7(2) Member States shall take specific measures (X), in the light of national conditions, to ensure that disabled end-users can also take advantage of the choice of undertakings and service providers available to the majority of end-users. Note: (X)“may take specific measures” has been removed Special measures for disabled users
20 Annex to ~ Authorisation Directive (amended) Annex – Part.A Consumer protection rules specific to the electronic communications sector, including conditions in conformity with Directive 2002/22/EC (Universal Service Directive), and conditions on accessibility for users with disabilities in accordance with Article 7 of that Directive.’. Conditions which may be attached to a general authorisation
21 Art.22 ~ Universal Service Directive (amended) Art.22(1) Member States shall ensure that national regulatory authorities are, after taking account of the views of interested parties, able to require undertakings that provide publicly available electronic communications networks and/or services to publish comparable, adequate and up-to-date information for end-users on the quality of their services, including equivalent access for disabled end- users. The information shall, on request, also be supplied to the national regulatory authority in advance of its publication.’ Quality of service
22 Art.33 ~ Universal Service Directive (amended) Art.33(3) Member States shall submit a yearly report to the Commission and the Authority on the measures taken and the progress towards improving interoperability and use of, and access to, electronic communications services and terminal equipment by disabled end- users. Note: entirely new paragraph in Article 33 Consultation with interested parties
23 Art.33 ~ Universal Service Directive (amended) Art.33(4) […] in order to improve accessibility to electronic communications services and equipment by disabled end-users, the Commission may, having consulted the Authority, take the appropriate technical implementing measures to address the issues raised in the report referred to in paragraph 3, following a public consultation. These measures designed to amend non-essential elements of this Directive by supplementing it shall be adopted in accordance with […] Note: entirely new paragraph in Article 33 Consultation with interested parties
24 General Overview Emergency Access Specific Measures for disabled users Other relevant proposals
25 Miscellaneous Definition of PATS changed Split between obligations on network providers and service providers Stronger obligations for operators to ensure the integrity and security of their networks
26 For more information….
27 General Overview Emergency Access Specific Measures for disabled users Other relevant proposals Questions ?