mLibraries: Delivering Library Services and Content to Mobile Users Joan K. Lippincott Coalition for Networked Information Joan K. Lippincott Coalition for Networked Information ASERL Fall Meeting Charleston, SC November 18, 2009
Coalition for Networked Information (CNI) Founded in 1990 by ARL and EDUCAUSE Mission: accelerate progress in digital information related to research and education 200+ member institutions Executive Director Clifford Lynch Subscribe to cni-announce Founded in 1990 by ARL and EDUCAUSE Mission: accelerate progress in digital information related to research and education 200+ member institutions Executive Director Clifford Lynch Subscribe to cni-announce
It’s a Mobile World 93.9% of freshmen own a laptop 66% of college students own an Internet-capable cell phone 71% of teens owned a cell phone in 2008 compared to 45% in % of freshmen own a laptop 66% of college students own an Internet-capable cell phone 71% of teens owned a cell phone in 2008 compared to 45% in 2004 ECAR Study of Undergrad Students and IT, 2009; Pew Internet, “Teens and Mobile Phones,”
E-book readers are taking off Kindle sales of a recent bestseller by Dan Brown topped print sales at Amazon
People of all ages are tweeting…
The mainstream press is producing mobile- compatible versions of content
Veteran newswoman Cokie Roberts says… “…journalists depend on libraries and librarians for information and facts. The library of today might be in your cell phone instead of going to the building… but we need the people in the building to get it to the cell phones…The people actually doing the work and the research are still in libraries.” American Libraries, May 2009
Will your library meet the challenge? Provision of content configured for mobile devices Provision of services for mobile device users Promotion of content and services - so potential users are aware Provision of content configured for mobile devices Provision of services for mobile device users Promotion of content and services - so potential users are aware
Today’s Talk: Will Libraries Mobilize? Understanding users Developing a cohesive strategy Collaborating with others Understanding users Developing a cohesive strategy Collaborating with others
I. Understanding Users “Just a typical college campus” rtsnpieces/ / rtsnpieces/ / “What’s in my bag?” chilu/ / “Just a typical college campus” rtsnpieces/ / rtsnpieces/ / “What’s in my bag?” chilu/ /
Responding to users: the environment is changing Moving from communication to information devices Major universities have a presence in iTunes U. Nielsen reports a 52% increase in mobile subscribers watching video on a mobile phone Moving from communication to information devices Major universities have a presence in iTunes U. Nielsen reports a 52% increase in mobile subscribers watching video on a mobile phone
Kids “consider their mobile phone to be their best friend.” If you had to give up all but one device - desktop computer, laptop, MP3, tv, game console, mobile phone - which would you keep? US & UK kids chose mobile phone If you had to give up all but one device - desktop computer, laptop, MP3, tv, game console, mobile phone - which would you keep? US & UK kids chose mobile phone Mobile Life Report
While technology skills vary… 67% of students in grades 9-12 maintain a personal website When asked what they do regularly with technology for schoolwork, 27% of K-12 students said they create slideshows, videos, and/or webpages K-12 students want to use their own devices in learning Project Tomorrow 67% of students in grades 9-12 maintain a personal website When asked what they do regularly with technology for schoolwork, 27% of K-12 students said they create slideshows, videos, and/or webpages K-12 students want to use their own devices in learning Project Tomorrow
Students in professional programs are key target populations Harvard Medical School survey of students % own a PDA Application with most use: reference info with 26% of respondents; only 6% subscribe to podcasts As reported in “Waiting on the Wave,” Campus Technology, March
Most students will go into careers where they will use technology and produce digital content every day…and they will increasingly use mobile devices /photos/janet_powell/ /
Do our users want mobile environments that are: Personal Social Simple Practical Fun And can libraries deliver them? Personal Social Simple Practical Fun And can libraries deliver them?
Models for understanding user populations and assessing needs Two studies published by ACRL and available for free download
II. What do you think of when you hear the words “mobile” and “libraries”? Typically Access to library hours, catalogs, etc. via a mobile phone SMS text messaging to-from reference staff But, there is more… Typically Access to library hours, catalogs, etc. via a mobile phone SMS text messaging to-from reference staff But, there is more…
Developing a cohesive strategy Bringing together Library general information Patron records Reference transactions Information literacy podcasts and videos Access to services - booking group rooms Access to catalogs, indexes, abstracts Access to citation tools Bringing together Library general information Patron records Reference transactions Information literacy podcasts and videos Access to services - booking group rooms Access to catalogs, indexes, abstracts Access to citation tools
Developing a cohesive strategy Access to digital content configured for mobile devices Library owned or licensed Freely available on the web Geo-spatially linked information Loan of devices New technologies - what’s next? Social networking? QR Codes? Access to digital content configured for mobile devices Library owned or licensed Freely available on the web Geo-spatially linked information Loan of devices New technologies - what’s next? Social networking? QR Codes?
Many libraries have prototype services…we can learn from their experience Reference available via chat, SMS Information literacy podcast tutorials Clickers in information literacy classes Catalog, patron record, call number, computer availability information available for mobile phones Provision of ILL content on Kindles Loan of mobile devices Reference available via chat, SMS Information literacy podcast tutorials Clickers in information literacy classes Catalog, patron record, call number, computer availability information available for mobile phones Provision of ILL content on Kindles Loan of mobile devices
Bringing it together
Scholarly resources are emerging: arXiv for the iPhone
Libraries are using institutional content in creative ways Digital images from Special Collections at Duke NC State U. - Location- aware campus tour linked to map with geotagged placemarks associated with images from Special Collections Digital images from Special Collections at Duke NC State U. - Location- aware campus tour linked to map with geotagged placemarks associated with images from Special Collections
Where do these mobile-accessible resources fit in your plan? World Cat Mobile Google Book Search Mobile RefWorks Mobile Blackboard Audiobooks for Ipods, Iphones, and MP3 players World Cat Mobile Google Book Search Mobile RefWorks Mobile Blackboard Audiobooks for Ipods, Iphones, and MP3 players IEEE Xplore database J American Chemical Society (beta) ITunes U Podcasts from research & education institutions
And we will see new services emerge… QR codes can link locations, books, etc. to web pages with additional information, links to social networking sites, or phone nos. Ramsden, A., Jordan, L., Are students ready for QR codes? Findings from a student survey at the University of Bath. Working Paper. University of Bath. QR codes can link locations, books, etc. to web pages with additional information, links to social networking sites, or phone nos. Ramsden, A., Jordan, L., Are students ready for QR codes? Findings from a student survey at the University of Bath. Working Paper. University of Bath.
Services via Twitter
Some libraries also serve as a main campus resource for device information Comparison of mobile devices Workshops Help Desk support Comparison of mobile devices Workshops Help Desk support
Some may offer re-charging stations for devices - grad student lockers U. Colorado
Promoting Services: Arizona State U. Library Channel
Promoting Services: Western Illinois U. Libraries Text Me service In the online catalog, users can click on “text me this call no.,” input a cell phone no., and the call no. is sent to the user’s phone Promoted through video on YouTube Text Me service In the online catalog, users can click on “text me this call no.,” input a cell phone no., and the call no. is sent to the user’s phone Promoted through video on YouTube
Cornell Mann Library
Pilot services in the context of an overall plan
III. Collaborating with others Partnerships within the library Partnerships with academic or IT units University-wide partnerships Partnerships within the library Partnerships with academic or IT units University-wide partnerships
Partners within the library IT or Systems Developing platforms; implementing solutions Reference Planning and delivering services; selecting content Departmental liaisons Keeping abreast of department initiatives or requirements IT or Systems Developing platforms; implementing solutions Reference Planning and delivering services; selecting content Departmental liaisons Keeping abreast of department initiatives or requirements
Partners within the library Special collections Developing campus-driven applications Access services Loaning equipment and content Administrators Developing a planning process Acquiring or reallocating resources Getting a seat at the institutional table Special collections Developing campus-driven applications Access services Loaning equipment and content Administrators Developing a planning process Acquiring or reallocating resources Getting a seat at the institutional table
Silos will not lead to a cohesive environment for users
How will libraries interface with initiatives like these? At Indiana U., business grad students are offered discounts on Blackberry smartphones At U. Missouri, journalism students are required to buy an Iphone or Ipod Touch As reported in Chronicle of Higher Ed, May 22, 2009 At Indiana U., business grad students are offered discounts on Blackberry smartphones At U. Missouri, journalism students are required to buy an Iphone or Ipod Touch As reported in Chronicle of Higher Ed, May 22, 2009
Partnership: Academic/Library/IT Physician Assistant Graduate Program 2007 Smartphone pilot working with IT and Library; now full implementation 3 key applications including Merck Manual Physician Assistant Graduate Program 2007 Smartphone pilot working with IT and Library; now full implementation 3 key applications including Merck Manual
Is your institution developing a plan for mobile device users?
No. of Key Institutional Web Services Made Available for Handheld Devices 44% of higher education institutions said “None” 40% of higher education institutions said “A Few” 40% identified “mobile communications” as an area of importance in their technology strategic plan “Spreading the Word: Messaging and Communications in Higher Education,” EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, % of higher education institutions said “None” 40% of higher education institutions said “A Few” 40% identified “mobile communications” as an area of importance in their technology strategic plan “Spreading the Word: Messaging and Communications in Higher Education,” EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, 2009
The Report Concludes: “our research reveals a troubling lack of preparation by higher education to handle the growing demand for mobile services.” “Spreading the Word: Messaging and Communications in Higher Education,” EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, 2009 “our research reveals a troubling lack of preparation by higher education to handle the growing demand for mobile services.” “Spreading the Word: Messaging and Communications in Higher Education,” EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, 2009
Some universities are developing mobile portals
These portals may or may not include the library An ECAR study listed 11 core campus activities where there might be use of mobile strategies (e.g. registration, teaching, safety) but no mention of the library “Spreading the Word: Messaging and Communications in Higher Education,” EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, 2009 There are reports of campus strategies which do include libraries, e.g. MIT, U. San Diego, U. Illinois U-C, and others An ECAR study listed 11 core campus activities where there might be use of mobile strategies (e.g. registration, teaching, safety) but no mention of the library “Spreading the Word: Messaging and Communications in Higher Education,” EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, 2009 There are reports of campus strategies which do include libraries, e.g. MIT, U. San Diego, U. Illinois U-C, and others
Ensure your seat at the table
Some Institutional Policy and Infrastructure Issues What platforms will be supported; will any devices be required? Who will make these decisions for the institution? Who will provide technical support for users? Who will select, license, and fund content for mobile devices? Will this give your institution a competitive advantage? What platforms will be supported; will any devices be required? Who will make these decisions for the institution? Who will provide technical support for users? Who will select, license, and fund content for mobile devices? Will this give your institution a competitive advantage?
Now Is the Time… To study your local environment and users To institute pilot projects To ask students to develop library apps To participate in institutional planning To promote awareness of your efforts to your user community To disseminate information about your successes and problems To fully participate in the mobile revolution To study your local environment and users To institute pilot projects To ask students to develop library apps To participate in institutional planning To promote awareness of your efforts to your user community To disseminate information about your successes and problems To fully participate in the mobile revolution
Thank You! Resources Lippincott, Joan. “Mobile Technologies, Mobile Users.” ARL: A Bimonthly Report. No. 261, Dec., “Mobile Reference: What Are the Questions?” Reference Librarian 2009 (Forthcoming) Sheehan, Mark and Judith Pirani. “Spreading the Word: Messaging And Communications in Higher Education.” Boulder, CO: EDUCAUSE Center for Applied Research, Vol. 2, M-libraries wiki Contact: Note: All photos used from flickr have Creative Commons licenses