English Word-Formation
Means of Word-Formation Derivation 1 Compounding 2 Conversion 3 Other means 4
2.1 Derivation/Affixation Affixation is generally defined as the formation of words by adding affixes to the roots. a. Prefixation ------ to change the meaning of a word. b. Suffixation ------ to change the class or function of a word.
Prefixes Negtive prefixes: a-, dis-, in-, un- Reversative or privative prefixes: de-, dis-, un-, Pejorative prefixes:mal-, mis-, pseudo- Prefixes of degree or size:arch-, hyper-, mini-, out-, over-, sub-, super-, sur-, ultra- Prefixes of attitude:anti-, co-, countra-, counter-, pro- Locative prefixes:fore-, inter-, sub- Prefixes of time and order:ex-, fore-, post-, pre- Number prefixes:uni-, mono-, semi-, bi-, di-, tri-, multi-, poly-
e.g. dis-: dishonest(ly) not honest(ly) disloyal(ly) not loyal(ly) disorder lack of order disuse the state of no longer being used disobey fail to obey in-(il-/ir-/im-): incomplete not complete illiterate unable to read and write illogical without logic immortal that will not die irrational against rational behavior
e.g. super-: (1) means 'more than', 'very special' supernatural---not explained by natural laws supersized---of extremely large size (2)means'on top','hierarchically superior superfreeze---to freeze to a very low temperature ssuperpower---excessive power;an extremely powerful country
Suffixes Noun suffixes: -eer, -er, -ess, -ette, -let, -ster, -ate, -dom, -ery, -hood, -ing, -ism, -al, -ship, -ant, -ance, -ation, -ence, -ment, -ity, -ness, -ist, -ite, -an, -ese, -ure, -or, -cy, -y, -age, -ry, -ful, -ling, -ee Adjective suffixes: -ed, -ant, -ful, -ish, -less, -like, -ly, -al, -esque, -ic, -ous, -able, -ative, -ive, -sive Adverb suffixes: -ly, -ward(s), -wise Verb suffixes: -ate, -en, -ify, -ize/-ise
e.g. -dom: kingdom(王国), wisdom(智慧), officialdom(政界), filmdom(电影界), newspaperdom(报界) -ship: hardship(艰难), scholarship(学识,奖学金), authorship(作者身份), membership(会员身份) -ful: handful(一捧), mouthful(一口), spoonful(一匙) -hood: neighbourhood, childhood, girlhood, motherhood, manhood, falsehood(谎话), likelihood(可能性)
2.2 Compounding Compounding is a main type of word-formation adding one base to another. A compound is a lexical unit consisting of more than one base and functioning both grammatically and semantically as a single word. Randolph Quirk
Compounding According to the orthographic criterion, compounds are written in three ways: a) solid, e.g. bedtime b) hyphenated, e.g. above-mentioned c) open e.g. reading material
Compounding compound + N + V + Adj +Adv 1. N N + N snowman N + V daybreak N + Adj lifelong N + Adv ------ 2. V V + N restroom V + V pass-fail V + Adj V + Adv feedback 3. Adj Adj + N blueprint Adj + V high-rise Adj + Adj open-ended Adj + Adv 4.Adv Adv + N overweight Adv + V download Adv + Adj all-round Adv +Adv throughout
2.3 Conversion Conversion is a main type of word-formation assigning the base to a different word class with no change of form. a) N V b) Adj V c) V N d) Adj N
a) N V to pocket the money to can the fruit to oil the machine to captain the team
b) Adj V He walked carefully so as not to wet his shoes. The photograph yellowed with age.
conversion c) V N e.g. a walk, a look, a call d) Adj N e.g. a drunk, the poor, the young, newly-weds
Other Ways for Word-formation Backformation Abbrevation/Shorting Blending Other sources
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