UNIVERSITY OF LJUBLJANA Size of the institution MembersStudents and teaching staff: 22 faculties students (graduate and postgraduate) 3 art academiesabout 4000 members of teaching staff 1 university college
PROGRAMS AT UL PROGRAMS AT UL Before and after renovations according to Bologna process BeforeAfter Program typeTotal numberProgram typeTotal number Undergraduate university 1541st cycle157 Undergraduate high professional 37 2nd cycle118 Specialization28 3rd cycle15-20 Master (scientific and art) 23 Master + doctoral87 All
Reorganization of doctoral studies at UL with the aim to achieve: Research to be of the greatest significance in the programsResearch to be of the greatest significance in the programs Interdisciplinary approach where possibleInterdisciplinary approach where possible Critical mass (students and teaching staff)Critical mass (students and teaching staff) The same study conditions for doctoral students of all disciplinesThe same study conditions for doctoral students of all disciplines Generic skills trainingGeneric skills training Promotion of student and staff mobilityPromotion of student and staff mobility Quality assuranceQuality assurance
DOCTORAL SCHOOL OF UL Main tasks: Maintains standards for doctoral studies across disciplines through regulations and codes of practiseMaintains standards for doctoral studies across disciplines through regulations and codes of practise Provides a range of support servicesProvides a range of support services Forms proposals of strategic issuesForms proposals of strategic issues Assembles generic coursesAssembles generic courses Coordinates international cooperationCoordinates international cooperation Established2007 Headmember of academic staff appointed by rector Office3 professional persons
Novel demands in new doctoral programs: Criteria for mentorsCriteria for mentors Criteria for course coordinators and lecturersCriteria for course coordinators and lecturers Strict requirement for doctoral students to publish results of their researchStrict requirement for doctoral students to publish results of their research
Some renovated doctoral programs at UL Type of programTitleNo. of faculties involved Comprehensive interdisciplinary program Biomedicine Humanistic and Social Sciences Environmental protection Statistics 3+2 faculties + 3 national institutes 2 +3 faculties + individuals form others 13 faculties 7 faculties InterdisciplinaryLife Sciences1 faculty with cooperation with other faculties in certain scientific areas Faculty programs ( cooperation with individual lecturers from other faculties) Mathematics and Physics Economy and Business Law Architecture Built environment Joint programs (international)Social Work Maritime Affairs and Traffic 5 universities 4-5 universities
Doctoral program in Biomedicine Comprehensive interdisciplinary program, organized by 5 faculties, members of UL and 3 national research institutes, not members of UL. Program leads to the degree of Doctor of Science in the following scientific fields: - Biochemistry and Molecular biology - Pharmacy - Genetics - Clinical Biochemistry and Laboratory Biomedicine - Basic Medicine - Clinical Medicine - Microbiology - Social Medicine - Toxicology - Veterinary Medicine Program operates through program council, consisting of representative members of all cooperating faculties and institutes.
Types of courses in Biomedicine Program is composed of three types of courses: Obligatory courses (13 courses, modular structure, 10 ECTS / module)Obligatory courses (13 courses, modular structure, 10 ECTS / module) Elective theoretical courses (around 150, 5 or 10 ECTS)Elective theoretical courses (around 150, 5 or 10 ECTS) Elective individual research courses (around 160, 5 or 10 ECTS corresponding to 3 or 6 weeks of laboratory work)Elective individual research courses (around 160, 5 or 10 ECTS corresponding to 3 or 6 weeks of laboratory work)