INFORMATION SOCIETY DEVELOPMENT IN THE REPUBLIC OF BULGARIA “Information Society perspectives in South-Eastern Europe” Thessaloniki, 29 & 30 June 2001
ACCELERATE THE PUTTING IN PLACE OF THE BASIC BUILDING BLOCKS FOR IS Strategy & National Programme for IS development Coordinating mechanism Legislative & regulatory framework
Strategy for IS development - goals preparation and adoption of a complete legal framework, rules and procedures for provision of services, for living and working in the Information Society ensuring for all citizens equal access to modern, efficient and high-quality telecommunications and information services, as well as equal opportunities for acquiring skills for their use creation of a new living and working environment through wide use of ICT in the public, political, economic and cultural sphere
Information Society Strategy Strategy and National Program for IS development adopted October 1999 Telecommunications sector policy National Strategy for ICT education Program on application of advanced information and management technologies in the administration National strategy for promotion of small and medium enterprises Strategy for development of High-Technology activities in Bulgaria National Strategy on Electronic Commerce
Coordinating mechanism
Legal framework Telecommunications Law (1998) Law on Radio and Television (1998) Law on National Standardisation (1999) Law on Access to Public Information Law on copyright and neighbouring rights Law on Statistics (1999) Law on Small and Medium Enterprises (1999) Law on Electronic Document and Electronic Signature ( March 2001) draft Law on High-Technology Parks and High-Technology Activities draft Law on the Protection of Personal Data
A CHEAPER, FASTER, SECURE INTERNET a modern digital transit & international telecommunication infrastructure three mobile phone operators - above subscribers more than 200 ISPs cable TV penetration is high enough mobile Internet is still in its infancy Internet users (end 2000)
Browsing the Internet FROM WHERE From the office 35,4% From home 23,8% From Internet clubs29,9% From elsewhere33,5% Source: Vitosha Research
INVESTING IN PEOPLE AND SKILLS Awareness building, education and support for SMEs: National Education and Scientific Information Network Centre for Promotion of the IS Small and Medium Enterprises
Action plan for the development of SMEs ( ): support of SMEs through ensuring information connections to the global trade and other networks in existing and new information regional centers establishment of a network of specialised incubators with the aim to create conditions for development of highly effective SMEs based on own resources and intellectual property setting up and enlargement of the regional training centers for support of SMEs development and training of managers of SMEs
STIMULATE THE USE OF THE INTERNET Internet applications and content –web site of the Bulgarian Government - access to official documents & legislative initiatives –web pages of state institution - access to public information & public discussion –virtual shops – business transactions through electronic environment – Bulgarian culture by electronic means –Locally relevant content
The final goal to remove the existing barriers to create internationally compatible framework for IS to facilitate the national integration in the global digital economy Citizens “Netizens”
Contacts Ministry of Transport and Communications 6, Gurko Str., Sofia 1000, Republic of Bulgaria Nelly Stoyanova Head of Sector "Information Society” Tel +(359 2) Fax +(359 2)