Federal Acquisition Service U.S. General Services Administration American Recovery and Reinvestment Act Conference March 5, 2009 Engineering, Professional, Technical and Business Consulting
Federal Acquisition Service How the MAS Program can Help Meet time frames for spending Supports FFP awards Specific reporting requirements can be included in scope Supports socio-economic goals Supports competitive procurements 2
Federal Acquisition Service OMB Endorses Schedules as Competitive Procedures Relative to the Act To the maximum extent practicable, contracts using Recovery Act funds shall be awarded as fixed-price contracts (See FAR Subpart 16.2) using competitive procedures. These procedures include those identified under FAR Subparts 6.1, 6.2, and (b)(1) and Subsections and Existing fixed-price contracts that were competitively awarded may be used to obligate funds expeditiously. Source: OMB Memorandum M dated February 18, 2009, Initial Implementing Guidance for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Page 39 3
Federal Acquisition Service Unique Reporting Requirements of the Act Presolicitation notices must be posted on FedBizOpps (FBO) in accordance with FAR Part 5, including applicable dollar thresholds. Under the Recovery Act, presolicitation notices are required for any order, meeting the FAR Part 5 dollar thresholds, under a task or delivery order contract, including GWACs, multi-agency contracts, GSA Federal Supply Schedule contracts. These notices will be posted in FBO for information purposes only (i.e., the requirements of FAR Subpart do not apply). Contracting officers should continue to also use their usual solicitation practice (e.g., e- Buy). Source: OMB Memorandum M dated February 18, 2009, Initial Implementing Guidance for the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act of 2009, Page 41 4
Federal Acquisition Service Schedules Discussed in This Session 520Financial and Business Solutions (FABS) 541Advertising & Integrated Marketing Solutions (AIMS) 736 Temporary Administrative and Professional Staffing (TAPS) 871Professional Engineering Services (PES) 874 Mission Oriented Business Integrated Service (MOBIS) 874VLogistics Worldwide (LOGWORLD) 5
Federal Acquisition Service “Shovel Ready Projects” 6
Federal Acquisition Service Alignment of MAS contracts to Agency Projects (Direct Support) Program Management (MOBIS, FABS) Program Oversight (FABS) Inspector General Offices Distribution and Logistics (LOGWORLD) Emergency Food Assistance Program Education, Consumer Support and Outreach (AIMS) Digital to Analog Converter Box Program Health and Wellness Campaigns 7
Federal Acquisition Service Alignment of MAS contracts to Agency Projects (Direct Support) Scientific and Technical Research (PES) Technology Innovation Program Energy Related Research and Development (PES) Energy Generation, Transmission and Storage Renewable Energy, Advanced Batteries, Biomass, Geothermal Technologies Support for Loan Programs (FABS) Innovative Technology Loan Guarantee Program Small Business Direct and Loan Guarantee Programs 8
Federal Acquisition Service Alignment of MAS contracts to Agency Projects (Indirect Support) Outreach and Communications (AIMS) Business Process Re-engineering (MOBIS) Strategic & Business Planning (MOBIS) Technical Requirements/Source Selection Support (PES, MOBIS) Administrative Assistance (TAPS) 9
Federal Acquisition Service Alignment of MAS contracts to Agency Projects (Indirect Support) Acquisition Support Services Short Term (TAPS) Long Term (MOBIS) Grants Application Management (FABS) Budgeting, Monitoring and Reporting of ARRA Funds (FABS) Cost Impact Analysis for Greening (FABS) 10
Federal Acquisition Service ACQUISITION SUPPORT SERVICES “a powerful tool for agency acquisition operations” Acquisition Planning Acquisition Document Development Evaluating Proposals Contract Administration Contract Close-Out Competitive Sourcing Support INHERENTLY GOVERNMENTAL CONFLICT OF INTEREST PERSONAL SERVICES 11
Federal Acquisition Service Complex Requirements Solved - MARCORSYSCOM & AMCOM Marine Corps System Command and Army Aviation and Missile Command are leaders in the innovative use of Schedules for complex requirements This approach has streamlined their acquisition process and improved the timeliness and quality of support provided to their units. 12
Federal Acquisition Service MAS Teaming and Subcontracting Team Lead Sub Team Member 1 Team Member 2 Sub (has Schedule) Schedule Teaming Requires Teaming Agreement 13
Federal Acquisition Service AMCOM EXPRESS DOMAINS Business & Analytical Strategic Planning Communication Support Process Improvement Support Financial Management Support Logistics Maintenance Planning Supply Support Training and Training Devices Logistics Program Support Programmatic Resource Management Support Cost Estimating/Analysis Strategic Planning Analysis International Program Support Operations Research and Analysis Technical Aeromechanics Technology Systems Engineering Structures and Materials Systems Simulation and Modeling Software Engineering 14
Federal Acquisition Service Distribution of Task Orders (As of 30 Jun 08) DOMAIN % TO’S # TO’S # DIRECT OBLIGATED $ AWARDS TECHNICAL 46% $1.521B PROGRAMMATIC 24% 67 6 $374.9M LOGISTICS 20% 54 5 $252.7M BUSINESS & ANALYTICAL 10% 28 2 $ 87.8M TOTALS 100% $ 2.24B 67% of TO’s Awarded to SB’s Potential Program (including options) $7.06B 15
Federal Acquisition Service More EXPRESS Statistics Customer Satisfaction: 92% Timeliness: 42 Working Days Competition Rate: 79% Socioeconomic Program Support: 48% obligated dollars Direct Awards to Small Businesses: 10% 16
Federal Acquisition Service Schedule Points of Contact Professional Engineering Services (PES) Felicia Cannon Financial and Business Solutions (FABS) Jackie Austin Mission Oriented Business Integrated Services (MOBIS) Kris Montague Professional Engineering Services (Schedule 871) provides a streamlined approach for federal agencies to access qualified firms in a multitude of engineering disciplines. FABS (Schedule 520) provides solutions for various financial dilemmas through a wide range of financial services, giving federal agencies direct access to commercial vendors who can thoroughly address the needs of the federal financial community. MOBIS (Schedule 874) offers a full range of management and consulting services that can improve a federal agency's performance and their endeavor in meeting mission goals. 17
Federal Acquisition Service Schedule Points of Contact Logistics Worldwide (LOGWORLD) Kathy Jocoy Advertising and Integrated Marketing Solutions (AIMS) Mike McDaniel Temporary Administrative and Professional Staffing Services (TAPS) Mike McDaniel LOGWORLD (Schedule 874V) assists federal agencies in procuring comprehensive logistics solutions AIMS (Schedule 541) provides Advertising & Integrated Marketing Solutions for customers that need assistance educating the public TAPS (Schedule 736) provides federal and military customers Temporary Administrative and Professional Staffing services. 18
Federal Acquisition Service Helpful Web Addresses GSA Homepage - Information about the MAS Program - GSA Advantage!® - GSA eLibrary - e-Buy - Schedules Ordering Guide - Search for “Desk Reference Guide” Customer Service Director Contact Info - ww.gsa.gov/csd Additional Information on Services Schedules Ordering - Helpful Search Tool
Federal Acquisition Service Questions and Answers SEC PROHIBITED USES. None of the funds appropriated or otherwise made available in this Act may be used for any casino or other gambling establishment, aquarium, zoo, golf course, or swimming pool. Panel will address questions 20