Foundation Knowledge Identify The Problem Explore Interpretations & Connections Prioritize Alternatives Envision Strategic Innovation Confused Fact Finder Biased Jumper Perpetual Analyzer Pragmatic Performer Strategic Re-visioner Distinguish relevant & irrelevant Information Read conflicting opinions Relate assumptions & biases Analyze pros & cons Prioritize issues and information Justify assumptions Articulate vision Reinterpret information Steps for Better Thinking Performance Patterns, Developmental Framework for Critical Thinking ObservationInterpretation Judgment Planning Steps in Critical Thinking Performance Patterns Interventions Step 1Step 2Step 3Step 4
Computer – Sketch Recognition Foundation Knowledge: Stroke, Sezgin Method, Yu Method Which primitive (or group) is this stroke? Line, Arc, Ellipse Precedence, Error, Tolerance What about a Rubine gesture? Foundation Knowledge Identify The Problem Explore Interpretations & Connections Prioritize Alternatives Envision Strategic Innovation ObservationInterpretation Judgment Planning
Computer – Sketch Recognition Foundation Knowledge: Stroke, Rubine Method, Sezgin Method, Yu Method Which primitive (or group) or gesture is this stroke? Line, Arc, Ellipse, RGesture1, RGesture2 Precedence, Error, Tolerance What about combination of strokes? May change lower level interpretations… geometric context Foundation Knowledge Identify The Problem Explore Interpretations & Connections Prioritize Alternatives Envision Strategic Innovation ObservationInterpretation Judgment Planning
US Foundation Knowledge: Stroke, Sezgin Method, Yu Method Which primitive (or group) is this stroke? Line, Arc, Ellipse Precedence, Error, Tolerance What about a Rubine gesture? Foundation Knowledge Identify The Problem Explore Interpretations & Connections Prioritize Alternatives Envision Strategic Innovation ObservationInterpretation Judgment Planning
Recognizing a Line Foundation Knowledge: Stroke, Sezgin Method, Yu Method, Geometry How do we find *line* tolerance & error Options: –Least-squares error from endpoints: + Uses endpoints - Endpoint tails not removed - Error may be larger than true error –Least-square error with best fit line: + Find best-fitting line - Doesn’t necessarily use perceptually important start & end points + Can remove non-perceptually important tails –feature area: + In theory, can be compared to other shapes - Confusing - Value not apparent ? Smaller range –ratio: euclidean length/stroke length: + Easy to calculate + Uses perceptually important start & end point - Endpoint tails not removed Doesn’t differentiate between one point being far away and several points being near - Bigger range so harder to figure out a good threshold –Least-squares error using best fit, but then use endpoints - Error not same as what is chosen + Error is more representative of line + Perceptually important endpoints Foundation Knowledge Identify The Problem Explore Interpretations & Connections Prioritize Alternatives Envision Strategic Innovation ObservationInterpretation Judgment Planning