1 MAGISTER-P: A 6 URS Parallel Haptic Device with Open Control Architecture J. M. Sabater Miguel Hernández University Elche, Alicante (Spain)
2 Introduction Definitions: Haptic Display: Haptic Display: A device configured to provide haptic information to a human is called a haptic display. Impedance Display.- Impedance Display.- A mechanical device which is configured to render a commanded force while providing a measurement of its position and/or velocity. Admittance Display.- Admittance Display.- A device configured to track a commanded position or velocity while providing a measurement of force is called an admittance display. Parallel Platform: 6 URS Parallel-Platform: 6 URS Parallel-Platform: Parallel platform whose kinematics chains are composed by a Universal joint, an articulated parallelogram with a Rotational driven joint, and a Spherical joint.
3 Parallel Platforms as haptic devices Advantages: Low Inertia High stiffness Low friction Gravitationnal counterbalancing High ratio load/power work as admittance Easy construction Disadvantages: Small workspace Difficult control Numerical dinamic model Difficult real-time implementation transparency
4 Features: 6 dof with large workspace. Low friction and sensed inertia. Open control architecture with C-interface Cable transmission without gears. Transmission rate= 13 High bandwidth Work Modes. As Impedance Display As Admittance Display Aluminium structure with low weight. Hardware architecture Pc controlled multi-axis board DC motors
5 Theoretical Frame for kinematics algorithms Geometrical Model Multibody Theory: Constraint Vector
6 Inverse Kinematics Geometrical Solution: Geometrical Solution: The movement of the device is defined by the time variation of C angle between the even and odd links. A reference system must be assigned to each link. Auxiliar reference system: Geometrical Model
7 Inverse Kinematics (ii) Even links reference system: Odd links reference system: are obtained by a rotation ofaround vector are obtained rotatingthe vectoraround
8 Forward Kinematics Multibody theory: Constraint vector of a 6 URS parallel platform Newton-Raphson method
9 Simulations of an Impedance Display
10 MAGISTER-P: Control Modes Open loop: Position loop:
11 Force - Position experiment